
Oh special occasions

Time winds down the Wheat Kings are pressuring the Oil Kings. “Nick Buonassis skates up the ice, the clock is ticking down he’s on a breakaway. Speeding down the ice Brossoit has his eyes on him all the way. 3, 2, 1! He shoots and Brossoit makes the save! The Oil Kings have done it what a way to celebrate New Year’s Eve! Your final tally is 6-2 ladies and gentlemen. Stay tuned for our fireworks celebration.”

“Your boy was so solid! I would have fallen into the fetal position!” Emily cried hugging Steph, it was just a regular season game but a win was always something to celebrate. Steph stood there with a smile on her face. Carefully watching her boyfriend celebrate with his teammates, he was always so cool and collected but when he stops a good goal his smile brightens up the room. A tug at Steph’s arm pulled her back to reality.

“Come stand with me at the glass, I want to be close to the fireworks to take pictures!” She shrugged and followed her short friend shaking her head, she was always happy even if the team had lost she still had positive things to say. Kayla, Mitch Moroz’s better half, joined the two girls at the glass. “What are you two girls doing tonight?” She looked to Steph knowing that Emily is either spending time with her family or Travis’. Steph still had a slight smile on her lips, watching the fireworks. Kayla nudged her.

“Oh. LB said something about a surprise.” Steph shrugged, she never knew what he had up his sleeve. The fireworks had died out, Rexall was dark and the lights came on as everyone shielded their eyes unexpectedly. “Ladies and Gentlemen that concludes tonight. Have a safe and Happy New Year!” Emily, Steph and Kayla made their way downstairs, Emily lagging behind due to her short legs. Steph and Kayla lost in their conversation.

“Seriously, I always hear how we are some of the greatest WHL girlfriends, which is weird because they don’t know us and they might hate us.” Kayla shrugged, not understanding why people put them on this pedestal. They stood against the wall, waiting for their boys. One by one each of them filed out first Travis, then Mitch and finally Laurent. Steph’s smile could not be contained, she was overjoyed. Laurent wrapped her in his arms whispering a hi. As usual a shiver of joy ran down Steph’s back. He made her so happy, like nothing mattered. As they both took a step back she took in his appearance. He was back into his suit, minus the tie. He smelt like a mix of sweat and Kistna, she smiled deeply at her favorite scent.

“Uhm, where is my girlfriend? I’m feeling like a fifth wheel here.” Steph frowned; of course Travis is the one to break the moment. Steph looked around wondering where her friend could have gone too. They were almost always together at the games. “Thank you two so much for waiting for me.” An out of breath Emily joined the group, Kayla started laughing.

“Sorry shortstuff.” Emily leaned into Travis’ side laughing. The group stood together for a while longer, soon more players started filing saying their goodbyes and wishing everyone a Happy New Year. “As much fun as this is, we’re gonna leave you kiddies to your festivities.” Laurent smiled pulling Steph away. She nonchalantly waved back at her friends not earning one back as they were all enveloped in their own conversations. As he held the door open for her Steph was greeted with a punch of cold air to the face.

“So what are we doing tonight? How are we celebrating?” Steph shivered slightly, hoping to god they weren’t out in the cold too long. They walked in silence, the snow crunching beneath their shoes. Steph figure he didn’t hear her over the traffic. She shrugged, breathing deeply.
“Look I’m a dragon!” She laughed as if she was breathing fire. Laurent was watching her with careful eyes. The way she brightened up a room, the way the dull street lights made her hair shine and most importantly how happy she looked in that moment. She was totally carefree, smiling and twirling in the street.

“We are going to have the best view of the fireworks.” Steph stopped midstep shrugging as she opened the door to his charcoal black Ford truck. Shivering as she settled into the leather seat hoping he gets the vehicle started so she could put the heated seats to good use.
“Bout time!” Laurent crawled into the truck smiling. “Seriously, I’m freezing my butt off!”
“Oh we wouldn’t want that now would we!” He laughed, turning the key as the engine roared to life. Quickly Steph pushed the button and her buns were now being toasted which brought a smile to her face and caused a giggle to escape her lips.
After driving around for at least an hour they stopped at one of the many Subways located in Edmonton, this was Steph’s favorite though. It was the one where Laurent took her for their first lunch date. Of course it was one of the first times that the team interrupted a date as they all opted to come to that particular Subway.
“Remember when Travis spilt his drink on himself here?” Laurent smiled as they sat down at the table. Steph laughed. “He had that coming, he always interrupts us.” She took a bit of her BLT sighing in contentment, she was starved.
“Too be fair we interrupt him and Emily a lot too.” He spoke, laughing slightly remember all the times they’ve ruined Travis and Emily’s dates. “It’s not my fault they plan their dates when we’re bored or that he tries to spend all of Emily’s free time with her.” She laughed.
They finished in Subway after the attendant had to kick them out for sitting there for almost an hour it was almost time for the fireworks to go off. They set off driving again, talking and laughing all the while Laurent had a soft grip on Steph’s hand occasionally brushing her knuckles with his hand. They pulled up to what looks to be a closed office building and Laurent shut the vehicle off causing Steph to stare at them.
“To celebrate New Year’s we are breaking into an office space?”
“Well yeah, it’s been on my bucket list for the longest time.” Laurent shrugged and got out of the vehicle as Steph did the same all the while confused. As he reached for the door Steph stopped him.
“I’m just kidding, I have the keys babe. My billet dad works here and he gave me the keys.” He smiled pulling the door open. They took the elevator all the way up to the roof, as they pushed the door they were greeted with the cool crisp air. Steph was a taken back as she over looked Churchhill Square. They stood there watching and waiting enjoying each other’s company. No words were spoken and it was a comfortable silence. Time was winding down on the screen overlooking the square.
“Ten!” Steph smiled.
“Nine.” Laurent joined in. As they counted down everyone was cheering the square was alive, you could feel everyone’s energy. There were three seconds left, they were both shaking with anticipation.
”One.” Suddenly Steph was pulled around. Her lips were met with Laurent’s soft ones. Both smiling into the kiss.
“Happy New Year love.” Laurent breathed.