Sequel: We All Roll Along
Status: Completed!

We Only Breathe For So Long

Roses Are White

Since I did not have to work for the next couple of weeks, I switched my academic hours from afternoon to morning. I could sleep in an hour or two more before making my way to university. After an hour of being out of bed, I was ready to leave. I had eaten fruit salad for breakfast and my outfit was warm enough to unable me to freeze while I were to be on my bike.

It takes me approximately 30 to 45 minutes to get to British Columbia. The route is cold as my speed increases the wind and it is a sort of workout. I did not have to sign up for gym because I trained every morning. By the time I was back home in Arizona, I would have muscular legs like athletes do. When I arrived, I would always be tired yet more awake than I was when I left home.

The university is gigantic. My first few days were tough. I was always late for my classes because I would often get lost. I have been attending British Columbia for four months now and there were parts and places that were still unknown to me. There are five buildings in total, not counting the campus itself. Gladly, all my classes were in the same building. The buildings surrounded an enormous garden that was situated right in the middle of the property. In the main building, which was the office, stood the words ‘British Columbia University’ at the top of the entrance door. Everything about it was beautiful and spacious. I loved to have classes during the afternoon because there weren’t so many people around as there were during the morning. The campus was gorgeous and the rooms were even better. If I had not stayed with Uncle Ronnie, I would have definitely loved to live here. It would be simpler and easier. I would not have to travel a long distance to reach the campus and I would be able to get out of bed a few minutes before my classes began.

In high school, you have that group of friends in which you most relate to and hang out with. In university, those friends are dispersed amongst the country and you lose most means of contact with them. So far, I did not know anyone on campus. Not because I had any type of social issues. I just loved the idea of having this one place where I could be completely alone. Since I did not know anyone, there was nobody to annoy or follow me around. I could just be me and forget about the problems that stayed behind the half an hour ride.

My classes today were literature and poetry – my favorites. Behind each and every word that was read and discussed, there was a deeper meaning to it. A meaning that could not be reached or understood at first. I had tried before to write poetry and I had failed miserably. It is not as easy as it seems. You really have to be wise and talented in order to pull it off. Through out the day, I read different types of books, from classics to biographies. It seemed as if the world was about to end with the amount of assignments that were handed out. I had to write a 1,200-word essay for all six books we had read in the past four months. Not to mention the other three books that I had to read on my own in a month. The amount of work I had to get done did not scare me. I could do it and I would still get an A for it.

At 2 o’clock in the afternoon, I was done with my classes. I went to the entrance where the posts for bikes stood. I placed my bag and various books inside my bike’s basket. I was afraid I’d need a bigger one. I unlocked it and shoved the lock inside my bag. I walked backwards, moving the bike out of the post. I put my left leg over it and sat on the seat. As I was about to place my feet on the pedals and take off, a white pickup truck was turning around the street. It quickly came to a stop and John walked out of it while making a run to cross the street. My day hasn’t been amazing but it was going well. Why did he always have to show up when my mind was starting to pretend to forget the sound of his voice?

I put my feet on the pedals and started pedaling. The last thing I desired to do at this precise moment was talk to him. I knew that every time I saw him or just heard his voice, I’d like him a bit more. If I liked him more, the heartache would be bigger when he next disappeared.

“Kylie!” he shouted, running to try and keep up with my pace. He saw he wouldn’t be able to keep running while I pedaled.

I completely ignored him although I flinched to the way he had said my name. My organs were stuck in my throat once he got out of my sight and I pedaled down Roosevelt Avenue. There wasn’t much traffic and I was very thankful for that. It meant that I would be home before I died of starvation. My euphoria to go home after seeing John made me compelled to leave immediately instead of going by Pep’s Café to eat something. I stopped at the traffic lights, as it turned yellow. I didn’t want to risk my chances of pedaling fast enough not to be hit by a taxi or something.

How had he found me? I remember telling him I studied in British Columbia but never have I mentioned when my classes were. It is a good thing when you are persistent with certain things but John truly did not get tired of trying. After hundreds of unanswered calls and visits, he found other ways to get hold of me.

When is he going to give up? I thought to myself.

As the thought was formulated in my mind, I glanced to my left and there was that piece of junk. His windows were all rolled down.

I chuckled in disbelief, not understanding how a human being could be so damn persistent and annoying.

“OK. I already got the message,” he said. “You don’t want to talk to me. Fine. I get that. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t hear me.”

As if I had controlled the traffic lights with my mind, the lights turned red and without a second thought I continued my route. This is the fastest route from my house to the university; it is obvious that John knew that too. I had to take a different path or go somewhere else to get a chance for him to get lost and lose me from his sight. There was a park nearby, two streets down. I have wanted to pay a visit but I never got the chance to. This was the one and best chance I would ever get. I turned right on Courser Road and took as many narrow streets as I could find to reach the park. Five minutes of constant pedaling and looking back to see if John was still behind me, I arrived at the park and there was no sign of him. I smiled at myself, proud of my accomplishment. I locked my bike once again and did not bother to worry about my books. Who would dare to steal educational books? I did make sure to bring my bag with me though.

The park had a reasonable size. There was a lake in the middle and the bushes were cut in a certain pattern, creating a maize around it. Without looking back, I entered it. I was horrible with puzzles and I came to many dead ends. The paths were color-coded and there were four different paths. The path had roses, sunflowers, tulips or lavenders. I followed the path filled with lavenders first since it had an incredible fragrance and the color was pretty. After travelling three of them and not finding the lake, I came across the roses that led me directly to it. It should have been my first choice. Roses are inviting and they bring a sensation of love. It was kind of obvious that it would be the path to lead to the lake. The lake was medium sized and there were ducks in the water. There was one bench situated right at the end of the red path and in the middle of the lakebed. There was no one around, only the ducks and I. As I sat down the bench, the ducks swam away a little. There were many ducklings and two protective mothers. Wherever their mother went, they would be right behind her. It was sweet. 15 minutes had gone by and that would have been enough to be assured that John had lost me along the way. I took the path roses again to return to my starting point. There was a spot where the roses and tulips intercrossed and instead of continuing down with the roses path, I went further into the tulips path in order to make a little bouquet for Angela. She would appreciate that since the main hall was lacking flowers. I placed my bag on the wet grass and started pulling some flowers out gently.

“Kylie!” His voice was almost a sigh.

I stopped what I was doing immediately. How the hell? I thought.

I slowly turned my head to look at him as he was standing with his hands on his hips and a tired look was upon his eyes.
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Thank you for those who have been commenting! Thanks to you wonderful people, I got brilliant new ideas for the story! So brace yourself, things will get amazing. :D I will upload more chapters today still. Meanwhile... coooommeeeeeeent ;) x