Status: Active

The Way I Love You

Chapter Three: Ed Sheeran and Maccas

A/N: This chapter is dedicated to @ElisaArcara on Twitter because she told me to do the Ed concert thing so yeah. I appreciate any feedback you have so shoot at me.

The Way I Love You

~Chapter Three~

It has almost been a whole month since you met Niall. It would be fair to say that ‘One Direction’ has crept up onto your favourites list. Their album may have not been on replay, but meeting Niall definitely has been. It was rather unbelievable really. Meeting a celebrity that you had no idea existed even though Cara had been raving about the band all through the term. You guess that was a good thing because knowing you, you would’ve fangirled really, really hard if you knew that he was Niall Horan of One Direction, and you recently learnt that he didn’t like fans breaking down infront of him. Regularly texting Niall resulted in you getting a hold of the other boys’ numbers through a polite request, but you haven’t texted them yet. You figured it probably would be really creepy if you were a celebrity and you got a random text from a fan you never met. You and Niall often share a ‘Good Morning’ text and a ‘Good Night’ text. He told you he’s on tour at the moment, and they’re busy. Fair enough. You don’t really except anything of him, because you two are just friends. You haven’t even seen him ever since that morning at DoDo’s. Holidays are almost over, and the thought of school creeping in is making you feel nauseous, although you did want to see Cara and the lot who went to Paris. You were hoping to see Niall soon. You kind of missed him.


Unfortunately there is only one short week left of these holidays. Cara came back from Paris yesterday, jetlagged and worn out, but she said it was amazing and that Paris was beautiful. You bet. You and Cara are going to Ed Sheeran tonight, thanks to the tickets that her mum managed to grab before they sold out completely. Cara arrived at your house earlier and now you two are getting ready. Much to your relief, she is sleeping over after the concert, which will be the perfect opportunity for you to find out all about her holiday and she can find out about yours. Cara is really, really pretty. There have been many instances where, for a fleeting second, you wished you were her because she was so stunning. Anything looks good on Cara. She is definitely model material. Tonight she will wear a white tank top with a union jack coloured paw printed in the middle, for Ed, and some black shorts. Her blonde hair is straightened, letting the attention be drawn onto her sparkling blue eyes. A bit brighter than Niall’s, but his ones were a whole new story. You are wearing a black tank top, with a white paw in the middle, and some white denim shorts. Your brown hair is pulled back in a messy ponytail. You decide to scrap the make-up. When things get hot and stuffy, the worst thing you could’ve done earlier was put make-up.
Tonight you see Ed Sheeran live. Tonight is the night you have been saving up all holidays for. You tell Cara about Niall, and she almost passed out. The next thing you know, she starts blabbing about the boys and how hot Harry is. You give her Niall’s number but you warn her to not spam him or be all creepy and stalker-ish because you weren’t sure if Niall would appreciate you giving his number away. You were ready to go. Ticket held tightly in one hand, phone in the other, and camera around the neck. Ed Sheeran, here you go.


You were outside the venue, where you couldn’t see too far ahead of you as there were a whole herd of people trying to get in the stadium.
“Steph, I actually can not believe we are seeing Ed Sheeran live oh my God I am shaking.” Cara says, shivering next to you.
“I know I can’t believe it either.” You reply, clinging on to her as you try to get through the crowd to the door. There was a complete change in the atmosphere once you entered the arena. Outside, it’s a bit windy, and the people are all calm, wanting to all get inside. Inside, the air is thick, the people are fangirling and screaming and crying and shouting “Ed, we love you!”, and there’s no space to think. It was awesome. Adrenaline is pumping in your veins.
You two got the two seats in the middle of the front row. They were costly, but all is worth it if you get to see you idol perform live. There were lights that shone on a big stage with all the instruments set up. You assumed that they would turn on the coloured lights once Ed came on.
“Steph...” It sounded like Cara was fazed out.
“Yeah?” You turn to face her. She was flushed on both cheeks, probably due to the amount of body heat that was radiating from you.
“Steph...” She repeats, her eyes were wide with shock.
“What? What happened?” You ask loudly, over the other voices. You couldn’t even hear yourself over the noise.
‘Why didn’t you tell me One Direction were coming as well?!”

