Status: Active

The Way I Love You

Chapter Four: Zayn

A/N: Hai Hai. This is short and crappy and there’s some sloppy stuff in here which I’m no good at writing

The Way I Love You

~Chapter Four~

You don’t need any sort of fancy alarm to wake you up because Niall happily volunteered to blow in your ear.
“Niall, I swear I’m going to get you back.” You whisper to him, aware that Zayn was still sleeping. You couldn’t remember him sleeping with his shirt off, but maybe it got too hot underneath the blanket last night and he had to remove it. You couldn’t blame him. Two times the normal body heat radiating within the same space would put anyone off.
“So, how was sleeping with Zayn? Did you do anything?” Niall whispers back to you, giving you a dubious look.
Your eyes widen. “Niall!”
He sniggers down the small walkway and disappears around the corner. You were a total mess. Your brown hair untamed, sticking out in odd angles and somehow without your acknowledgement, your tank top rolled up to halfway up your stomach.
You steal a glance at Zayn, noticing how precious his sleeping face looked. He was perfect. You find your own face about a millimetre away from his, and you swear you were about to leave a kiss on those pink lips, but then his eyes shot open. You move back, startled, but he was probably more startled than you.
“Morning, Steph.” He grins. “I could feel your breath.”
You flush like an apple, probably worse. “Sorry...” Subconsciously, you start to play with the sides of the blanket, twisting and grasping it hard. Stress relieving.
You shift your eyes back to meet his. A complex display of honey-brown kills you every time. “Yeah?”
“If you want a kiss, you just have to ask.” And before you could respond, or even think of one, his lips meet yours and your head combusted. You had butterflies in your stomach, no, a better way to phrase that would be, you had bees in your stomach, and there was a bird flapping its wings in your heart.
“I need to go to the bathroom.” You make a lame excuse to leave, stumbling off the ladder to make your way to the compact tour bus bathroom. Yet again, it fascinated you how it was possible to use such a small facility. You lock the door and sit down on the toilet seat without removing your shorts. You giggle. And giggle and giggle, until Niall calls for breakfast.


“Why so happy Steph?” Curious Cara inquires, as you sit around the small table with your bowl of cornflakes. She has noticed you giggling, which wouldn’t be too unpredictable because after all, she was your best friend and she knew you inside out.
“Nothing too major, don’t worry.” You shoot her an I-Will-Spill-Later look. She grins and scoops a large spoon of the crunch into her mouth. The supernatural thing about Cara was that she could eat all she wanted, and never gain anything. This only represented another tick on the requirements of being a model, which you and Cara always go on about because instead of being a model, she wants to be a make-up artist.
Liam was watching the news with Louis and Niall was sitting next to you, looking at something on his phone. Harry and Cara sat together, chatting about whatever they chat about and as for Zayn, where was he? Right at the moment, he walks in, shirtless. You turn around, not wanting to stare, but he comes to sit on the other side of you.
“Good morning lads, Cara, and to you again, Steph.” He chuckles and pours himself some cornflakes.
You smile at him, earning a weird look from Niall. “What did you two get up to last
“Nothing.” You and Zayn remark at the same time, which was ultimately the truth. What would you two have to do anyway? Niall seemed rather sour this morning. It would be an insult to not say he was on his man period.
“Don't be a sourpuss.” You whine, pecking his cheek. His face lights up.
“Hey! I want a kiss too!” Louis exclaims, rushing over to you with his arms outstretched, hinting that a hug would have to be involved as well. You chuckle and plant a peck on his cheek, same with Liam, and give another to Niall. He seemed very pleased. You didn’t need to give any to Harry because Cara could smother him with those. You stop at Zayn. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to give him a peck; it was that you wanted to peck him on the lips, not on the cheek. This isn’t a new thing for you. Although you admitted that you had never had much of a boyfriend, it doesn’t mean you have never kissed anyone. Your first kiss, if you recall properly, was in sixth grade, when Cara dared you to kiss Connor Fountain, the popular boy, and to your surprise, he let you. You couldn’t remember that much of it because that was ages ago.
You resist the urge, and simply gave Zayn a millisecond peck on the cheek. He grins and pecks you back. You feel Niall tense up beside you, maybe his man period is taking its toll.


Paul drops you and Cara back to your homes. The boys were scheduled for interviews, and you had to get home before your mom throws a fit. You lie down on your bed, and process everything that took place in the last 48 hours.

“Stand tall, I’ll follow you this time.” Your customised message tone, which you created using a line of The Fray’s song “1961” went off. It was a text from Zayn.

From: Zayn

:) x

You reply, feeling unnaturally happy.

To: Zayn

:) xo

‘Stand tall, I’ll follow you this time.’ It was a text from Niall.

From: Niall

the interview is boring :( what are ya upta?

To: Niall

thinking about you haha

A/N: Don’t hate on me. What do you think happens next?!
Till chapter five bby.
Song Recommendation: ‘This Love’ by Maroon 5