Status: I'll try to update at least once a week

Run Faster, Fight Harder

Live and let die

We arrived at my mothers work and I advised my sister that I would quickly pick her up.

'In and out,we can't risk being in the city for long.'
As I walked towards the dentist office I noticed a homeless man with a cute rottweiler puppy.The man bleeding and cursing about his..bite on his thigh.
'Its beginning,we can't be in the city very long'
I yanked the door open and sprinted to break room. Just as I turned the corner I was stopped by Sandra.

"Hey Scarlett long time no see,how have you been?" She asked with a fake smile plastered on her face. All thought she was beautiful but personality made her ugly I knew her all to well.

"Hi,look as much as I've love to stay and chat,I have to go my moms not well and I'm here to take her home." As I pushed passed her and knocked on the break room stating it was me.
She opened the door with a worried expression.I wrapped my arms around her neck hugging her.

"Don't worry mom we'll take care of you." I kissed her on the forehead and we exit through the back door and hopped in my ford falcon.
drove pass the now dead hobo and saw that the puppy was whining and trying to wake up his master up by nogging him with his nose. I parked the car and got out. With a knife in he hand I walked up towards the homeless man to check for pulse finding none.
I closed his eyes and picked the puppy up and placed him in the back seat and drove away.
.:half hour later:.
We arrived at my dads work shop,to pick up our dad. My little brother holding a gun for protection of these undead flesh eaters.
Iris was holding the golf club she had with her. My mom had a machete and I had my katana
.I knew that subconsciously we would do anything to protect our mother and father.
*clank,clank* we all turned to the noise,that was coming dads office.
"You guys stay in here. I'll be back"

I walked towards my dads office and heard gargling and choking sounds at the far end of the office. All of my emotions came rushing in but I know I couldn't lose control. That's when I saw the most horrific thing I've ever witness .
My dad,with out him I wouldn't be here alive and breathing the man that swear to protect us from everything was now being eating by a monster. That thing was so focused it didn't realize I was ever behind it, with one swipe of my swords blade iI decapitated the creature.
The head rolled to the floor next to my foot and It still opening and closing its mouth. Naturally I stomped till there was nothing but goo on the floor.
I kneeled on the floor crying my eyes out hugging the body of my lifeless dad. After a few min of crying I knew sooner or later he will turn in to one of those things. I took his wedding ring of his finger and stood. Pulled my pistol from the holster and aimed right for the brain.
'Im not gonna let you turn into those things..I love you daddy" I pulled the trigger.
As I walked back to my remaining family members I wiped my eyes and walked towards my mother.
I took off the necklace my dad gave me and placed his ring on their and clasped it on my moms neck.
I knew she knew just by the way her eyes began to tear up, she threw herself on the floor balling along with my two siblings and I stood there watching and crying.

"I know this isn't the best time... But we..have to keep moving.. We have to get as far away from here!" I looked at everyone frantically. After what seemed like for ever in silence,my sister,Iris was the first to speak.

"Your right, she's right mom we have to we can be safe. Get as far away from soon as possible be-before things get worse."

She gentle picked my mom up and walked to the car.Me and my brother stayed to get some tools, oil for the car and gallons of gasoline dad had laid around.
I walked back to dads office and spread gasoline in the office and on the undead creature's body. I kneeled next to dad and kissed him on the cheek and lit a Match as I walked out of the office with sad eyes lingering at my fathers body.

I walked back to my car and sat the in the drivers sit, the puppy started whining,I looked at him and gave him a fake smile,he licked my cheek I smiling for real this time. Turning on my engine and headed strait to the highway, knowing exactly where to go.
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Yay second chapter,tell my your likes and dislikes. Truth be told I kinda tear up at the part where Scarlett's father is killed :(