Status: Active; Trying To Update As Much As Possible

Coffee Shop Soundtrack

Chapter 3: I'm Still Waiting

Alex's P.O.V.

I was outside watching the guys and Jessica run around the lot, playing football. My eyes trailed on her as she ran around, this girl clearly liked to roll with the boys and she could take the hits too. I watched her jump around as she made a touchdown on the grass, her black hat nearly falling off her head. I swear either I was going to make myself crazy or she was going to end up driving me insane, in more ways than one.

A scream snapped me back to reality as I saw Jess lifted up and over some one's shoulder. "MATT! PUT ME DOWN! MAAAATTT! No, don't help him. GUYS! COME ON!" and soon enough she was being carried around by the entire group. "Josh?" she asked hopefully, eyeing her brother. He smirked and shook his head. I was watching the entire scene play out, and I was laughing the entire time. "SHUT IT GASKARTH!" she yelled at me across the parking lot. I shook my head and kept on laughing.

Suddenly, I saw her eyes light up and a devilish smirk cross her face. In a flash she back flipped off of the group holding her up and she took off running. Damn, the girl was flexible, and that is a talent she could use. I really needed to stop thinking like that. I watched Jessica's eyes widen as she looked over across the street, and my gaze followed hers only to land on an arena. I turned back to Jessica, her face lit up like a Christmas tree and she was hopping back and forth on the balls of her feet. Then once again she took off, bolting across the street. Everyone else groaned, clearly giving up on chasing her. Me being me though, I followed her. Some one had to keep an eye on her.

I walked in to find a single arena, boards and scratched plexi-glass surrounding the ice. Through the door and there stood Jessica, the lighting creating a halo around her blonde hair. She was banging on the glass, yelling something to those on the ice. Something was wrong though, the look on her face was not just a spur of annoyance at what was going on, no. I knew that look; I saw it every time Jack tried to hit on her. That's when I saw the guy beside her, talking to her. I was close enough that I could hear her say multiple times to leave her alone. Fuck it, I have to do something.

I walked over and slipped my arm around Jessica's waist, "You okay babe?" and her head whipped around, she looked about ready to slap me. The look on her face changed when she realized what I was doing, and decided to play along. "Yeah, I'm fine. The refs aren't going to be though, after these shitty calls." I smirkd at her "Come on, maybe you can actually teach me something while we're here." and I tugged her waist and we walked off, up in to the stands.

The minute we were out of sight and sitting down, her hand slapped mine off and she jerked away from me. She looked up at me, looking greatful. "Thank you." she said and I just shrugged. "There it goes again. Why won't you talk to me?" she asked, sounding aggrivated. Truth was, I couldn't form a sentence around her. This girl had the power to make me speechless, try hard as I might to deny it, she had me in the palm of her hand. I shrugged again, "What's the point when you don't like me anyway." I mumbled. "It's not like I hate you though, I just don't like people constantly staring holes in to me. Maybe if you'd talk a bit more and you know, actually had a conversation with me. That might change." with every word she was leaning closer, until she stopped right in front of my face. She smirked at me, biting her lip and looking incredibly sexy. Then she turned around to watch the game that was happening, acting like that hadn't just happened.

This girl... This girl was going to be the death of me.