Status: you tell us

The Dead Go Faster

Chapter 3

Emi's PoV

I had woken up to complete darkness only to find Emily gone, and the second flash light as well. She had of coarse neglected to take the five seconds it would take to wake me.(Who am I kidding It takes a fucking ambulance to wake me up)
She could be fucking dead and it would be all her fault. I shook my head from the terrible thoughts.... she's my best friend and no matter how annoying and helpless she can get at times she was still practically my soul mate (in friend terms that is).
I took a flashlight, my knife, and my gun and rushed down the hall to the room we had seen before to check my basis. She wasn't there, so I went around to every room on that floor, they all seemed fairly clean.

Until I got to the last one. It was completely trashed... Body parts were slung across the room, and blood covered the still made bed. I began to expect the worse as I turned the corner. My body relaxed when I saw the dead, rotted, corpse on the floor with 4 bullet holes in its head.
I smiled.... maybe shes not such a baby after all. She sure as Hell found out what kill zombies the fastest.

The funny thing is she was just a little wimp when I found her. Over the years I've toughened her up with some hard rock music and jalapenos. You can work wonders on a little catholic girl if you know what your doing. As I walked out and back towards the room we were staying in I saw that the door was open.

I slipped in and saw a girl I had never seen before, I didn't hesitate to pull the switch blade from my boot and yell, "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!?!?" she didn't look at all phased, "Instead she tuned away and yelled, "Emily? I think I found who you're looking for." I was so confused. That is until Emily popped her head around the corner and asked what she meant.

I didn't stop or ask where she had been, or why she left. I just ran full speed up to her and hugged her tight. "I'm so fucking proud of you!" I yelled, She squeezed me tighter.
"Copper bullets" She said pulling away. I smiled.
"I've taught you so well." I said.
"OH.... Emi! This is Jordan. She found be in the room right after I killed... uh. It" She mumbled. "Nice to meet you." I said, extending my hand to her. She took it and smile,
"I'm Emi, Emily's BEST friend" I said gripping her hand tighter as she pulled away, and stepped back a few feet. Emily chucked to herself.
"Way to make her feel welcome, Em" She laughed.
"Aren't I just fucking peachy?" I giggled. Meanwhile Jordan was slowly backing away,

"Oh come on Jordan, it's not like we're gonna eat you or anything"
♠ ♠ ♠
Ik shitty right, well I tried, Chapter 3 might be up tonight! be sure to check out our other co writes!

Comments help!
