Opposites Attract

Second Date

Zach’s POV:

“Hey, Lea, happy Monday.” She looks at me and smiles when I say that. It is nice to see that mezmorizing smile and know it’s for me.

“Good morning, Zach.” She puts her bag down and slides in to her seat.

“Not upset about sitting here anymore?” I joke with her.

“As of now, no. Don’t do anything to ruin that for me.” What could I possibly do in one semester? I’m kind of afraid to know. I have never felt like this about a girl before. I mean, there was Elizabeth, and I loved her, but she didn’t love me and that’s all there is to it.

“I’ll try not to.” I promise her. I take her hand and look at her. She nods so I don’t let go.

“Here is another worksheet. You have a test tomorrow so I suggest you do this one. You can work with one or two other people.” Cameron runs over.

“Hey, Zach, we doing this?” He asks.

“If you don’t mind working with Lea, too.” He smiles at her.

“No, I think I need to get in good with the best friend of my date. And the girl who has another date with my best friend.”

“Oh, Cameron, you’re so funny.” She says sarcastically.

“I try.” He laughs.

“Hey, you two, let’s get this worksheet done. I need the grade.”

“Yes, because a B is so bad.” Lea looks at me.

“Do you enjoy dating me? It could all end with the drop of a grade.”

“So, this paper. I think we should work on it.” She goes to the bathroom and Cameron moves to her seat.

“Wow you two love each other.”

“Well, you didn’t waste any time. I really like her, but I don’t know how she feels about me.” I think she likes me now, but girls are confusing.

“Please, she loves you. I do know some things.” I laugh and she walks back in.

“What did I miss?”

“Nothing, just something that happened at practice last night.”

“Maybe I should come to practice one day.” She’s joking, but it’s a good idea.

“One day, once we’ve been dating for a while, you and Laurie can come.”

“And if we hook up our friends.” She says, bringing up our conversation at the dance.

“If we do then Clara can come, too.” I take her hand again and this is how we work the whole hour. The bell rings.

“We still on for tonight?” She asks me.

“Yeah, as long as you want to be.”

“I want to be. Where are we going?” She asks. She looks so cute standing there.

“We could go to a movie.” I suggest.

“Okay, that sounds good. I’ll meet you here after school?”

“I will see you then.” I start to kiss her then decide against it. She walks off to her next class. The day drags on and I run to meet her.

“You got here fast.” She laughs and we walk to my car. I put her stuff in the back and we drive to the theater singing to every song that comes on the radio.

“Well, that was a good movie.” I say.

“No it wasn’t.” She laughs.

“It really wasn’t. I see why they gave it half a star.”

“If you don’t mind, Zach, my parents want to meet you.” I think for a second and worry this is too much too soon.

“Then I guess it’s time to meet your parents.”
