
Chapter 5

I woke up at 6 am the next day, as usual. If I had gotten up later, then I would have to wait outside of the bathroom for Fiona and all of her little friends to finish. And seeing as they think everything is a game that would have taken forever.

It wasn’t as thought I had anything to do today and I didn’t have a job or anything, but I needed to look perfect. Just in case my dominant came for me today.

I heard a door open up the hall and quickly dashed into the bathroom. If my dad had seen the available bathroom, I would have been obligated to yield to him. It was just how things worked in this family. Even though he was married and didn’t have to worry about making himself look pretty for a dominant, because he already was a dominant. Life is just so unfair.

I locked the door and began taking all of my products out of the bathroom. I had spent all of my allowance, buying all of these facial, and hair products. I had even spent twenty dollars on an electric tweezer. Of course my parents had been enraged when they heard about my purchase, because we weren’t the richest family in town. But I had talked them down from punishing me with my famous ‘Getting a dominant will solve all our money problems’ speech. It was very persuasive.

After arranging my products in order of use, I turned the shower on to as hot as I could take. Using warm water wouldn’t get the oil out of my skin, and cold water made my skin drier. I took a deep breath, stepped in and began scrubbing my skin with my shower sponge. After about five minutes of that, I shaved underarms, squirting them with apple cider vinegar to decrease the chance of a bad smell and turned the water off. I didn’t wash my hair, because I had done so two days ago, and washing too much results in hair loss.

I quickly dried myself off, grabbed my blue fuzzy washcloth and began to wipe my face vigorously. I had to remove any dead skin and grease from the previous night. I then squirted some ‘Pore opener’ onto my second wash cloth and wiped that all over my face and neck. It stung like a bitch, because of the herbal mint leaves ground into the solution, but it was worth it. Now it was time for the tweezing.

Sometimes I wish I was a girl, because as a guy I tend to grow hairs in the most inconvenient of places. Like my face. And ripping the tiny hears out with an electric tweezer tended to hurt a lot.

“Oh, ow ow ow! Eeh, ow!” I yelped as the tweezers began tearing the tiny hairs out from around my mouth. I quickly ran the tweezers between my eyebrows and shaped them with the non electric tweezers. I did not want to meet my future dominant while sporting a disgusting uni-brow.

When I was finished in the bathroom I quickly ran to my room, avoiding the glare of my mother who was most likely upset that I took so long. Upon reaching my room I slipped on my workout clothes and made my way to the living room where I would do yoga for an hour-

I stopped dead in my tracks upon entering the living room. There was a tall, thin man standing there talking to my dad. I squeaked and backtracked out of the room, but still near enough to hear the end of their conversation.

“Two days from now, he will come to live with his assigned dominant, and his other wives. Make sure he is ready.”

And with that the tall man, walked out the door.

Assigned dominant? Dominant?! He was definitely talking about me! I was going to get my dominant! Finally!