Status: First Zayn one-shot, be gentle

Heart Attack

"It's killing me, swear I never cried so much! Cause I never knew love would hurt this ***ing bad."

She threw her hands in the air in exasperation as she turned on her heel and headed for the door of the bathroom. Sara was done with the fighting, the bitching, the moaning, everything. Zayn was impossible; impossibly hard to get along with and even harder to fight with. He knew what buttons to press and when to press them.

“Sara, wait!” Zayn called after the petite girl.

She ignored him though because she was done with the fight. There was no use in trying to win with him, no matter what the fight was about, so she had given up. Slamming the door to the bathroom, she locked it before leaning against it and letting the tears that had been threatening to fall finally flow freely. Sara didn’t want to give Zayn that satisfaction that he had hurt her, that he had won the fight and emotionally scarred her. She wasn’t as good with her words as Zayn was; always thinking of something much better that she could have said when the fight was finally over. She pushed herself off the door and headed over to the claw-footed tub. A nice, relaxing bath is just what Sara needed especially after the stress the fight had caused. Running the bath water, Sara squeezed in a generous amount of lavender bubble bath before setting the bottle back on the floor beside the tub. She stripped of her clothes, letting them fall in pools around her, before pulling her hair up in a messy bun and stepping into the tub.

Zayn sighed as he heard the bath water running, knowing Sara was trying to de-stress after their intense fight. He pushed himself off the door and ran his hands through his usually well-kept hair. Another sigh escaped his lips as he headed for the door, deciding he’d better cool off downstairs while Sara did so upstairs. Zayn and Sara have been together for nearly four years. The first two were amazing, but it seems after that things just went sour. They fought constantly, one or the other of them was always crying; it seems like when they should be happy and smiling, there’s always tears threatening to fall from their eyes. Zayn reached the kitchen and headed over to the fridge. He opened it and grabbed a bottle of beer before shutting it and popping off the top with his arm; a trick Sara had taught him when they had first gotten together. He placed the bottle to his lips as he took a swig; his memories flashed in his mind as he did. Tears pricked his eyes as he pulled the bottle from his lips and sat it on the counter.

The hot water soothed Sara’s tense muscles as she started to relax even more. Her eyes were closed as she tried to focus on something relaxing instead of everything that had just happened. Finding nothing coming to mind except Zayn or memories she had with him, the good and the bad, she sighed and opened her eyes. A tear rolled down her cheek before dropping into the water. What happened between them? They used to be so happy. Now it’s like they both wanted out of their relationship, but neither wanted to be the one to do it. Sara loved Zayn, more than anything, but she couldn’t stand him; if that makes any sense at all.

‘Maybe I should break it off. Maybe we’d be a lot happier,’ Sara thought to herself.
Finally deciding that she was probably as de-stressed as she was going to get, not to mention the water was getting cold, Sara pulled the stopper out of the drain and stepped out of the tub. Grabbing a fluffy, white towel, Sara wrapped it around her frame and walked out of the bathroom.

“Can we talk?”

Zayn’s eyes scanned Sara’s scantily clad body as he waited for her response. She sighed as she made her way over to their closet.

“What about?” she asked as she stepped into the closet.

Zayn averted his eyes to the ground, “Us.”

He heard the sharp intake of breath from Sara, but didn’t call her out on it. Instead he waited for another response.

“What about us?” she asked.

Zayn looked up to see her pulling up her pajama bottoms as she stepped out of the closet. He swallowed hard as he took her features in; creamy skin, dark blue eyes that turned bright green when she cried, her medium length, chestnut brown hair that fell in waves around her face, full, plump lips, and her straight yet rounded at the tip nose. Zayn knew he loved her more than anything on this Earth, but he didn’t know what to do about all this fighting. Though something inside his head said he needed to end it, something in his heart told him to hang out.

“What do you want, Zay?” Sara asked, using an old nickname she had given him.

Zayn’s heart sang with glee, “I – I just…” he trailed off.

He couldn’t break up with her. He loved her, he was in love with her. Instead he crossed the room, placed his hands on each side of her neck and kissed her deeply. Sara’s heart pounded as Zayn’s lips connected with her own. A part of her wanted to snatch away and smack him, but the other wanted to wrap her arms around his neck and deepen the kiss. The second option won. Sara slipped her arms around Zayn’s neck as she ran her tongue across his bottom lip, begging him for entrance. He obliged by opening his mouth for her. Their tongues met and it was like lover’s reuniting after a long separation. Zayn’s tongue knew how to dance in rhythm with Sara’s. All Sara’s previous worries, stresses, angers, and fears flew out the window. The two continued to kiss as Zayn pulled Sara towards the bed. She didn't resist. She wanted it as much as he did.

Sara pushed Zayn back on the bed before climbing up the length of his body and straddling his hips. Her blue eyes met his brown ones. She could see the passion and love burning inside them. Zayn re-connected their lips and slid his hands up Sara’s tank top causing it to ride up as he did. Sara broke the kiss again to pull her top over her head and toss it to the floor. Zayn’s eyes scanned her body in admiration; she was the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen. Their lips connected again as Zayn slid his hands around to Sara’s back, fumbling with the clasp of her bra, and pulling it off her shoulders. He tossed it carelessly as he continued to kiss her. Flipping them over so he hovered over her, Zayn’s eyes met Sara’s once more.

“I’m so sorry, Sara,” he whispered.

Tears pricked her eyes as she pulled him down so their lips connected. He slid his hand inside her panties as his finger slid between her folds. A moan escaped Sara’s lips as he messaged her clit, sending waves of pleasure through her body. Zayn’s erection pressed hard against his jeans as he continued to pleasure Sara. Sara moaned once more as her hands started to push her panties along with her pants down. Zayn removed his hand before fumbling with the button of his jeans. Finally he had them unbuttoned; he shoved them down causing his erection to spring free. Sara bit her lip as their eyes met while Zayn positioned himself between her thighs. He started to kiss her neck as he thrusted into her, earning a load moan in response. Sara dug her nails into his shoulder as he slowly pulled out and thrusted back in. It had been a while since the two had been intimate and Sara craved the pleasure it brought her.

Zayn took Sara’s right nipple in his mouth, swirling his tongue around it, and gently sucking as he continued to thrust in and out. He removed his mouth from her nipple and kissed across her chest to her left one before taking it in his mouth and repeating the step. Sara’s moans were music to his ears as he gained speed, burying himself inside her, and pulling out only to slam back into her. Zayn moved his lips up to Sara’s neck as he kissed her flesh before nipping at it and gently sucking on it. A scream of pleasure erupted from Sara’s throat as Zayn hit her spot. He smirked against her skin before pulling out and ramming back in to hit the spot again.

Sara could feel her body building up to its peak. She bit Zayn’s neck gently earning a moan from his lips as she did. He slammed into her again, harder than before, causing Sara to scream with pleasure again. She knew a few more thrusts and she’d be push over the edge. She could tell Zayn was close as well. His speed quickened as he repeated hit her spot causing her to moan his name before the last thrust sent them both over the edge. Zayn fell beside her, panting, with a bead of sweat on his brow. She turned over to face him as she wrapped her arms around him, resting her head on his chest. Zayn wrapped his arms around her as he kissed her forehead,

“I’m sorry too, Zayn,” Sara whispered.

He tilted her head up so he could look her in the eyes, “I love you.”

She smiled up at him before pressing her lips to his, “I love you too.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so I finally finished this!
Geez! Anyways, I really don't like the ending, but I SUCK at ending one-shots so I hope it isn't too terribly bad.
Please tell me what you think.