Starbucks, Skittles and Polariod Pictures

Chapter 4

" should we invite Cade?" Mikaela asked me during fourth period, jerking me back to reality from a daydream about Cade, figures.

" yeah, he looks like he could use a party" i said, just in time. im glad a bounced back so quikly.
" ok, go give him an invite on our way to Mr.Lab's class. Butts ends in 5" she said as she handed me a n invite. they were neon green, with shiny black lettering. Party! @ Phire Shelley's! 906 New York! Its going to be everything you want it to be! bring anything and everything!

It looked pretty good to me, i would have gone to it. Of course these parties thrown by us were like monthly so it was due time that we had one. Everyone who we thought deserved to come, we invited, those who we didnt.......say the icky preps, didnt get an invite.they never did. they always acted like they didnt care, because they could always just throw there own party. But once i caught Whitnee and Sierra in the bathroom talking about how jealous they were, it was a sight to see. But it served them right, they never invited us to there paries.

Riing! And with that 4th period was over.

As me Kaela, and Josh headed to 5th with Mrs. Haight(yes pronounced "Hate") ), i spotted him. I decided to give him his invite now since we had the next class together.

" Be right back, Kaela" i muttered as I headed over to Cade's figure about 3 feet away.

" Hey, your cade, right?"

"Umm, yeah, do I know you?"

"Oh, yeah i guess not but me and my best freinds Kaela and Josh over there" I said as I turned and pointed to them. they waved. " are having a party this weedend, saturday, be there?"

" Uhh, maybe it depends on if I can get the rents off my back, is there going to be a chaperone?"

" Well, no but its going to be really fun, we throw these parties all the time, so we know how keep them good" I said hoping he didt WANT a chaperone there or somthing.

" Good, parites are no fun unless theres No supervision at all" He said with a laugh and an adorable half grin.

Wow, he looks so much like Gee! i thought to myself,. The hair, the half grin, everything! He even loves Starbucks! (I Learned this later)

" And what was your name again?"

" Oh, sorry, im Phire" I said while mentally scolding myself for acting like such an idiot. " Any music suggestions?"

"That would have to be Im Not Okay, and Thank You For The Venom by My Chemical Romance"

"Got it" I said as I tapped my head with fake enthusiasm.

" ok, Ill try to come"

" ok, bye" i said as i walked back over to Kaela and Josh.

" Is he coming?" asked Kaela.

" Maybe, he has to escape the rents"

"Oh, good"

" Oh Good? Kaela, do you have a Junior Gee crush!!"

"Uhh, maybe, but still, think about it hes seriously hot" she said a s she pretended to faint from the apparent "heat" coming from him.

" yeah, I gues I said as I thought of him.
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sorry that was kinda lame, i dont have very good writing skills, but im working on them.