Status: work in progress

You and I

Our Story

The first time I saw you was exactly one year and six months ago. You walked into my science class, the timid new kid just wanting to get through his first day without drawing attention. I was taken aback by how strongly I was drawn to you- it was like a magnet was pulling my soul to yours to put it as cheesily as possible. And perhaps Mrs. Black could see that connection, because she assigned you to sit beside me. God bless her and her seating chart.
"Hi, I'm Jack." were the first words you ever said to me. Your voice was quiet and shy but it was easy to imagine you laughing and smiling once you opened up. I was caught up in your essence like the time you got caught in that rose bush behind my house- the need to get to know you scratched my insides like thorns. I knew I had met someone extraordinary.
And get to know you I did. Even after that first day you and I shared a life. Andrew and Nattie and Will accepted you and Rachel into the group happily and soon we were spending every moment together. Staying up late playing video games, sneaking into late night movie showings at the theater, setting out after school in one direction and just walking until it was almost dark and then turning around and going back home.
We've had out ups and downs (but mostly ups). There was the time when you and Lena started dating. I thought I was going to go insane with jealousy, but the only way I could openly express my rage was to make up some bull shit story about Lena was trying to control you. It was idiotic and I quickly stuffed my feelings away and moved on. I convinced myself you couldn't ever have feelings like that for me. I've never been so happy to be so wrong.
I remember the first time I realized you were flirting with me. Actually flirting! You used a corny pick up line- you look cold, do you want to use me as a blanket?- but the tone was undeniable. At first I just assumed I was reading it all wrong, but the hints you were dropping couldn't be ignored. You'd compliment me on things about myself no one had ever noticed before. You made me feel so special. Then there was when we watched that dumb 90s rom com- the one with the clumsy girl and the oh so dashing hunk- that was when I finally grew the balls and slipped my hand into yours under the covers. I never feel more at home than I do when our skin is touching, even if its just a simple hand holding. For almost an entire minute after I made my move I was frozen. Oh my god what had I done? He wasn't flirting he was just being nice! He doesn't like you like that, he's not like that. You've ruined everything!
But then I realized you weren't rejecting me. I hadn't disgusted you or ruined everything. You were gently rubbing the back of my hand with your thumb, a slight smile on those beautiful lips. You snuggled in closer and put your head on my shoulder. Soon you dozed off. When the movie ended I quietly shut the TV off and slipped back into your bed. That was the first night I held you in my arms and arguably one of the happiest nights of my life so far.
We never talked about it but after that night everything shifted. The way you looked at me, the way when were sat next to each other anywhere, one of us would gently lean on the other and how sometimes we'd lay and talk in soft voices were didn't know we had. We already spent all our time together, but now we were at a whole new level. I could admit to myself and you that you're what I wanted. You admitted you wanted me too.
We took it very slowly. Neither of us had been in a relationship with a guy before and it's not that our parents wouldn't accept it (because the certainly would with open arms) it was just that we wanted to get it right. We have something so special that couldn't be rushed.
We kissed all the time, but only in private and nothing too heavy. We hadn't announced our relationship status to a soul (but Rachel probably knew. She knows everything) and we didn't even know if we were officially "dating".
One night both my parents were working and I guess this was our first date. I had ordered pizza and put it on fancy plates with a nice table cloth on the table and candles. It was cheesy but so are we.
After we had finished our gourmet meal I put on a really slow cd, something romantic and light. You put one hand on my waist and held my hand with the other and we slowly began to rock back and forth. You looked into my eyes and used that soft gravelly voice that still gets me going to this day, "I've never felt this way about anyone, ever. You make me so happy." Those few words made my mind go blank. The only thing I could think to do was pull you in closer and kiss you slow and light like the music that was still playing in the background.
It was the "sparks flying" kind of kiss. We just kept going, getting deeper and more passionate as time passed. And it was impossible to tell how much time really had passed. I could've spent the rest of my life in that moment, alone with you.
We stopped swaying and you gently pushed me down onto the couch, you lying on top of me. We continued kissing, varying in pressure and speed. Your lips began to travel around my face, kissing my nose and eye lids, all the while your hands roaming my body. I was surprised how good you were at this; every time you touched me I gasped a little, and fireworks went off in my brain.
Soon your mouth was at my neck and you began alternating between nibbling and kissing and pressing. Without even noticing at first I let out a long moan. You paused for a moment to meet my eyes and laugh a little. "You like that?". Words failed me but the question was rhetorical anyway. All I knew was I wanted so badly to get you make that noise too.
My turn. I stood up and took your hand in mine, trying to smile sexily. It seemed to work because you followed me willingly up the stairs and into my bedroom. I closed the door and turned to see you staring at me with a hungry look in your eyes, waiting.
Just like that we were at it again, your tongue exploring my mouth, my heart beating like a drum. The only time we paused was when I slipped your shirt over your head and pushed you down on my bed.
I couldn't help but marvel at your body. Sure I'd seen it before, when it was hot and we went swimming or it was just too hot for a shirt. But now I was allowed to touch it, kiss it, explore it. I took advantage of this opportunity wholeheartedly.
First I started at your neck, using both my teeth and my lips. Id never given a hickey before but it was surprisingly easy. I wanted to make my mark on you. It'd be awkward explaining later but that didn't matter. I moved down from your neck to your collar bone, leaving my mark there too.
It was then that I became conscience of something sticking into my leg. I let out a small gasp when I realized you had an erection. I'm not sure why I was so surprised by it; of course you had a boner. Hell, I had a boner. I suppose it was because I'd never actually given someone a hard on or even felt one on purpose that wasn't mine. I actually felt a bit proud of myself for being the reason for an erection. Especially YOUR erection. But now that it was here I was sort of over whelmed. What do I DO with it? I looked at you as though you could give me a sign or tell me what to do. You smiled that smiled and that was all I needed.
My mouth connected with yours as I tried to unbutton your pants. My hands were shaking a bit but I finally got it open and unzipped. I had to stop kissing you to pull your pants off.
I paused for a minute after your jeans were completely off and on my bedroom floor. This was it. There was no going back. I was so excited and nervous I was shaking. I looked at you, propped up on your elbows, your curly hair all messy.
"Are you ready?" I ask, almost a little scared you'd say no and that this was a mistake. But to my relief you smiled and nodded. Taking a deep breath I began to tug the waistband of your boxers down towards your knees. Little curly black hairs lead down from your belly button, guiding me. With a final tug your boxers were off and on the floor. You were now completely naked and completely mine.
I explored this new part of your body with my hand, stroking it experimentally. You let out a short gasp and pulled me up so our mouths were together again. I got into a rhythm of pumping my up and down on your cock while our kissing got more heated and your gasps became more frequent. I thought I had known every little bit of you before, but now it was like a door had opened up with a room full of new and exciting things. I wanted to get to know this part of you just as well I had gotten to know the other part. We were both pretty really hard by this point and I knew you were about to orgasm.
"Nate, honey I'm home!" my mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs. I froze and stared wide eyed at you, panic completely taking over. I could hear her climbing the stairs. I had a minute tops before she knocked once and opens the door, her usual 'I'm respecting your privacy but coming in anyway' thing.
"SHIT. Shit shit shit!" I pull you out of bed and shove you into my bathroom, throwing your clothes in after and quietly shutting the door, the hopping back in bed and turning on the TV. One knock and the door opens.
"Hi, hun. How was your day?"
"Fine, yours?" I was literally sitting in your cum.
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I decided just to make it one chapter. Feedback would be awesome!