

Giovanni met her gaze and felt his breath arrest in his throat. In the crowd, she appeared a jewel, an oasis in the middle of the desert. From a heart-shaped face peered dark eyes framed by long lashes. Full lips curled into a warm smile that invited him to share in some private joke. Black hair tumbled over her bared shoulders. At her throat gleamed a delicate chain of silver. The blue dress she wore was a splash of color in a sea of darkness, drawing his gaze and holding his attention.

He took a sip of champagne, as if to steady his nerves or the sudden increase of his pulse.

She approached him. She drew her shoulders back, thrust her chin up, and watched him with dark eyes. He waited. The smooth gait brought her closer and he could see her legs appear from the slit in her dress. The low murmur of the crowd seemed to fade away while she neared. The curl of her lips had him nearly wetting his own. The flare of desire strengthened.

“Hello,” she said.

“Hello,” Giovanni replied. As he stood in front of her, Giovanni couldn’t stop the smile that spread across his face, feeling pleased when she stayed. “I haven’t seen you around before. Giovanni,” he said. A careful toss of her hair and her frown had him adding, “My name’s Giovanni.”

Eventually, she smiled, slow and pleased. When Giovanni took her hand in his, he felt her fingertips run over his wrist. With a startled breath, he leaned forward.

“Giovanni, call me Marie,” she said.