Opposites Attract

Meet The Parents

Lea’s POV:

“Mom, dad, Cand, I’m home and Zach is with me!” I yell when I open the door. Lola, my Miniature Schnauzer, comes running up.

“No, a dog!” Zach jumps back and I laugh.

“She couldn’t hurt a fly if she wanted to.” He slowly walks up to her, like a scared child, and she licks him.

“If Lola likes him then I’m good with him. Hi, I’m Caleb Grass.” Zach shakes my dad’s hand.

“It is so nice to meet you!” Mom pulls him in to a hug. “I’m Lauren.”

“Zach Porter.” Candace walks around him and I fear the worst. “If you do one thing wrong I can promise you won’t have the chance to do another thing wrong. Hope we see you around here more!” She adds on, completely changing personality.

“I understand, Candace. I’ll try not to hurt Lea like I have before.” I smile and lean in to his shoulder.

“Are you hungry? I just put lasagna in the oven and there is plenty for you.” Mom is such a feeder.

“Actually, my parents and brother probably want me home for dinner so I can tell them about tonight.” He looks at me.

“Is there much to tell them?” I ask him.

“There is if you say you’ll be my girlfriend.” My heart pounds and my family is looking at me. I hear a noise outside and laugh.

“Yes, Zach, I’ll be your girlfriend.” Lola barks her approvement. “That noise was my Paint Horse, Oliver.”

“Can I see him?” Zach asks.

“Sure, he loves guests.” I take his hand and lead him outside.

“Lea, now that we’re alone and you’re my girlfriend, I need to tell you about something.” These conversations never end well.

“What is it, Zach? You can tell me anything?” His friends don’t approve of me. He’s dating someone else and won’t break up with her. He still hates me and doesn’t believe people can change like we just did.

“Do you remember the girl I dated a few years ago, Elizabeth?”

“Yes, I remember her sort of. You talked a lot about her.” He still loves her and is dating me to get over her. I’m fighting tears and Oliver nudges me. I start petting him to calm me down.

“She and I spoke last week and she said she wants to talk sometime.”

“What does she want to talk about?” I ask him.

“I have no idea, she wouldn’t tell me. I don’t know when either. Lea, I just want you to know you have nothing to worry about.”

“I think we should go inside. It is February.” I start walking in.

“Yeah and I have to get home. I’ll see you tomorrow, Lea.”

“See you then, boyfriend.” He kisses me and I know everything will be okay.

“What did he want to talk about?” Candace asks the minute he is gone and I look at her. “Please, your twin senses were calling mine.”

“It’s nothing. His ex wants to talk, but I trust him. Zach won’t do anything to hurt me.”

“And you really believe him?”

“You should have seen his face, Cand. His eyes were so sincere. I really do trust him, I don’t have any other choice.” Clara sends me a picture of a guy and says he just asked her out. I recognize him from when Zach showed me a picture of his band today.

“Now Clara is dating Zach’s other friend. We’re really happy with them, Cand.”

“I know you are.” She walks off.
