Status: As you can already see, it may contain a lot of swearing.


Chapter 19

"Where did you find this again?" Scarlet asked Alexus, reading the letter over and over again.
She couldn't believe her eyes. It was one thing watching kids receiving these letters and going missing, but it was another actually receiving this letter yourself and knowing what your fate could lead up to. What if this happened to her? Who had sent this letter? Did they know her? Was it personal? Did they hate her? Had they been watching her? So many questions ran through Scarlet's head but she didn't want to answer them. Scarlet knew there was only one way she could possibly answer all these questions. And she didn't like the idea at all. Not in a million years.

"Chantelle said she fell asleep and when she woke up it was on her rucksack," Alexus explained. She paused before licking her lips nervously, "You...are gonna go aren't you?" Alexus asked, her voice sounding hasty and rising slightly,either because she was nervous or excited.
Scarlet stared at Alexus as if she had just told her to murder an innocent old lady.
"You what?" Scarlet asked, her voice rising angrily, "You're joking right? You expect me to go casually walking to my death like that?"

Alexus stared up at Scarlet and clenched her jaw angrily, "Seriously? Scarlet, in case you haven't noticed, kids have actually been going missing for days now and this is our only chance of catching this mother fucker," Alexus snapped, almost spitting the word "Fucker" out of her mouth like poison.

Scarlet's jaw dropped at Alexus's statement. She couldn't understand this girl. Was she really arguing with Scarlet for not walking to her own death?
"Oh I'm sorry, did you miss something Alexus? Kids are being snatched when they turn up to this meeting place," Scarlet exclaimed, "You want me to go there too?"

Alexus sighed, rolling her eyes, "Well if it means we catch this guy and no more kids have to go missing then yeah. Honestly, you really think we will let you get kidnapped too? Don't worry your pretty head about that, we'll be watching your back and like you said: it looked like a harmless deal. It could be just some guy welcoming kids to a new place to stay like you guys said. It doesn't have to be murder or kidnap, it could actually be something good. You could just turn him down, we'll follow him back to wherever he came from and find out who the fucker is and where all the missing kids are."
Scarlet opened her mouth to say something-probably harsh- she stuttered for a bit, lost for words before snapping her mouth shut again and clenching her jaw tightly.

"I'm not doing it," Scarlet said finally and firmly, her hands curling into fists.
Alexus's nostrils flared in anger as she glared at Scarlet. "Really? So you're just gonna let more kids die just because you were too scared to do it?"
Scarlet took a step closer to Alexus and her chest heaving with anger as she glared daggers down at Alexus. "If you want to put your life on the line for something that might not be anything at all, be my guest," She growled dangerously.

Alexus placed a hand on her hip, trying not to show any fear of Scarlet's aggressive attitude and attempting to remain calm. She looked up at Scarlet and raised an eyebrow. "Really?" She asked in disbelief, "You don't want to find out what happened to Edwin and Kyle. You don't want to find out what this person wants with you or any of the other kids who have been getting these letters?" Alexus took a step closer to Scarlet, they were now just inches apart from each other. Enough distance for Scarlet to easily punch Alexus or for Alexus to effortlessly kick Scarlet.

Malcom tensed up where he stood as he watched the two dispute, Chantelle was sitting as useless as always on the floor against the wall. She hadn't said much in a few days and it was actually starting to worry Malcom. He'd had to suffer her whining and moaning all week and now suddenly the brat was as silent as anything. Shock maybe? Or it was probably the trauma of being so far away from a pair of straighteners and a make-up bag that had finally drove the bitch off the brink of insanity.

Kris was still talking to Isaac, the two hadn't even noticed the intense argument going on between the two girls. Malcom didn't know what to do. If he tried to break it up, no doubt Alexus and Scarlet would jump on him immediately but if he left the argument by itself any longer he was sure the two would rip each other apart like a pair of vicious wild dogs. It was the two toughest girls he knew against small weedy little Malcom. Malcom who couldn't stand up for himself. Malcom who was known for being sweet and gentle. Malcom who couldn't punch a ten year old, let alone fight these two off.

Scarlet gulped, "But you don't know who you're dealing with here Alexus. I don't know what we're dealing with. Hell, none of us do. We can't just assume this guy is taking kids who are only willing to follow. We've only spied on the one meeting! What happens if they say no? Huh? What does he do then? I didn't know Edwin too well but I defiantly knew he was a smart kid who wouldn't just go wandering off with some stranger like that. He would have said no. So what the hell happened to him? Huh? Does the stranger kidnap you if you don't follow? Does he knock you out? Kill you. Walk away. Rob you. Huh? He could shoot me on the spot for all we know. This isn't just some nice guy who has just been giving kids better lives. We're not dealing with Jesus or...Robin Hood. These kids are never seen again after they respond to the letter. If they had just moved to somewhere else, you'd think they would have the decency drop by and visit they're old friends at least once. You'd think we would occasionally see them walking around the street or maybe in a cafe somewhere. But we don't. They're never heard of again. Once they go to that fucking bridge they are never seen again. And if this guy is just some dealer taking kids to a new home, wouldn't Kyle have come back to tell Edwin that?" Scarlet paused and took a breath, looking into Alexus's eyes and waiting for a reply or at least trying to read a reaction in them cold sad eyes. But Alexus's face was like stone as usual, she had relaxed a little but still had the physical emotions of a brick wall. Scarlet sighed, "Just because we saw one kid walk away with this guy happily, doesn't mean that happens to everyone who goes and meets up with him. We don't know who he is just yet."

Scarlet waited, expecting Alexus to reply back with some snarly comment before demanding that Scarlet just go to the fucking bridge. But no. She stayed surprisingly silent. Which, Malcom assumed, meant that Alexus was actually taking in what Scarlet had just said. Which was actually a step forward since the girl never listened to anyone.

Alexus opened her mouth to say something back, before her eyes dropped in defeat and she snapped it shut again. Thinking for a bit before it reopened. "Alright Scarlet, here's the deal. I'm gonna tell Kris and Isaac everything we know. Then we'll see what they say about it. If they think we should go through with the plan then we'll make sure that your safety is our top priority. We will have backup and people watching the meeting from every direction. And if this so-called stranger does happen to be a psychotic murderer, we will get in there and make sure you get away safety. If not then it will be in a crowded street area anyway and we'll make sure he can't drag you ff anywhere secret to kill you. It will be busy and he will be caught by the police right away if he tries anything stupid out in the open like that. He'll be the cop's problem then. That sound good?"

"Hang on a sec, I'm not doing this if it involves the police," Malcom suddenly spoke up quickly, his voice panicking a bit.
But no one was listening, Alexus just waited anxiously for Scarlet to reply while Scarlet stared at Alexus in disbelief.
Scarlet blinked, "So even if this guy does get arrested for attacking me in the street...I'll still be dead because he was stupid enough to kill me out in the open," She pointed out.
"Ah yes, but at least we'll have caught your killer."
"No," Scarlet said firmly.
Alexus frowned, "What?"
"I'm still not taking any chances," Scarlet replied stubbornly.
Alexus groaned, rolling her eyes and slapping her palm down onto her face. "For fuck's sake Scarlet, why are you so stubborn?"
"Stubborn? I'll love to see you say that when it's your life at risk," Scarlet snapped.
Alexus shook her head quickly, "You know what? I'm just gonna go tell Kris our plan right now. He'll decide whether it's worth the risk of not. if you're still unwilling after that I'll slap you."
Scarlet shrugged, "Whatever, good look trying to convince Kris to go along with this stupid plan."
Alexus gave Scarlet a cunning smile, "Oh don't worry, he usually agrees with me anyway."