
Chapter 2

I woke up with a start in the cold room, wrapping myself tighter into the thin blanket that was around me. I looked up into the sky and breathed slightly, trying to keep the tears from my eyes. I was thinking about the life that I had left behind…

I was new to the whole thing of this polygamy experiment, and this wasn’t exactly the thought of what I wanted. Sure, I guess things were great if you were a dominant, but being a submissive like me was harder. I wasn’t so sure that I liked the whole idea of being a wife to a dominant who had plenty of other wives other than me… It seemed wrong to me, but who was I to complain?

I had a hard exterior, but all I really wanted was to feel loved. My first eighteen years of my life had passed with many challenges in a normal city where people weren’t ranked on whether they were “dominant” or “submissive”. No one there thought like that.

Then my eighteenth birthday had come and I was sent on a plane. I had been hearing rumors about this place that practiced polygamy and made you take a test to determine if you were the privileged or the unprivileged. To actually show up here and realize that this was a real thing was kind of surprising.

And apparently there had been people living like this for generations while I was just a newcomer. People frowned on my ideas that I would choose whoever it was that I wanted to marry even though I was a submissive. That was just unheard of! And each time I saw a glaring face from the people that I didn’t know but knew of my misgivings, I felt a little more homesick and wished that my parents wouldn’t have sent me away with the thoughts that this was better for me; I hated them for it.

I sighed a little as I rolled out of the bed, being as quiet as possible to avoid waking up the other single submissives that I was sharing this apartment with. These other submissives, different from my own ideals, were thrilled at the idea of finding their dominant who would sweep them off of their feet. I wished to find that love too, but I wasn’t so sure if this polygamy thing was the way to go. It didn’t seem right to me…

The apartment was large enough for the four of us, but no more could fit. I could almost imagine that this was like what it would be to live with a dominant… That thought didn’t thrill me – at all. I actually feared meeting a dominant who would try to sweep me off my feet, though I wasn’t sure if the thought was exactly exhilaration or hate.

If a dominant could fill that emptiness that I was currently feeling in my heart, I was sure I could grow to love – or at least deal with – these principles on being a submissive. My heart actually soared at the thought of finding a dominant who wanted me and I actually walked around the apartment with my chin jutted out a little higher at the thought.

I would remain as a good little submissive in the hopes that I could possibly find love. That was what my parents wanted for me anyways, right? They had always told me love was short in stock in the real world, so maybe I would find it here… One could only hope…