Status: the no idea story

Loss of Control


After a few bickerments from McFly on whether or not one should be a singer and the other a guitarist, it was decided by a coin flip, courtesy of Chelsea who had some extra change in her pockets. Tom was in the singers group while Danny stayed with the guitarists.


“So what do you all normally do?” Tom asked the three Americans around the table.

“We mostly try to come up with lyrics on our own, other times we play videogames,” Gerard answered.

“Right now, however, we need to figure out how to get to know each other. First off, we need to come up with a team name,” Layla stated.

“Team name?” Tom asked.

“Yep. Every Friday, we usually have a competition with bands we’re touring with to see who can win title of the best position until the next tour,” Layla explained.

“What’s the prize?” Tom asked again.

“Mostly bragging rights. Sally likes to use the term ‘forever the best’,” Matt explained.

“Sounds like fun. Well, what shall we call ourselves?” Tom said.

“Sirens. Mostly because in ancient Greek mythology, sirens are singers who lure traveling men to their death,” Layla suggested.

“I like it. So Sirens?” Gerard said.

“Sirens. Now, we need to get to know our new foreign friend,” Matt said, wrapping his arm around him.


“I think we should call ourselves Rock Gods,” Zacky suggested.

“Yeah, while you boys think of what you think is an appropriate name, we’ll be in the corner thinking of a better name,” Chelsea told them.

“What, you think you have something better?” Frank asked them.

“I was thinking we’d be called Shredder Strings, but if you think that’s a cheesy name, then come up with a better name than that,” Vanessa said, holding onto Bandit’s small hand.

“I like it. But I think it sounds more like a tongue twister,” Danny stated.

“That is true. Well, we should come up with a name that’s simple, yet unique, and something that screams out ‘awesome’,” Ray said.

The seven sat in thought and silence.

“Amped up?” Danny suggested.

“I like it. Simple, catchy, and straight to the point. I like you already,” Frank said, looking at Danny.

“Now to win this, we have to get to know each other. So, let’s get started,” Brian said, straightening up his back.


“I still think Stick Up Sticks is a bit boring,” Anna said.

“It’s a great idea and you know it,” Jimmy said.

“Dude, it doesn’t sound right,” Bob told him while Harry sat and watched in silence.

“You don’t sound right,” Jimmy said, crossing his arms.

“Jimmy, don’t act like your shoe size again,” Anna said, looking at him.

“I’m not. Well, what other names can we go for?” Jimmy asked.

“I was thinking Drumline, but I know Anna hates that movie,” Bob said.

“Why do you hate the movie?” Harry asked her.

“It’s a load of bull and nobody can be that good at the drums,” Anna argued.

“What about Drum Beat?” Bob suggested.

They all stared at him and thought about it.

“I like it. It’s simple and straight to the point,” Jimmy said.

“So now to the getting to know each other,” Anna said.


“So it’s agreed that we’ll be called Avengers, right?” Sally asked them.

“Agreed. I’ll be Captain America,” Johnny said.

“I think you’d be more for Iron Man, mostly because of the height,” Mikey suggested.

“Then Iron Man it is,” he said.

“I get to be Thor, right?” Dougie asked.

“Of course. Thor is not of this realm, as you are not of this country. It’s perfect,” Sally said.

“Then I get to be The Hulk. Mostly because he’ll kill you,” Mikey said.

“Sweet! I get Captain America,” Sally said.

“So what now?” Dougie asked them.

“Wanna color?” Sally asked, bringing out some paper and a box of crayons.

“Sweet,” Mikey said, getting out a purple crayon and began drawing.


“Time’s up,” Brain called out, looking as the four groups began to converse with each other.

“We’ll point at each group and you tell us your team name,” Adam said, pointing at the singers.

“We’re gonna be called Sirens,” Matt said.

“Excellent, we’re off to a good start. Guitarists,” Luna said.

“Amped Up,” Jimmy said.

“Very good. Getting there. Drummers,” Adam said.

“We’re called Drum Beat,” Anna said.

“We’re almost there. Sally, please make me proud,” Luna said.

