Status: Active; Trying To Update As Much As Possible

Coffee Shop Soundtrack

Chapter 8: Lose Myself In A Chemical Moment

Jessica's P.O.V.

"NO! NO! SMOTHER IT! GODDAMIT LUONGO!" I was yelling at my iPhone, watching re-runs of old Canucks games. Why? Well I mean, I miss hockey, it's no fun without games to watch. "Oh God. She found the NHL network app." I didn't even have to turn around to know it was my brother. "Shut it Josh. I'm trying to watch the game." "The game you already know the outcome to." I rolled my eyes. "Doesn't matter." he shrugged, ignoring me and walking away. I was curled up in black skinnies and a Canucks jersey. I got up, throwing on my nearly-destoryed blue converse and plugging in my headphones to continue listening before I walked out the door.

My headphones were ripped from my ears and I looked up scowling. However my face softened when my blue eyes met honey ones. I wasn't going to yell, not at Alex. He didn't know or understand my hockey obsession. I saw the rest of the band behind him. "Whatcha doin?" "Watchin' old Canucks games. Care to join?" I asked like an innocent 5 year old. I saw Zack's eyes widen. I smirked a bit at that. He's had to sit through many hockey games with me. "Did you just not yell about hockey being interrupted?" "Zack, I'm not going to yell at people who don't know or understand. Remember how I didn't yell at you the first few games? Yeah, it's 'cause you guys clearly aren't canadians." I laughed out the last part.

I stood up, "Forget it, I know what happens anyway. Canucks take it 4-3 despite Luongo clearly being off his game." I stood up, brushing off and smoothing out my #27 Malhotra jersey. After all the thing was like my baby. It was my pride and joy. I loved wearing it. "Your attatchment to that jersey is unhealthy." Zack muttered, "In case you haven't heard Zacky, jerseys are sexy." "Yeah but you're obsessed." "You know what? attachment and obsession at least give me something. For me it is healthy because at least I'm attached to something that's actually here." I snapped.

My mood changed in the blink of an eye, spiraling south. He opened his mouth, about to give me some bullshit apology that usually ended with how I was emotionally unstable. "Just don't." I walked away, I was not in the mood for any of this shit today. Or any day for that matter.

Alex's P.O.V.

My first thought was to go after her. I was physically aching that I wasn't running after Jessica. I was also aching because I really wanted to hit Zack. Like, I wanted to break his face. I decided not to for two reasons. 1. Zack was bigger and stronger than I was. 2. Jessica would hate me if I hurt her best friend. So instead I stood there unusually quiet. was glaring at Zack though. He just had to push her buttons. I was just as confused though, I mean why would she just snap like that? Especially at Zack. I knew what it was like though, having those unstable feelings. Your mood will swing in so many directions and fast too. I was going to say something when some one else beat me to it.

"YOU'RE DEAD MERRICK!" and we turned to see Josh. He was angry, like really angry. Zack looked scared. Hell has no fury like that of an older brother. Especially when you've hurt his little sister. By now Josh was standing infront of Zack, looking murderous. "You had to say she's attached to it. Of course she's attached to it you moron, do you even fucking remember who gave it to her?!" I could feel my expression fall along with Zack's. "Thought so." and before he could do anything Josh walked off. Probably trying not to do something he'd regret. All the while Jack and Rian stood there completely and utterly confused.

I looked over and saw a flash of blue with blonde hair under a tree. I ran for it, making my way to Jessica. I sat down in front of her, causing her attention to snap to me. "Stupid question: are you okay?" she laughed a bit "Better now I guess. Sorry for snapping." "You have no reason to apologize, you know." that gave me all of her attention. "I get it, it's special to you." her eyes widened for a second before narrowing a bit "Josh..." she muttered and I laughed. "It's like all I have left. I can't even stand to look at those tags anymore." that's what caught me. I nodded, letting her go on. "I just, I feel guilty. But I can't just sit there and wait anymore. I have to get back up." I knew what she was going through. "So the jersey...?" I asked and she laughed a bit "The jersey makes me feel better because it's a piece of home. It's a Vancouver jersey, it brings me back home. It means more than just who gave it to me."

I was a bit shocked at that. So the attachment was to Vancouver. I've had my fair share of obsessions though. My latest one being the blonde beauty sitting in front of me. "So Gaskarth, I heard you've got a thing for blondes." My head jerked towards her. She laughed at the expression on my face. "Relax, I'm kidding. Although all your girlfriends have had blonde hair -thank you tumblr." she said smirking, "And let's forget that Jack has blonde in his hair too." I finally cracked and started laughing. "Sorry. I can't stand the pity-and-sadness party anymore." I smiled at her, I didn't pity her at all actually. I envied her. She was stronger than she gave herself credit for.

"So then what do you have a thing for?" I asked and she smirked at me "Me? Nothing. Just, you know, boys in bands." "Josh should be worried." "Naw. I'm a big girl." Jess stuck her tongue out at me revealing the bright silver barbel in the middle of it. "You coming to the party tonight?" I asked and her face lit up a bit. "Yeah. And I guess I'll see you there." she smirked that perfect fucking smirk of her's before getting up and walking off. Her hips perfectly in tune to the beat of her footsteps.

This was so much more than attraction or lust or any of that shit. This felt chemical because that girl made my blood go hot and my mind go numb. I was dizzy around her. That's what you get I guess when you fall for a girl like Jessica though, you get a chemical mess.
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A/N: Thank you guys so much. I'm honestly surprised how popular this story actually is and the comments you guys leave warm my heart. Here's an update, I have an idea planned and I'm gonna try to figure it out. Please keep reading. Comment, rate, and like the story preeeettty pleaaaaaaaasee? Love ya's.
Gossip Girl