Opposites Attract

Big News

Lea’s POV:

Paris was amazing and Zach gets back from another tour in a few minutes. We’ve been married for a year now. Everyone except Candace and Shane are married now but they will be in a few months.

“Lea Porter it has been forever!”

“Yes it has, Zach Porter.” I laugh as he runs off the bus and kisses me.

“Man, sweetie, you got really big since I saw you last month.” Normally that would bother me, but not today.

“Yeah, well, that’s what happens when Emma and Haven grow. I am having twins.”

“Thank goodness they’re mine.” He laughs.

“I can’t imagine them being anyone else’s.” He can’t stop smiling. “What are you so happy about?” I ask him.

“Nothing. Let’s go visit my mom. I know she wants to see me.” I shake my head and get in the car.

“You are so weird.” I tell him and he smiles. We get to the Porter’s and I just walk in.

“Zach’s home!” I yell.

“Surprise!” Everyone jumps out. My hands fly to my mouth.

“You guys threw me a baby shower?” I am going to cry.

“It was Zach’s idea.” My mom says. I look at him and he shrugs.

“Thank you, baby.” I kiss him and he leads me to the couch. I open the gifts and they are amazing.

“Alright, cake time!” Laurie yells. She brings it out and it has a picture of my latest sonogram on it.

“That is adorable!” I say.

“And here is a drink for the mother-to-be.” Mikey hands me a glass.

“But I can’t drink.” I may be 21 now, but I will not drink while I’m pregnant.

“Relax, it’s sparkling cider so you don’t feel left out.” Cameron explains while the others have a glass of wine.

“Man, I kind of wish I knew what wine tasted like.” My 21st birthday was spent finding out that I was pregnant.

“You will in about four months.” Zach tells me.

“Try about 6. I will not drink right after.”

“You are so responsible.” We all laugh and eat cake.

“Oh man, it’s almost 10.” I say when I see the clock.

“We’ve really been here for 9 hours?” Clara asks, shocked as I am.

“Yes you have.” Mr. Porter says. “It’s time for you all to go.”

“Are you sure?” Zach asks. “We were having so much fun.”

“Well enjoy what you had because your fun is over in a few months.” My mom laughs.

“Don’t worry, you’ll get it back in 18 years. Assuming you don’t have more kids and you aren’t too old to have fun.” My dad laughs.

“Please, like any of us will be too old to have fun.” Shane says. He doesn’t usually speak up much at big parties, but I usually like what he says when he speaks.

“He has a point.” Candace says and kisses him.

“Ew, save it for your wedding day.” I tease them.

“Maybe we will.” He shoots back.

“Candace, are you sure he’s the one?” I joke with her.

“Yeah, I’m sure.”

“Fine.” I smile at them and Zach takes my hand.

“You need your rest so you can stay healthy.”

“I’m glad I have you to take care of me.” I tell him.

“You’ll always have me.”
