

In a hearth, where a glowing fire flickered vigorously and wildly, there was a single blue spark amongst a field of red. Like it's companions, it licked at the wood with greed, and brought itself to ever growing heights. It danced a dance like no other, more unique and more beautiful than all the rest. However, as the fire within lingered on, begging for it's light to last just a bit longer, the blue flame's dance became unbalanced and it tumbled against its brethren.

They clashed together in a fiery hot twist, sparks flying from the hearth and onto the surrounding speckled carpet. The carpet came alive with flickers of growing heat – wild and free, and loving every second.This newborn fire flickered, licking at the soft polyester fibers beneath.

In that small patch of red, there was a single blue spark growing and molding with its companions. Growing to such heights to where even it's predecessors would be filled with envy. It soared above the ceilings, breaking through to the roof. The flame roared in triumph, and the whole town shrieked at its divine beauty.
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It's rough, I know. This little short story was originally just writing practice, so it's okay.

I always post stories on here, only to delete them soon after when I get plagued with writer's block. So I decided to post something I won't delete for this reason, and here it is. Now I finally have an official work on this site, yay! Ha ha. :D