Opposites Attract

The End

Lea’s POV:

Emma and Haven are two now. I hope my twins are as close as Candace and I are. Zach and I don’t have any more kids right now, but maybe in the future. I had my first glass of wine a few months after the twins were born and I hated it. The stuff tasted like cough syrup and burned for half an hour. Laurie and Cameron have a little boy, Josh. Clara and Michael have a boy, Eric, and a girl, Mandy. Candace and Shane were married a month after my baby shower and now have twins, Kailey and Max. I am not currently working, but maybe when the kids are in school. Allstar Weekend is amazing and I am so proud of Zach, Cameron, and Michael. They have two other guys, Dillon and Brent, who are pretty amazing. They may be single a while, but they fit in well. I am really happy with the life that I have now. Zach has taught me what love is. It is a thing and I have it. It is a feeling and I feel it. It is an action and I show it. Love is everything I’ve always wondered about except for a meaningless word.