Status: I'll try to update at least once a week

Run Faster, Fight Harder


"I should probably wake everyone else up." I pulled away from Daryl before anything else could happen and practically ran to the cabin.

After everyone else was up Betty made breakfast for Alec while everyone else packed all of the supplies we had and placed them in the trunks. When Alec was done he jumped out of his chair and began to chase max around.

"I think that's everything." Leo told me.
"We'll I guess we're good to go."
I ran a hand across my face. Iris walked up to me with a bottle of water and a face wipe in hand.

"Might as well look slightly presentable." She smiled and walked away.
Everyone walked outside,and walked towards the cars. It was Mom,
Beatrice and Alec in Iris's car.
And max, Leo and Daryl in my car.
Daryl gave me directions how to get there while Iris followed behind me.
Half hour later we pulled up to this campsite full of survivors.

A man with a police hat, navy blue tee shirt,and blue jean holding a shotgun walked towards us.
We all got out of the car, I had my sword on my back.Daryl had his crossbow on his back.He started walking towards the man. The chatted for a while and walking towards us. I glanced towards my family and my eyes stopped at my brother.He swiftly nodded towards me and I nodded back.
Although I some what trusted Daryl that doesn't mean I trusted this guy.

"Hi,I'm Shane and ya'll must be the group he found."

"Yes,I'm Scarlett and this is my family,Leo my brother ,my mother Maria,my sister Iris,Beatrice and Alec ." I held my hand out so he can shake it. "We were in a cabin just 30 min away from here."

"Well welcome to the campsite." He shook hands with every one besides Alec who was hiding beside his mom.

"I do ask how ever to please remove ya'll's weapons and hand them to us. Wouldn't want y'all scarin' the rest of the folks."

"I'm sorry but no...We don't know you, I don't trust you...However, we put them away,for the sake of your group." I nodded towards Leo who walked towards the car and got a duffle back where we would place our weapons besides our knives. Then he took then back to the SUV and put them under the seat.

"We'll everyone around here does chores,usually the woman wash every once in a while and cook for the group while the guys run to town for supplies."
'Hos typical' I thought 'Why must guys be so sexist some times.'

"Actually Shane..Scarlett's good with hunting, she can come with me.If you want Scarlet?"Daryl said looking at me and I gave him a smile and nodded.

"Alright,fine by me." Shane agreed and walked towards the camp. We all followed to where he showed us where we would set camp.

"Ya'll have a tent 'cus we can find one 'round here." Shane asked looping thumbs on him jeans.

"Yes,we do thank you." Beatrice said politely,with a smile on her face.

"Alright I'll leave ya'll to it." He walked away,with a tip of his hat and Daryl went with him.

An old sweet looking man with a fishing hat on and a rifle on his back walked up to us.

"Hello I'm dale, i just wanted to say welcome and it nice seeing new faces." He said with a smile.

"Hello I'm Beatrice and this is my son Alec." She took her hand out to shake it.

"I'm Leonardo and these are my sisters Iris and Scarlett and my mom Maria." We all smiled at him.

"Nice to meet all of you." Dale's smile never left his face."We can actually use your help Leonard."

"Please call me Leo." My brother chuckled a little. "What can I help you with ?"

"My RV brakes down and we need to fix it ,you wouldn't mind helping do you ?"

"No of course not. I'll help ya as soon as I'm done."Leo smiled at him

Once me,Leo and my mom set up the camps while max and Alec played together. Soon this kids came up towards max and started to play with them. Once we were done Beatrice and Iris placed our belonging a in the two tents. One for Beatrice and Alex and another for us.

When we were done Leo walked towards the guy's RV.We were approached by a young blond,with blue eyes who later found out was Amy . She asked if we had any laundry and took us were this lake was.

Several ladies were already there washing cloths. We meet everyone, Andrea another blonde who was the older sister of Amy . A thin brown hair,brown eyes who's name was Lori,she had a son we have seen earlier this evening named Carl. Two ladies with short hair Jackie the only survivor of her family, and Carol who had a daughter named Sophia, with her husband Ed,and a Mrs.Morales who survived with her entire family.

Once we were all done washing and wringing out the clothes, I jumped in the lake with only my shirt and underwear.Iris and betty joined in.while my mom just washed her face and arms with the bar of soap.I haven't token a shower in weeks maybe even months I didn't really care if anyone else saw I was so happy at that moment.

The ladies left us and headed back to camp. I got out of the lake and dressed myself and waited for the rest of my family. Walking back Betty chose to be the first to talk
"I think this place is good for us." She said with a smile.

"Yea everyone is so kind, don't you agree mom?" Iris said.

"Yes they are.They are very welcoming here and it's good for us to be around more people." She had a smile.a genuine smile I haven't seen for months.

I laced my arm around hers and smiled at her.
The rest of the way back to camp we joked and laughed.

I walked in our tent and grabbed a tee shirt and walk towards Daryl who was skinning the deer we brought with us.
"Need help Daryl?" I asked him.

" This ain't for the weak kneed kin' " he smirked at me.

"I think we established that I could make you weak kneed" I joked with him, he chuckled and pulled will kicked a chair out for me. I smiled and took a seat.

"You seem happy." Daryl said.

"Yea, it's probably because I feel clean." I laughed.
We were silent for a few minutes skinning the deer. Until he broke the silence.

"Ya like it here so far?"

"Yea I mean my family likes it here so far,and everyone I meet so far are really nice." I smiled at him.

He chuckled," Ya haven't meet my brother yet have your?" I looked at him in the eyes wondering what he meant.
"What do yo-" I didn't finish since I was rudely interrupted.

"Who's this pretty lady?" Said an anonymous voice.

I turn around and face a man wearing blue jeans and a black biker vest. His hair was slowly turning gray,but had traces of dirty blond hair in his shaggy mustache. He's smirk was nothing close to attractive like Daryl's was,he wore his with sarcasm. He looked at me up and down and up again lingering at my breast for longer than I wanted to.

"Why,hello there pretty lady." He said smiling at me.
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Hope you guys like it so far. I have big plans for this storie BIG plans. Please comment guys,please with a cherrie on top-make it 3 cherries :)

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