You turn around to where Cara was staring at and notice five boys walk through the doors at the back of the arena, ushered by a tight wall of security. Girls started screaming and throwing themselves over the barriers to touch the boys. They walked down the aisle to the front row, where you were. Cara started to shake rather violently.
“Oh my gosh, Steph why didn’t you tell me that One Direction were coming here as well?!” she demanded, although there wasn’t any trace of anger in her voice.
“I didn’t know they were! Calm, the boys don’t like it when you fangirl infront of them. Sit.” you add quickly before the boys pass your row. But they don’t. Instead, they come into your row and sit next to Cara. All the swear words you knew were being repeated in your mind over and over until you couldn’t think of any new ones. You catch Niall’s eyes, and he breaks into an immediate smile.
“Steph!” he waves.
“Niall!” you wave back, grinning as mad as ever. Niall introduces you to the other boys and you introduce Cara to them. Man, they looked way more handsome in real life compared to the pictures you saw on Tumblr, even the highly photoshopped ones. Liam wore a gray t-shirt and black jeans. Louis wore a red striped t-shirt and some trackpants from Hollister. You give him a weird look but he pokes his tongue back at you. Harry was sporting a navy-blue v-neck with some gray trousers. Niall wore a maroon tank top and some loose gray trackies. Hot. Zayn wore a white tank top revealing his muscles and tattoos. And some loose brown cargos. Cara probably died inside. You give each other a welcome hug. Hug Liam. Hug Louis. Hug Harry. He blows into your ear. You shoot him an I-Will-Get-You-Back-Look. Hug Zayn. You can feel the arm muscles as he wraps them around you. Damn. Hug Niall. He kisses your hair.
“It’s nice to see you again, Steph.” He grins, running a hand through his hair. You blush a little bit.
“Same with you Niall.”
Cara was talking to Harry, and he was laughing along. She’s so smooth with the guys; it always makes you wonder exactly how she does it so well. The lights turn off to leave a main light shining onstage where Ed came out from the platform underneath with his guitar strapped to him. You and Cara do a fair share of screaming too, and the boys stood there, enjoying a concert without being the ones performing. Ed sang, and the crowd sang back fervently. Your emotions got the better of you during A Team, Small Bump and Autumn Leaves. Exactly how someone can have such a strong yet, humble voice will always continue to amaze you. You also took heaps and heaps of photos. Most of them were the boys goofing around, but also some of Ed and his guitar. Now, you have some more photos for your wall. It was amazing, and Ed looked amazing too. The concert was beyond amazing, and Ed gave a cheeky shoutout to the boys, which created a whole series of screaming from the crowd.
“It’s crazy isn’t it?” Niall tries to say over all the noise.
“Totally!” You scream back, plugging your index finger into your ears so you could hear yourself. The concert ends with Ed doing a heart-rending cover of ‘Moments’. The crowd sang back and it was truly beautiful even though it was mostly screaming.

You and Cara left the arena with the boys, sweaty, but grinning from ear to ear. It was 10.30pm and you were hungry.
‘Cara, shall we pop into Maccas before going back to my place?” You turn to face her, but instead you see her talking to Styles. Seriously, that woman is unstoppable. You frown and turn around.
“Steph? You wanted to go to Maccas?” Louis asked. He was all sweaty too. Smelly and sweaty.
“Yeah.” You smile sheepishly. You sincerely hope that it didn’t make you sound fat.
“Why don’t you come with us on the tour bus and we can order Maccas?” Harry suggested. It wasn’t surprising that he wanted to be with Cara for a little longer. She looks at you with puppy eyes. A cheeky thing she is, for she knows that you can’t resist them.
“Sure!” You exclaim, earning a wide grin on Harry’s face. You follow Liam to the tour bus and pile inside. It was a bit crammed, with random things strewn here and there, but you all managed to squeeze into the ‘lounge’ area.
“So, dropping the bomb, are you fans?” Liam asks, as he turns the television on. The bus begins to move and you guess that Paul is driving. You did do your research.
“Of course!” Cara exclaims, sitting on Harry’s lap.
“Ah, I see.” Niall looks at you, judging that you didn’t know of their existence when you first met.
“Yeah!” you add on, poking your tongue at Niall.
“So, tell us about yourselves.” Louis hands you the television remote, pretending that it was a microphone. It was miraculous that these boys would want to know about you and your ways.
“Well, my name is Steph Wembley, I am eighteen and I hate cranberries. Oh, and I want to meet The Fray.” you say, reciting your ‘introductory speech’ that you use every time.
“But cranberries are nice!” Niall argues, his eyebrows furrowed with confusion.
“Sorry, can’t stand the taste of them.” you reply, turning your head like a snob. Then you turn your head back to face Niall and start chuckling. He chuckles too.
“And, my name is Cara Simmons and I’m eighteen. I’m single.” she blurts, looking at Harry. A sly smile plays on his lips.
“Are you single, Steph?” Zayn asks. According to your memory, that was the first time he had ever spoken to you. Everyone turns to face you. Except for Paul of course. It wouldn’t be too wise of an idea to turn away from the wheel, especially when driving a giant like this.
“I’ve never dated anyone.” You answer truthfully, staring back into his honey-brown eyes which were burning a hole into yours. From the corner of your eye, you notice Cara’s mouth drop, unimpressed that they had gone to the extent of discussing this ‘touchy’ subject.
“Guys! We’re at the drive through!” Paul shouts, breaking the awkward silence. Your eyes were still on Zayn and Zayn’s eyes were still on yours.
“I’ll order.” Niall hops us from his seat elatedly.
“Oh no! Knowing you, Niall, you’re gonna order the whole shop! Let me come and moderate this.” Liam says, following behind, hot on Niall’s heels, to the front where Paul rolled down the window.
“I’m coming too!” Louis screams, running after them. Harry and Cara go too, leaving you and Zayn still focused on each other. He breaks the gaze.
“I’m sorry if I offended you in anyway.” He apologizes, staring into the ground.
“No, its okay,” You shrug. “I’m not pretty enough to get a boyfriend anyway.” You add on, chuckling dryly at your own joke.
Zayn shifts his gaze back to you. “No, I think you’re really pretty.” He says rather quietly.
You blush almost instantly. If there was a scarf of some sort, you would’ve completely hidden your face behind it already. You feel his eyes burning a hole in your cheek.
“Food!” Niall comes running back to us with a bag of Maccas, shortly followed by the rest who are also each carrying a bag. They lay the food out on the table and eat, cramming their faces with grease and sodium.

