Opposites Attract

Madly In Love

Zach’s POV:

“When are you going to tell her?” Cameron asks me when Lea walks away.

“Never, she doesn’t need to know.” I can’t tell Lea that I like her.

“Yes she does. Zach, she probably thinks you hate her and I know she hates you.”

“That’s exactly why I can’t tell her. She hates me because I’m a jerk to her. And she’s a cheerleader, I’m just some guy in a band that isn’t really a band.”

“We are in a band and we will get big one day. You are Zach Porter.” He is trying to give me a pep talk and it isn’t working. We get a seating chart and Lea is next to me.

“Alright, we hate each other so let’s just deal with this until the year is over.” She starts out.

“Good to see you, too.” I throw back at her.

“Whatever, Zach.”

“Don’t whatever me, Beluga Whale.” Her eyes get big and I immediately regret calling her that. At least she doesn’t have a clue I like her.

“I can’t believe you called me that! I haven’t been fat since 8th grade and now I’m a cheerleader. I am not fat!” She yells and everyone stares.

“Nothing to see here. Dude, Lea, shut up.” I look at her.

“You do not tell me to shut up, Zach Porter. I don’t know why you hate me, but lay off me!” She is standing now and our teacher looks at her.

“We are 10 minutes in to the second semester, please, you two, don’t kill each other.” Mrs. Sarah says.

“Sorry, ma’am.” We say and Lea sits down. Cameron shoots me a look and I know he wants me to tell her I don’t hate her.

“Lea, I don’t hate you, I’m just a jerk.” I whisper and she won’t even look at me.

“Don’t talk to me, Zach. You really are a jerk, believe me I know that.” The class drags on and the bell finally rings. She grabs her stuff and runs out.

“Cam, why do I always ruin everything? She completely hates me and I don’t have a chance with her.”

“No, you have a chance if you would just talk to her. Don’t make her mad, don’t yell at her, don’t call her fat. Zach, don’t be who you have been, be who you are.”

“Cameron Quiseng, you just had a genius pep talk.” He smiles and the warning bell rings. I walk in to my next class and sit in the corner, waiting for someone else to walk in that I know. A few people walk in, but they aren’t my closest friends. At least they’re people I know. Finally the day ends and I go home.

“How was your day, Zach? Still madly in love with Lea Green?” She teases.

“Please don’t, mom, not now.”

“Do you want to talk about it?” She asks me.

“No, mom, I don’t. Lea yelled at me in first hour and I don’t know why.” Of course we sit down and I tell her everything.

“Zach, you need to apologize to this girl. If you really like her, you’ll tell her that. You only have a semester of school then she’s gone forever.” She walks out and I have a serious decision to make.
