Opposites Attract


Zach’s POV:

“Zach, dude, you're get married tomorrow.” Cameron says.

“I know and I don’t feel ready at all.” I can’t believe Lea and I are this far. We started out hating each other, next I teased her because I loved her, now we’re a day away from getting married.

“Well I think you are. You guys went through a lot.” Mikey tells me.

“Thanks, man.” Vic runs in the room.

“My brother is about to marry a girl tomorrow! A real, breathing, not paid, girl.”

“Thanks, brother, I feel so much better about myself.” We laugh.

“Hey, I’m just saying, you didn’t always have the best girls before Lea came along. And you almost went back to Elizabeth.”

“Don’t mention that again!” After Lea broke up with me I called Elizabeth, but she didn’t pick up. I never called her again after that.

“Sorry, I’m just pointing out the obvious to you. Would you have gone back to her?” He asks and the guys look at me.

“Yeah, I probably would have. But now I have Lea so I won’t go to anyone.” The guys breathe again.

“We would hope you never go back to her.” Michael says.

“Especially after she tore you up like that.” Cameron reminds me of the day she left.

“I really loved her, but she didn’t love me. She can’t pick and choose when we’re going to be together.” It feels good to say that.

“Well, now that’s over, you have a wedding to get ready for. Do you have everything you need?” My dad asks walking in to the room.

“How much did you hear?”

“Enough. Now, answer my question. Do you have everything you need for tomorrow?” He smiles quickly.

“Yeah, I have it all. My tux, my vows, the rings, everything. I even have my brain.” I smile.

“That is a good thing to have. I missed that when I married your mother and called her by the name of my ex-girlfriend.” I try not to laugh.

“Oh that’s bad.” Vic says, laughing as much as the rest of us.

“Yeah, but she just laughed it off and didn’t tell me until after the wedding. It finally made sense why everyone was shocked.”

“Sometimes your father forgets how to think.” Mom walks up behind him. “My baby is getting married tomorrow. In 24 hours we will be sitting in a pew looking up at our son and daughter-in-law.”

“Don’t cry, mom.” I hug her and she cries.

“Zach, you’re so grown up. Now I feel old.” She throws up her arms. “What am I going to do with you boys?”

“It’ll be fine, mom.” Vic joins the hug so dad does, too.

“Cameron, Michael, don’t just stand there. You’re family, too.” They run over and we look like a bunch of fools. Someone knocks on the door and I go to get it.

“Zach, I have some important instructions for you tomorrow.”

“What would those be, Laurie?” She looks completely serious.

“Don’t screw up and be there on time ready for Lea. She’s so nervous about this already she doesn’t need you pulling a stupid boy trick.” I know she’s serious.

“I won’t be stupid. I promise.”

“Good.” She walks off and I laugh. These are my friends.
