Status: My first story :) hope you like it. NONE of this is true obviously <3

My Feelings for You Are Forever

Chapter 2 - Jacoby Is Confused

Jacoby was so confused. He loved his wife and kids so much..but there is so much pressure for him to deal with. 'I love Katy, but is it the same kind of love i felt 15 years ago?' he whispered to himself.

Coby woke up the next morning, on the sofa again. He knows he cannot be bothered having an argument with Katy...not when he's just woke up. So he quietly goes into his room, slips on some pants and a relatively clean shirt, goes downstairs, grabs his keys, gets in his car and goes for a drive. Just to take his mind off things, he puts Papa Roach's The Paramour Sessions in the CD player. He starts to sing...

Before he could finish the first chorus of 'Forever' tears were already streaming down his face. He thought about Katy, he thought about his kids...he thought about Jerry. He wanted to go back to a house that wouldn't feel pressured to be happy. He wanted to go back to someone he didn't have to fight with. He wanted to be appreciated and understood. Just for one night, Jacoby needed a break. He knew where he was going and he got there fast.

Coby got out the car and walked over to the front door of the house. He knocked, his eyes still red from the crying. The door opened, he took a look at who answered, put his head down and burst out crying again. He heard the words, ''Hey, whats wrong? Whats happened man?''. He didn't want to answer, Coby was about to walk away to his car again when he felt two arms going around him and pulling him closer. He cried more and then looked up to see Jerry's face smiling at him. Jacoby felt happier all of a sudden, that smile could make anyones day he thought to himself. Jerry took him inside. ''Talk to me Coby, I wanna help''. Jerry sat down on the couch and told Coby to sit too. They talked about what was going on with him and Katy. Jacoby wanted to tell Jerry how he felt about him. He had no idea how he could tell him, he put his hands up to his face and sighed. ''Come on, Jacoby. I know there's something you wanna talk to me about. I'll listen'' Jerry said with a worried look. Jacoby wanted to, he had to, he did...
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sorry for mistakes