“I’m at a payphone, trying to call home, all of my change I spent on you” your ringtone goes off and to your embarrassment, you left the sound quite loud too. It’s almost 12 and your mom was calling. You accept her call and tell her that you and Cara were at a ‘friend’s’ house and that you would be late to come home.
“Why don’t you guys stay here for the night?” Harry asked, quietly so Mom wouldn’t hear and work out that it was a guy ‘friend’. “There’s enough room.”
You ask your mom politely if you can stay the night.
“Will you be sensible?! No drugs, no sex, no alcohol?” She automatically refers to her ‘rule’ for you staying over at someone else’s.
“Yes, Mom. I will.” you answer.
“Well, be back tomorrow morning, or at least send me a text okay?”
“Thanks Mom! Love you, mwah! Bye!”
She hangs up on you. Harry and Cara are grinning like a pair of Cheshire cats.
“Harry Styles, I expect that I won’t have to sleep on the floor?!” You ask, not meaning to sound rude at all, but when you did have a look at the bus, there didn’t seem to be much space to house any more people than it was already housing.
“Um.... Well.... We don’t exactly have enough beds for you two... but Cara can bunk with me!” He adds. You shoot him a rather dirty look.
“And I will have to sleep on the couch?!”
“Steph can share with me!” Louis exclaims.
“No, with me!” Liam points to himself.
“Excuse me; let’s not forget that I met Steph first, so therefore, it’s me!” Niall grins proudly. They argue on top of each other, pulling out their bag of brags to impress you.
“I’ll share with Zayn,” you blurt, “if that’s okay with him.”
You can tell that Zayn was a bit bewildered, but he nodded. ‘Sure’
Louis was pissed that he didn’t win and Liam laughing at Louis for not winning. And Niall seemed a bit sour. Weird bunch.

After finishing up the Maccas, the boys went off to their bunks, and not to your surprise or anyone else’s, they were single sized.
Liam’s bunk was on top of Harry’s. Zayn’s on top of Niall’s. And Louis’s on top of Paul. Poor child. Harry and Cara were snuggled up. There was no doubt that they would be a couple soon, with Cara’s moves and Harry’s charm. You clamber up to Zayn’s bunk first, moving to the side so there was space for him to climb in. There was only one pillow for both heads to share. Zayn silently acknowledges this, and shifts some of over to your side. You smile and rest your head on one side of the pillow. Zayn did the same on the other side. There was not that much space on the tiny bed and it startles you to think about how it was possible to sleep on those things for months and months on tour. You and Zayn are crammed together under a thin white duvet. He smelt like apples. Someone had too much apple pie, you think.
“Good Night, Zayn.” You say, your face barely an inch away from his. He had his eyes closed, and boy, he looked handsome as hell. He opens his eyes, and it melts into your green ones. He places his lips on your forehead and gives it a kiss.
“Good Night, Steph.”

You fall asleep, realizing exactly how lucky you were. You met Niall Horan and got his number. Then you met the whole of One Direction at a concert. Got onto their tour bus for no reason. Had Zayn Malik tell you he thought you were pretty, although you are unsure to whether as that one counts or not because he might have just said it to make you feel better. Regardless, you had a meal with the band. And now, you’re having a sleepover with them and sharing a bed with Zayn Malik. Wow. What a lucky bitch.

A/N: Well, here it is. My shoulders hurt so bad.
Until next time.
Song Recommendation: ‘That Should Be Me’ by Justin Bieber