Status: I am free to write again. Got caught up in all my classes!

Cage of Roses

Rose seventeen

By the time my uncle got back from work I was already gone. I had left him a note in case he was worried but I doubted it. My uncle knew I was able to take care of myself. After wandering for awhile I found myself standing in front of a motel. The place was called the Emerald Dragonfly. Which meant it was a motel for those with magic. There were a bunch all over the world, and at least two or three in the major cities.

"What do you say? Should we head in?" I asked my raven who had settled on my shoulder.

He opened one eye and gave a sort of shrug. I interpreted that to mean "I don't care what you do." So it was either try and get a room or spend the night outside. From the thunder clouds above my head I knew it was going to storm soon. Gripping my backpack harder I walked in.

There was no lobby, just a desk and a man with a grim face standing behind it. He took one look at me standing in the door way then shut his eyes and sighed.

"Go away kid we don't take run - aways here." his voice sounded like gravel it hurt my ears to hear it.

"Well I'm not a run away I need a room." I said trying to muster all the confidence I had.

"No vacancies." He replied offhandedly.

I was getting a little angry now. Even if I didn't have any power he should have seen my legacy on me. It was something all the owners of these motels had to be able to do. Clutching the strap on my backpack harder I walked right up to the desk and placed both my hands on the top.

"I said I need a room." My voice was dangerous, even he could tell.

"And I said no vacancies. Go home kid." He turned away and picked up a newspaper which ticked me off even more.

I was about to do something when the door opened again. I turned around and saw a man in a long over coat standing in the doorway. He was also wearing a long brimmed hat that hid most of his face but I could feel his power clean across the room. He was no ordinary person.

"Something going on here Walter?" The man was looking at me but he was talking to the guy behind me.

"No sir I was settling something with the girl there."

"I see. Why are you here little lady? Shouldn't you be with you parents?" His voice in contrast to the other mans was as smooth as water.

"They're busy at the moment. I need to find a place to stay for the night though."

"I see. Walter set this girl up with a room." The man strode past me and for a second I felt a chill run up my spine. It was as if I was standing in the middle of a graveyard.

"But sir-!"

"No buts she is my guest now. Come on young caster. You look as if you need some good rest." the man turned back to look at me and I saw his eyes were a cold stone blue.

Well I knew a necromancer when I saw one. The only thing was, could I trust him?