Opposites Attract


Lea’s POV:

The year drug on and I was forced to work with Zach a lot. Graduation came and went.

“Lea, how are you today?” Candace is starting at me when I wake up. It’s the first day of June and I’ve grown up a lot.

“I’m fine, just like I have been for a long time. Zach is so high school.” I smile and enjoy the fact that I’m not upset anymore.

“That is what I love to hear. It’s good to have you back, little sis.”

“Cand, you don’t know how good it feels to know that I’m fine without him.” I get dressed and go for a walk.

“Lea Green, is it really you?” I turn and see Jacob, my boyfriend from tenth grade.

“Yes, Jac, it’s me.”

“Wow, you look really good. I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately.” Wow, he wasted no time with that.

“Thank you?” I don’t really know what to say.

“Lea, I was a jerk, but could we try again?” I want to say yes, but I can’t. For some reason Stay, Stay, Stay, by Taylor Swift is in my head and I just realized something really important but I might be too late.

“No, I don’t think we can.” I run off and go home. I almost run into Candace.

“Where are you going in such a hurry?” She laughs.

“Not now, I have to do something really important. Jacob just asked me out again.” She grins because he was her favorite, until he cheated on me.

“Really? What did you say?” I look at her and she nods. “Yeah, I kind of figured that would happen.” She opens the door and throws me the car keys.

“Thank you, Candace.” I know she isn’t happy about this at all. I knock on the door.

“Lea, what are you doing here?”

“Mrs. Porter, is Zach here?” I’m out of breath.

“No, dear, I’m afraid he’s on his way to the airport. His plane is leaving soon.” I’m running back to my car before she finishes her sentence. I run to the airport and see him.

“Zach, don’t go!” I’m slowly realizing this is backwards. He should be the one stopping me and I almost laugh.

“Lea, why are you here?”

“I need to see you.” I run to him and he opens his arms.

“I really am sorry. I never should have done what I did and I shouldn’t have given up on you. I was so wrong in everything.” He tells me. We’re both crying.

“No, Zach, I was wrong. I never should have broken up with you. You deserve to have some things private in your life and I need to respect that.” He kisses me. “Please don’t go.” I beg him.

“Lea, I wish I could stay, but I have to go.”

“No you don’t!” He can’t leave so soon.

“I have to meet with some record producers otherwise, I promise you, I would stay here with you. Heck, I would bring you along, but I have to board now.” I look at the people looking at us.

“Okay, hurry back.”

“I will, I promise. It’s only a week. What made you change your mind?”

“One of my exes just asked me out and I realized I could never get over you. We may have been enemies once, but we can’t do it now.” He kisses me again.

“They do say opposites attract.” I stand by the window until his plane is out of sight. It feels good to have him back in my life.
