Opposites Attract

Sorry Again

Zach’s POV:

Mom walks in after 8.

“Where were you? I had to make my own dinner.” I joke with her as she hangs her coat up.

“I was just out shopping with someone who needed me.”

“Really, who was it?” Her friends don’t usually seem like the needy type.

“Oh, no one. Just a new girl I met.”

“Was it Alison or whatever her name is?”

“No, it was not Alyssa.” Oh, that’s her name. “It was Lea.” I choke on air.

“You did not go shopping with my ex-girlfriend.”

“She needed someone!”

“What about her friends or her mom? She doesn’t have to steal my mom!" First she breaks up with me then says she needs someone, like my mom. She has no right to do that.

“Her parents went out with some friends and her friends were out with their dates. Yes, even her sister has a date tonight.”

“And they didn’t care to stay with her?” That is so heartless of them.

“They wanted to stay but she pretended to be strong and told them to go be happy because they deserve it.”

“Oh.” I feel like a jerk. I never should have let such an amazing girl go. I can’t believe I almost gave up on her.

“I wish I could tell you that she still wants you back, but I think you really ruined it, Zach.”

“Mom, please help me fix it.”

“Nope, this one is all on you. It’s your mistake and I can’t help you fix it.” She walks out of the room.

“I hate this!” I raise my fist.

“Don’t punch anything!” My parents both yell down. Am I that obvious? Vic walks in.

“She was a great girl.” He tells me.

“I know she was. That’s why I fell in love with her.”

“I’m not usually mushy or anything, but I did see her when she was next to you. There was just something there. Don’t give up, big bro.”

“Thanks, little bro.” I don’t really know what to do so I decide to go upstairs. Around 2 I decide to take a walk since I’m clearly not going to sleep.

“No, it can’t be you. I’m just imagining things.” Lea walks up and slaps me.

“I am definitely real.” I hold my cheek.

“Well in that case you deserve this.” She kicks me in the shin.

“Ow, you violent woman!”

“Shut up or you’ll wake everyone up. I do not want to live with that right now.”

“Lea, you obviously still want me or you wouldn’t be out here right now. My mom told me about your shopping trip.”

“Yes, I went shopping with her. I needed to get you off my mind and it really helped. Zach, we both just need to move on. Go back to Elizabeth for all I care.” That really hurts me.

“I turned her down and I would have even if you hadn’t shown up.”

“And I know that! If you had said you were meeting her I would have understood. I might have even run up and kissed you then pretend to be nice to her.” What sucks is I know she would have.

“I know and I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have lied and I should have trusted you.”

“It would have saved us this heartache.”

“We aren’t getting back together are we?” I ask her.

"Now it’s my turn to say I’m sorry.” She walks off and I go home. I just want to wake up from this nightmare.