“Oh, we were supposed to come up with a name that had to do with what we play?” Sally said, holding a crayon.

“Yes. Why?”

“’Cause we’re called the Avengers. After that, we’ve been doodling,” Sally confessed, showing a drawing of her picture, as did the other three.

“How is it that your group always wins?” Vanessa asked her.

“To be honest, I don’t even know. All I know is that Dougie has a weird fetish with reptiles,” Sally said, looking at Dougie’s drawing.

“And here I was hoping for a day of normality,” Luna said.

“What’s normal?” Sally asked, looking at him.

“It’s something that people are,” Fletch explained.

“Is it contagious?” Mikey asked them.

“Ew, get it away from us. We don’t want to catch your normal,” Johnny said, inching away from them.

“Anyway, since we got our team names, we should head on over to the house. Now, McFly, we got Pixel’s roadies to help out with putting your stuff inside the house, but you will have to share your room,” Fletch explained.

“Can’t be that bad,” Tom stated.

“Ha, you English people. You don’t know these people very well, but you will eventually,” Brian said, indicating the people around him.

“We’re fun. Just last week, we had a bet on who can burp their ABCs and Anna won,” Vanessa argued.

“See, this is why I question why people call you the most serious band ever,” Luna stated.

“So grab your things so we can get a move on,” Adam told them, ushering the four bands out the door.

They all stepped into the extremely expensive looking mansion and stared in wonder.

“How can you afford this?” Ray asked their managers.

“You don’t want to know,” Brian said, looking at their reactions.

Everyone began to look around the house and felt the cool air hit their skins when they entered the house. A few minutes later, Sally and Vanessa discovered something that probably excited everybody.

“Holy fuck, a fucking pool!” Sally shouted, opening the door and throwing her electronics onto a seat and ran outside and jumped into the pool, Vanessa following right behind her.

“You’re clothes are gonna get wet,” Frank commented.

Sally squirted water at him from a toy water gun she found.

“How can you guys stand being out here? I mean, you’re all wearing jeans,” Harry told them.

“Pixel and A7X lived here their entire lives. My Chem live in Jersey,” Gerard explained, holding Bandit in his arms.

“Plus we have these things called pools. Exhibit A,” Jimmy said, jumping into the pool, as did the rest besides McFly and Gerard.

“And squirt guns,” Vanessa said, squirting Gerard with her water pistol on the head, making him laugh.

“One, two, three, four, I declare a water war,” Sally stated, getting out of the pool and taking her water pistol with her.

“Instruments against instruments,” Johnny proposed.

“Who would take care of Bandit then?” Vanessa questioned.

“Who would take care of whom now?” a new member asked.

They all turned their head and the McFly boys noticed that the girl was extremely pretty.

“Lin Lin,” Sally greeted, waving her over.

The girl rolled her eyes and walked towards them.

“Where’s Bandit? I was told I was supposed to come here so that you guys can have your shenanigans,” she said.

“With Gee, but you need to meet some people,” Sally said, indicating the four boys still looking at her.

“Hi there. I’m Linda, Sally’s younger sister. Nice to meet you,” Linda introduced.

The boys grew extremely quiet.

“Yeah, that’s Harry, Danny, Dougie, and Tom. I best watch out for them, sis. They’re British and my guess is that they have a crush on you,” Sally told her, introducing them.

“Right. Well, I have a child to take care of. Gee, go play games with your friends,” Linda called out, walking towards him and holding Bandit in her arms.

“Now, back to the water fight,” Matt said, holding out his own water gun.

“This is why I keep thinking I’m taking care of a bunch of third graders, not a bunch of adults who thinks they got their life straightened out,” Luna stated.

In front of him were nineteen supposedly adults with Linda sitting in the corner, holding a sleeping Bandit since Vanessa refuses to hold her while both her and Gerard were wet, since she was afraid of getting her sick.

“You know, we could’ve invited you to play,” Zacky told him.

“I don’t really care. Well, I do care, but you guys are soaking wet and you need to get ready,” Luna told them.

