Status: Nowadays I lose inspiration quickly, so some comments to cheer me on, eh?

The Girl Who Stayed.

The Violet

"Come along, Pond. Please."
He blinked, shaking his head he slammed his palm down on the console of the TARDIS. He turned on his heel and opened the door, peeking outside. It was the year 2015, and all he could see for miles was trees. Why had the TARDIS landed here? He grabbed his coat and ventured out into the trees, remembering to lock the door before leaving. Eventually he saw something that wasn't green and he stopped. In the grass lay a girl, hair as black as the Reuvian sky was spread out around her head like a dark halo, and her dress was pure white.
He knelt down beside her, taking in her every feature. Her long lashes that grazed her cheek, the high cheekbones that indicated Indian descent, and the pale skin that indicated Irish heritage. Suddenly her eyes opened, and violet orbs looked directly at him, and in seconds they faded to a cerulean blue color.
She smiled, a knowing smile, before she spoke.

"Hello, Doctor."
A minute later, he was standing beside her still waiting for an answer to his question.
"Doctor, I have lived a very long time." He raised an eyebrow, for she looked no more than her twenties. "I know of you, of your companions, and most of all, your pain. You stopped saving the world because you couldn't stand to be hurt any longer." She looked to her left, carefully.
"Who are you?" He asked.
"Wouldn't you like to know? Doctor Who?" He froze. Doctor Who. "I am Vivienne Violet, if you must know. Now, Doctor..."
She grabbed his hand abruptly and giggled. "Run."