Status: Active

Lyrically Terrifying

Dear Insanity

Oh, sweet insanity. Oh, how you complete me. Something about the way you fit together with my mind perfectly. You take my hand every night, walking me out into the darkness of the night and we walk that road for hours. We walk and walk, towards the white hills and the oceans just to see what we can find there.

But we’re on a collision course now and it’s not going to end well for anyone. We’re marching our way to hell and we’re doomed. We’re doomed to all of this now. But guess what. If I’m going down, I’m not going down alone. You’re doomed to this fate now. You’re doomed right along with me.
We’re going down together, so hold your breath because we’re going under. We’re all fucked now.
Hold your breath because I’m taking you down with me.

I’ve walked along this road for hours now. Walking it alone. Walking towards those same white hills and those same damn oceans, and I’m searching for solace in this toxic land of sin we call home.
Just let me in. Please.
But don’t wake me up. Please don’t wake me up, their songs are soothing and their wine subdues me. Everything here just calms me for a little bit. Puts you to the back of my mind.
Opps, now you’re back at the front of my mind so hold your breath while we go under.

But these dreams plague me and my mind won’t lift me from them. It won’t drag me out of them and let me be alone. And despite my hardest attempts I can’t escape, and no matter how hard I try I fail to escape my mind.
The tables are starting to turn though, now you want a way out of what you’ve created and though you try, you can’t escape me now. You’re stuck with me.

You’ve seen what I have become now. You’ve seen what you have created and what you have done. You have seen what I am capable of. Are you proud? Are you proud now that you can see what I can do?
I’m not.

And now I’m back walking along this road. Walking towards the white hills and the oceans but I’m starting to think that they don’t exist. I’m still searching for solace in this damn toxic land of sin screaming for someone to let me in. But no one is. And I’m starting to doubt that it exists so don’t wake me up. Don’t wake me up from this state because I’m listening to their songs and I’m drinking their wine and it’s all so soothing. Subduing. And I like it.

So welcome to the diary of a man that lost his mind so long ago.
Welcome to the shell of a man with a heart so black and cold.

Because I’m sick of going over this again and again in my head.
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Okay I'm sorry that it's short and kind of crappy.

Let me know if you like it and leave me other songs if you want and all that stuff.