They all stared at him in confusion.

“You have got to be kidding me. While you were off playing like nine year olds, you were called down to the studio so that you’ll all hear what each of you sound like,” Luna explained.

“Why didn’t we do this when we were there?” Ray asked him.

“It’s because the studio is built in the basement, but I don’t think that you would like to play while wearing wet clothing,” Luna told them.

He dismissed all of them so that they’ll find their rooms, which wasn’t that hard. In fact, it became a bit frustrating.

“Yeah, we’re not sharing a room with guys,” Layla told him.

“You guys sleep with a guy,” Luna stated.

“The difference is that they’ve seen us naked. I don’t want some random dude to walk in on me while I’m naked,” Chelsea explained.

“Yeah, you’re staying with them. No ifs, ands, or buts. Deal with it.”

The girls groaned in response and settled into their own rooms. All the girls called dibs in their bathroom and changed quickly.

After an hour of changing out of their wet clothes into fresh ones, they were down in the basement, staring at the instruments in the basement. No one wanted to go first and for reasons. Their managers walked in and saw that the four bands were sitting together in awkward silence.

“So when are you guys playing?” Brian asked them.

“Whoever decides to play first,” Matt stated.

“Well, that’s not getting far, is it?” Fletch asked

“To be honest, this is the farthest we’ve ever gone,” Jimmy confessed, looking at the other band mates.

“Well, somebody’s gotta play,” Luna told them.

“Not it,” Sally called, placing her finger one her nose.

Everybody took notice and placed their finger on their nose. McFly, however, got incredibly confused.

“McFly, you’re first,” Fletch told them.

“What just happened?” Harry asked them.

“Its nose goes. When someone states ‘not it’ and places a finger on their nose, it means that they won’t go. Hence the name nose goes,” Luna explained, sitting down with the rest of the managers and watched them perform.

McFly set their stuff up and readied whatever else they needed to do. It was gonna take a long time.

“This song is called Star Girl,” Tom said into the mic.

They began to play their song. Sally and Vanessa really liked it and thought it was pretty good, but also really familiar. When the song was finished, Avenged Sevenfold decided to take their turn.

“This is Bat Country,” Matt said, letting Brian to take the lead.

The boys from McFly were stunned on how they were playing, while My Chem and Pixel seemed to be rocking out from the song. After the song finally finished, My Chem decided to take their turn.

“We are playing I’m Not Okay,” Gerard said when everybody else got their equipment up.

Ray started the song up and soon, Gerard began to sing. Vanessa smiled in pride and held Bandit in her arms. After they were done, Pixel of the LA Suspect got up from their spot. Vanessa handed Bandit to Gerard and grabbed her guitar.

“Hey, where’s my bass?” Sally asked them, mostly to Linda.

“It’s getting fixed, remember. We brought Sombra instead,” Linda explained.

Sally said something along the lines of ‘not the same’ and ‘fucking strings’. She brought out Sombra anyway, which was a dark purple guitar with the white letters of ‘Sombra’ on the bottom.

“This song is called Broken Hearts, Torn Up Letters, and the Story of a Lonely Girl,” Layla said into the mic.

The girls began to play their song and Sally seemed to be enthused by the entire thing. In fact, all the girls were. Vanessa and Chelsea seemed to be back to back when they’re playing the guitar and Anna seemed to be smiling and having fun. After they were done, the girls smiled widely and took their seats, leaving their instruments behind.

“I don’t know how this is going to work. We’re too different,” Zacky stated.

“We’ll make it work somehow. If not, we can force it to,” Frank said.

“This is going to be interesting,” Anna said.

Everybody had to agree on that.
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There are reasons why I didn't want to include the song lyrics. One, I'm lazy. Two, it'll be too long and boring. I decided to use Lostprophets as an inspiration for Pixel of the LA Suspect. Just pretend they don't exist in this universe. I know it's copyright, but I don't want to write poems and song lyrics. Unless you guys want to do that for me, go ahead. If not, Lostprophets is going to be the one you're stuck with. Bye now!