Status: I'll try to update at least once a week

Run Faster, Fight Harder

Keeping watch

"Get off me Scarlett !" He sounded slightly aggravated,that only made me giggle.

"Why what's a matter don't like me on top?" With a smile on my face a laugh escaped my lips.

"I didn't know ya' liked it rough?" He said.

"Eww...Daryl!!" I laughed while getting off of him. He tackled me to the bed pinning my arms above my head and straddled my waist , and started to tickle me but stopped when he noticed I wasn't ticklish.

He was so close to my face I could just...

"Ain't ya ticklish?"

"Not really I have a couple of spot..but you'll never find." He got off me and sat down next to me.

"So your group well they be okay with us."

" 'course they'll be fine with it." He put a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry yourself,ya'll b jus' fine"
I returned his smile.

"We'll you can sleep in here I have the first watch tonight. I'll see you in the morning" I closed the door behind me and walked outside.

"You can go inside Leo."

"Are you sure? I can stay for another few hours." He looked slightly pale with bags under his eyes.

"You look like hell." We both laughed

"Gee thanks!" He said sarcastically

"Go inside and get some sleep ill be good for the night." I said with a smile,he sighed but walked inside.

For hours I heard nothing but crickets and saw nothing else besides max. Till I heard footsteps coming out of the cabin.The sound of a door open and close shut.

"Leo I can- oh...hey Daryl ?!" I though it was Leo since we always switch shifts.

"How ya doin'? Tired at all?"

"No,I'm just fine.I'm a bit tired but I can manage, Leo needs to catch up on his sleep." I ran a hand through my hair trying to get the tangles out. While Daryl just stared at me.

"If you'd like I can take watch?"

"Oh no,don't even worry about I got this under control.You should try to catch up on your sleep." I smiled at him.

"Nah, I had enough sleep,I'll just stay with ya." He returned my smile.

"You don't have to!"

"I want to." He said grinning at me.
"So tell me Scarlett since when have you had purple hair?"
I giggled at his question.

"Well if you must know I dyed it before all of this happened and it hasn't come off,plus I like my hair."
I smiled at him "How did you learn how to shoot like that?"

"My brother Merle did it's one of the good things that asshole taught me."
His face had a dark look on it which I thought was weird because I've never seen this side of Daryl just the nice side.

"Is he...." I started.

"Nah,he's to much of a dick to die,you'll see him tomorrow." He smirked ,while I laughed.

"So which one's your's?" Indicated to the cars parked in font of us.

"The red one,do I really look like a SUV type of girl?" Asking with an eyebrow raised.

"Not really,that's a good lookin' car you got." He said with a genuine smile.

"Thanks,I fixed her up myself,
proudest moment of my life...Well beside kicking Victor Calderon's ass."
I laughed at the memory of the guy who bullied me for years cry his eyes out begging my to stop.

"Your one tough cookie" he said laughing with me.

"Thanks"as I blushed beat red.

"Are you a mechanic?"

"Yea,my dad taught me everything I know actually." I scratched the back of my neck a little.
" fixed her together." My voice cracked at the end.

"I'm so sorry.." He placed his hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay, you didn't know." I smiled towards him.
"At least I still have my family,they are the reason I keep fighting every day, and for Alec he at least deserves to be innocent as long as he can."

"Your somethin' else Scarlett."
He gently placed his hand on my dirty face and smiled."Never forget the reason we fight for,or else we lose ourself."

I looked down and moments later the sun started to rise.
We looked at each others eyes and a hint of feelings flashed across Daryl's eyes. He's eyes were extraordinary beautiful when the light hit them. It was the perfect moment,just in a wrong time.
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I'm sorry if the chapters are to short,hopefully your stick with me. :)