Status: you tell us

The Dead Go Faster

Chapter 2

Emily's PoV

"Sorry for what?", "Everything"
I couldn't help it, tears began to spill from my eyes almost immediately. And being me, I felt guilty for how I had acted through out the day, I'm not one to cry, or be scared, or any of that dumb shit. But I was in shock, I keep telling myself this isn't real and that I'm going to wake up and have it all disappear. But that wont happen. I was afraid for Emi, I knew how scared she was inside and I wanted to help. But how?

Soon she had fallen asleep on the neatly made bed in the hotel suite we had no choice but to hide in. I had just sat down and closed my eyes when the power went out. I almost began to panic when I remembered the flash lights Emi had packed. I grabbed one and left one for Emi, I didn't want to wake her. I opened the door and peered my head out to see whet might have caused it. As I looked for a reasonable cause, but damn why the Hell would there be one? Seconds after I had opened the door I heard a scream from down the hall (perfect timing, how cliche). Being me, I panicked and obviously didn't have the since to wake Emi up before I bolted down the hallway with my gun still slung over my back and I realized that while in the car I had shoved the knife in my boot for better access. When I reached the room at which the screaming had been coming from I slung open the door and grabbed the gun in instinct. Only to find living Hell inside.

Blood was all over the bed and remains were littered all around the room, I was freaking the fuck out and began to breath hard, but quickly gathered myself. I slipped in, having a clearer mindset at the moment. (Meaning I was no longer a jumpy idiot) But I stopped dead in the middle in my tracks when I saw it.

It was disgusting! I damn near puked at the sight of the undead body. Whatever it was, turned around at my prescience. It was quick, and stealthy. Nothing like in the horror movies Emi and I had grown up with. Where they were always slow, thoughtless, and stupid. Being who I was.... I shot at it, again, and again. Right in the head. It fell to the ground immediately. In a mild and brief fit of insanity I shot 2 more times until it stopped squirming around on the floor. I remover the gun's scope from my face and sighed, you could still hear the shaking in my breath. "Wow. That was fun, I should do that more often. I feel so relaxed now.... Hhhhhhhhh.... " I sighed loudly to myself, knowing I was just lying to myself, I'm still scared as fuck.

"You'll have plenty of time for that in the near future. But my question is, How did it die?" A voice said as I spun around to see a girl about my height standing in the door way. All my knowledge of horror movies fled my mind. Then It hit me.
"Copper bullets" I blurted out.
"Really? Wow. Show's how much I payed attention in Zombie 101" She giggled. "But seriously, copper kills them?" She asked.
"Uh... Yeah. A copper shelled bullet will get the job done, but a copper based knife can cause damage." I said. Wow. Maybe I'm not as helpless as I thought.... Sure didn't expect that.

"What's your name?" I asked.
"Jordan" she said holding out her hand. "Jordan Hellonkeen"
I took her hand and shook it. "Emily, Emily Jarrett. I have someone I think you should meet." I smiled and pulled her down the hall to the room Emi was in. But when I opened the door.... She wasn't there.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry its so short.... I drew a blank and tried to think of all th horror movies ive seen.... kinda wanted to add some cliche moments in there lol

Comments help!
