Opposites Attract

The Wedding

Lea’s POV:

“Oh man, this is the day. I am really getting married today.”

“Breathe, you’ve got this down. You’re 20, but you’ve lived.” How does Candace know exactly what I’m thinking?

“Thanks, Candace, I needed that. Tonight Zach and I spend the first night in our home as husband and wife.”

“Who knew you two would be here? Since you both first met you couldn’t stop hating each other.” Laurie says.

“Now you two can’t stop loving each other.” Clara adds on.

“Amazing what a little love can do.” Mrs. Porter puts a lavender bow in my hair. I also have a light blue dress and gold sash on to get all the wedding colors in.

“Tell me again why your dress is blue.” Mom asks me.

“Because Zach said he loves this color on me!” I tell her and laugh. “I also really love this dress so it wasn’t that difficult to buy it.”

“It does make your eyes pop.” Mom tells me. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

“Yes, mom, I’m sure. I really do love Zach. Those months we were apart I went crazy. Then Jacob asked me out again and I knew I couldn’t do it.”

“It’s like Zach said, opposites attract.” Candace reminds me of the day I ran after him.

“Yes, they do.” Mrs. Porter says.

“Well, it’s time for us to go. Your father should be back soon to walk you down.” Mom says looking at her watch. She hugs me one more time and walks out with Kate.

“I’m happy for you, little sister.” Candace tells me with tears in her eyes.

“Thank you. Are you sure you approve of me and Zach? You’re not going to yell out and object or anything are you?” I ask her because that is something she would do.

“No, I won’t. I don’t approve a lot, but I accept it. If he makes you happy then that’s all I care about. I’ve learned to tolerate him.”

“Alright you girls, Lea has a wedding to attend.” Dad walks in and takes my arm. The girls follow us out and I hear the music start to play. The wedding is amazing and Zach’s vows make everyone cry.

“Shall we go to the reception, Mrs. Porter?” Zach asks me as he opens the door to the limo.

“Yes, we shall.” I say getting in. The girls and I talk the whole way and Zach talks to the guys. They go in and we wait.

“This is it; it’s too late to back out now.” He tells me.

“Good, because I don’t want to back out. I want this more than I wanted to go to the dance with you.” I smile and he kisses me.

“Good.” We walk in and go to the floor for our first dance. A Thousand Years starts playing and I look at him.

“Zach, I will love you for a thousand more years.” I put my head on his shoulder and flashback to our first date, our first dance ever.

“That night was magical, but this is a Hollywood movie.” He tells me and I cry. He spins me and kisses me, just like that night. Everything is perfect.
