Opposites Attract


Zach’s POV:

“Cam, Mikey, I have one question to ask.”

“No, you can’t have a bromance with Bruce Springsteen.” Michael cuts me off and I stick my tongue out at him.

“That wasn’t my question, thank you.”

“What was your question?” Cameron asks.

“Should I ask Lea out?” Michael spits out his drink and looks at me.

“You’re insane! Based on what you’ve told me, she hates your guts.” Michael yells out, not helping my self confidence.

“I think it’s a great idea.” Cameron says shooting Mikey a look.

“So when should I do it?” I ask them.

“Tomorrow, before first hour.”

“Cam, I can’t do that!”

“Whatever. I have to watch my sisters.” He and Mikey leave and I know what I have to do tomorrow. I wake up feeling anxious.

“Hey, Lea, can I talk to you?” I pull her away from her friends and take a deep breath.

“What do you want? Oh, I bet you want to call me fat again.”

“No, I want to ask you out. I make fun of you because I can’t tell you how I feel.” She laughs in my face and walks off. My heart breaks. I get to class and she’s already in her seat.

“Sorry for laughing, Zach.” She’s really apologizing. “I should have added a huge no with it. Why would I go out with you? You’ve been nothing but mean to me.” She turns to face the teacher and I know I’m not supposed to answer.

“God, Cameron, I ruined it!” I yell after class.

“Don’t give up, Zach. I heard her talking to her friends and I know if you keep asking she’ll say yes.” He doesn’t know anything about love.

“I can’t do it.” I slowly walk to my next class. I feel like I'm going to die.

*Lea’s POV*

“Zach just asked me out!” I yell at them. “I laughed and walked off.”

“He what?” Candace yells.

“I know, it’s sick. He thinks he can be a jerk then just expect me to like him.” The truth is, I might like him a little. He isn’t that unattractive.

“Good thing you said no or you would be the one getting hurt.” Laurie looks at Cameron as he walks by.

“You’ll be fine. Can I be honest? If Zach keeps asking, I just might say yes.” I think Cameron looks at me, but he's so far away he probably didn't hear.

“No! You wouldn’t!” Clara yells.

“No, I wouldn’t.” I say and we laugh. I head to class because I need to think about what happened. I see Zach and decide to make sure he knows I don’t like him. He looks so hurt, but I don’t care. After second hour I run up to third hour.

“How was class with Zach?” Clara asks.

“It’s been the same as it has the past two weeks.” I tell Clara.

“Yeah, that makes sense.” When Laur and Cand get to class I tell them what I said to Zach.

“That’s my baby sister.” Candace says.

“Thanks, big sis.”

“Man, Lea, you have really changed since last year. Would you have even said that to him last year?” Laurie asks me.

“Only in my dreams.” I say and we laugh loud enough for everyone, including Cameron, to stare at us.

“Oh, shut up and mind your own business.” Candace yells and they all go back to what they were talking about. The bell rings and we’re forced to stop talking. Maybe this will be a good semester.
