Status: Active

The Way I Love You

Chapter Six: Cookies and other things

A/N: Hello I love you all regardless if you love me back or not.

The Way I Love You

~Chapter Six~

The tension hanging heavy in the room was so thick, you could’ve sworn that if you had a knife, you would’ve cut it right down the middle. You feel Niall tense up, and stare at you waiting for you to say something. Anything at all.
You had nothing to say.
Liam and Louis have their mouths dropped in the formation of an 'o' and Harry was grinning. He was very pleased with his dare. Zayn flickers his eyes to you, patiently asking a silent question, and searching for the answer.
You feel a rush of blood to your cheeks.
“Go on Zayn! It's a dare.” Harry says, softly shoving Zayn from his back. Zayn was still searching your eyes for an answer. The silence is relatively uncomfortable and Niall’s hard gaze was not helping with the situation either.

‘Ding ding!’ The timer for the cookies!
You spring from your legs and dash to the kitchen, feeling extremely grateful that Niall made you put the timer on because he didn’t want burnt cookies. The boys were still in the lounge, probably a bit confused about what will happen next. You remove the scorching tray from the oven with a mitt, and place it on the counter top. Leaning back on the bench, you organize your thoughts in your head. Were you about to make out with Zayn Malik? Is that even possible? Has fate chosen for you to evade this one on purpose? Or were you just being a wimp? And what was up with Niall and has hard looks? Harry played it extreme this time, didn’t he?
You were so carried away with thinking about what happened earlier, that you accidently place your hand on the tray. An unmerciful hissing sound emits from the tray and you are attacked by a sting on your hand.
“Ow!” you shriek rather loudly, clumsily flinging your hand off the tray and shaking it in the air, hoping that it won't sting that much. An interesting question would be; how does flapping your hand in the air like an insane human flyswatter help ease pain at all?
“Steph? What happened?” The boys come rushing in.
“This...” you stop shaking your hand and show them. It looked considerably uneasy.
“Be careful Steph! Run it under water, hurry!” Niall grabs your hand and runs it under a running tap. He seemed the most worried, but damn, that cooling sensation was satisfying.
“I'll handle this, you guys can go back.” Niall says to the boys, turning back around to tend to your hand. The boys leave and Liam and Louis get back at discussing their Mario Princess Peach affairs.
Niall was being all ‘massage-like’ and moving his thumb in circles on your palm, over the burnt area.
“Um, I think my hand is alright now.”
He notices that you’re staring at his thumb, and he blushes before turning the tap off. You smile and pat-dry your hand on a hand towel. The awkward atmosphere in the house had quickly switched to a rather violent one, thanks to Louis shouting at the show host of the programme they were engaged in.
“Steph?” Niall had seated himself on a stool by the island. His eyes were focused on his own twiddling thumbs.
“Can I ask you a question?”
You pile the cookies in a plastic container. “Is it appropriate?” you chuckle. “Of course you can, Niall.”
“Um, well...” He seemed nervous about it.
You sit yourself on the stool directly opposite his one and you thought you could help him by looking him in the eyes. Once again, you were taken aback by the beauty of them.
“You know before? The dare that Harry gave to Zayn?”
Naturally, you feel an unpleasant, wrenching sensation in your stomach.
“Did you want to though? You know, make out with Zayn?” He finally puts his words out.
It was an icky situation, with your heart tugging at ‘Yes!’ but your mind urging you towards ‘No!’ for the sake of Niall. Things didn’t make much sense though. Why would Niall care about what you and Zayn do anyway? Has he gone into the pit of love?
No. He can’t have.

You tell yourself to answer with the truth; yes. But Niall's eyes seemed so distant, and he looked like he was going to fume any second. You can’t say that. No, you couldn't bring yourself to make Niall sad.
“Nah.” you reply easily, shaking off your thoughts about telling the truth. White lies will usually make things better, right?
Niall instantly smiles, and the whole room seems to light up with his happiness. You smile and hop off the stool, having finished with the cookies. A cloud of guilty hangs over you.


The lads order a mountain of pizza for dinner and devour it completely before you even got to your 3rd slice. A day with the boys has taught you, that despite the fact they were massive celebrities, they were still human.
Paul came to pick them up at 9pm.
You give each of them a massive hug and a peck, Niall also receiving a container filled with some of the cookies. They said they had a good time at yours, and to be ready because they might pop in again any day. You find this quite funny because they’d probably be too busy with their interviews and shows to even reply to your texts, yet come to your house. Harry kept asking you stuff about Cara. You’re watching that space from now on; a couple in the making. Zayn gives you a kiss on the forehead before they leave, provoking Niall to give you one too.
Having returned the favour, you wave from your porch as the big black bus dissolves into the dark.

A/N: I’m running out of cola.
Do you ship Zeph or Stiall??
-KebabWoman (loves you)
Song Recommendation: ‘The View From Here’ by We The Kings