Opposites Attract

Sweet Hello

Zach’s POV:

The longest week of my life finally ends and the first person I see when I get off the plane is Lea.

“Zach, I love you!” She yells and I hold her close.

“I love you, too.” We stay like this for a few minutes.

“How was the meeting? Oh so this is where we are again.” Michael starts laughing.

“I knew it would happen.” Cameron says. Laurie and Clara are with the guys just smiling. I know Lea told them the minute she left the airport.

“And I couldn’t be happier that it did.” My mom pushes through and looks at Lea. She moves and lets dad and Vic attack me.

“So, how was the meeting?” Vic asks.

“We have a deal.” I say and we all yell loudly. People in the airport stare, but I just hope they remember our faces because they aren’t going away for a while.

“Zach, I am so happy for you.” Lea says and I put my arm around her.

“I also bought something when I was out there.”

“And what might that be?” Candace asks, knowing exactly what it is. I called her and her parents when I knew Lea wouldn’t be home.

“Lea, we’ve known each other a really long time. When we were together we were the happiest and I want to always be happy. Lea Grass, will you marry me one day?”

“Yes, Zach.” I kiss her then stand up and spin her around.

“This can be a fairytale if you want it to be.”

“I guess it’s a fairytale then.” She smiles and we go to her house.

“Did he do it?” Her parents run to the front door.

“He did!” She holds up her hand and her mom hugs her. Her dad looks at me.

“Take care of her.”

“I will.” We go to her room.

“Zach, stay with me.” She plays another Taylor Swift song, Stay, Stay, Stay.

“Lea, I am not going anywhere. And I do love you when you’re mad, sad, or happy.”

“I know that now and I will never doubt you again.”

“And I will always trust you. If I’m doing something I’ll let you know. I won’t give you reason to doubt me again.”

“I’m really happy for you two.” Candace is looking at us.

“Hey, Candace, didn’t you get a boyfriend?” I ask.

“Yes, I did and we are still doing really well.”

“That’s awesome.”

“Thank you for your sincerity.”

“Whoa, big words for me.” I joke with her.

“Don’t test me, Porter. You make my sister happy, but I can make your death look like an accident.” She smiles so I know she’s joking. Sort of.

“Candace, be nice to your brother-in-law.”

“Oh, don’t make me puke.” She walks out laughing.

“Your sister has really warmed up to me.” I tell Lea.

“Thank goodness for that. There was a day I thought she would never accept how I felt for you, but now she does. Whether she likes it or not, she approves.”

“You already know Vic approves of you.”

“He would approve of any girl you brought home.” Lea does her snorting laugh again.

“Yes he would.” We sit in her room and laugh. This is just like when we first started dating and I couldn’t be happier.
