What She Had to Say

Im Yoona has died. She died as a person, leaving her name etched in her family’s heart. That would be reminisced, that would be cherished, that would be engraved in her tombstone. And so, a younger brother of Yoona, Sehun,  strided into her room . His mother had told him to leave it be. Leave the room be as it is, as it is when Yoona occupied the space.  Sehun however, was more sentimental than his rigid appearance appears to be. And so, he was meant to take a single photograph of her,herself . He raised the frame, to found a notebook behind it. Sehun never knew Yoona writes a journal , for she mostly spend her time reading poems. It was strange as well to know she reads but doesn’t write.

A piece of folded paper was sticking out from the book. He lifted the book and sat down to her baby-blue coverlet, placing the frame to the side. He flipped the book open, and unfold the paper open to see that it was two piece of paper, with her sister’s handwriting imprinted in it.
  1. finale
    She unveils the truths, through 2 sheets of paper