Status: Active for all the Edward Cullen lovers!(;

One Place Changes It All

My Theory was right

I pulled up to my new home for the time being, I always loved big houses. I mean not to gloat about me being rich, just the space and the wonders of and adventure. Then there is my hope of a family, but I know it wasn't safe but I loved to see kids laughs fill rooms. It was my fairy tale dream though I lost my fairy tale when I died 86 years ago.

I was turned, into a feared monster that people make fairy tales about. I was wanted by the Volturi for my powers, I'll save that story for another time.

I got into my house, and looked around it was perfect for me the contrast of dark blue filled the room. I got movers to come in and do the modeling for me, at least they followed my designs. I walked up the stairs and into my bedroom it was my type of room, though I knew I wasn't going to use the bed.

I filled the rest of my day with adventuring the rest of the house, and the town. I got my 'lunch' from a deer, I stayed at my house till the next day.


The place I dreaded.

*£* Morning *£*

I dressed in better store after my shower, I slipped on black heels that had a pinch of gold added to it. I walked down stairs and into the kitchen, I whipped up my keys and twirled them on my freshly blood red painted nails.

I hopped into my Car, it was nice mustang were my favorite car and it was the only family I had left. I rammed the key into the ignition and it revived to life, I sped of to school, the speed limit was 40mph, but I loved fast so I went 70mph.

I turned on the radio and blasted (P!ATD - I write sins not tragedies) threw my car. All the people around me in cars whipped their attention to me. I zoomed past them, into a school parking lot of Forks High school.

I parked next to a Silver Volvo and turned the ignition off, sending the music off as well. I pushed my door open and slid on some black sunglasses that were laying in my car.

When I slipped out of my car, it was a dim rainy day which meant I didn't sparkle. All heads snapped towards me and I rolled my eyes when I heard their stupid comments.

I walked down the street and smirked at the body's of students.

"Take a picture it will last long!" I yelled to the teens when I passed them.

"Good idea, I need something to jack off to." I heard a snorted.

I whipped around and shouted, "And, you wonder why you don't get laid?" my laugh was dark and the people got quiet.

I walked into the main office inside the build, and came face to face with a chubby red head. She snapped her head in my direction an waved me over.

"Name?" she muttered.

"Adelle Bello." my Italian accent still visible.

She typed a few things on her desk top computer, and two papers shot out of the printer.

"Here is your schedule and tell you teachers to sign this and give it to me after school." she weakly smiled and dismissed me from her sight.

I looked at my schedule when I got into the hall way and smirked.

Calculus AP - 106
Mr. Crawford.

History AP - 303
Mrs. Gilbert

Biology AP - 400
Mr. Harrison


Art - 201
Ms. Medlock

Photography - 3
Mr. Genner

I ripped my eyes away from the paper and looked at the hall numbers till I found my Calculus class. I was fond of it just wasn't my subject, though I learned it all so.

I met Mrs. Gilbert, but she was a bore all I heard throughout out the class was born blah blehh blah. Though I did have a kid I think his name is Jasper, my idea is he is a Vampire but I won't say anything.


I showed up to my Bio class and recognised another pale teen, vampire. There must be a coven, either they work with the Volturi or they are against which I can't know anyway since I need to stay away. Or more concerns will be forced or even killed within their own home, in search of me.

"Ah, you must be Adelle." The teacher smiled.

No I am a fucking Michael Jackson! dumb ass "Yes, that is me" I smiled and greeted even though I wanted to slap him upside the head. I heard a slight laugh from the teen I was wondering about.

"Take seat by Mr. Cullen, I spare the intro." he pointed to the kid I assumed was pale teen.

I shuffled to the stool next to the Cullen kid, hmm the name suits him. Though I doubt that's his real name.

"Adelle, and you are?" I greeted.

"Edward, Edward Cullen." his eyes filled with amusement.

"mind reader I bet." I muttered to myself though no one could hear me unless they were vampires.

I haven't had a thought on blood till the second I sat still in my chair, I gripped the desk, it was a while I had been near a human and my skills were rusty.

"You ok?" I heard Edward whisper.

"yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I gave him my best fake smile.

"uh, well you are about to rip the desk off the ground." he pointed out.

I groaned and let go of me grip on the table, when the bell rang I rushed out of class.being the first one out of the door. I made my way to Lunch room and sat down at a table that was empty. I tried to sit still, though humans started to surround the table around me.

I focus out and tried to see if I could take Edward power if he has one. I focused on Edward and my eyes turned blank for just a second. As soon as I Knew it I heard thoughts coming from every one in the room.

"Damn, his power it giving me migraine"I groaned bu t low enough for me to hear, unless the Cullen table could hear.

Edward looked around frantically, I guess it's time to give it back. I reached into the back of my mind throwing out Edwards power, which travels safely back to his.

I groaned loudly, enough to get the whole cafeterias attention and all eyes we're on me in a second.

"Just a head ache, turn back to your own Damn business." I hissed at the group of students looking at me and I stumbled out of the cafe. my power drains a little, ok maybe 50% but I'll be fine.

I heard steps behind me, I got to my car and sat on the drivers seat, to look into 5 topaz eyes.

"May I help you?" I asked.

"What the hell was that?" a blonde girl asked.

"What was what?" I asked innocently.

"What happened to Edward I the cafeteria?" the sweet tone came from a girl that had pixie like features.

"So you are Vampires?" they all nodded.

"My power is I can take the power of a Vampire with my train of though." I smirked.

"That's cool." A brunette with curly hair grinned.

"Why did you do it to Edward then?" Jaspers tone was soft.

"I need to see if my theory was right, I am truly sorry though I saw you staring at me and laughing so I knew something was off." I smiled up t them.

"It's fine. I mean not everyone wants to slap a teach upside the head on they're first day, just meeting them." Edward smirked and I gave a toothy grin.

"Well, he didn't have to be so clueless." I laughed, then I remembered I could be with them or the Volturi as would...

"What about the Volturi?" Edward asked.

Well this is going to be a long day...
♠ ♠ ♠
First Edward Cullen story ,, I made a Emmett Cullen story but not a Edward. I do have to say he is way hot, I mean I just can't resist!!(; I hope you enjoy the first chapter!! :3

love you,

- Hannah