Status: Ongoing

One More Night

Just The Usual Dose of Ignorance

Just another typical day at high school. You would think that because the classes change somewhat everyday that the whole day would be changed too. Obviously, not. Nothing changes much here. Same classes, same people and the same sort of drama everyday.

It gets boring at times. I walk the halls to class and I see the cliques huddled up on their pieces of wall. Giggling, staring and gossiping, they maintain their position on the top of the high school pyramid. All of them are the same except for this one guy. Daniel O'Conner.

I'll admit it, he takes my breath away. Handsome as he, he stands among the popular and yet still manages to stand out. I'm certainly not the only one who noticed. If I was, he wouldn't be as popular as he was.

I let out a sigh, taking him in like a smooth, delicious drink that was meant to be savored.

Unfortunately, moments like these don't last forever.

Being slammed into a locker will do just that. Kill the moment. The impact hurt and once more I was rendered breathless, thankfully only for a moment. I looked up to find the face of Adam Morrison. If high school was a prison, Adam Morrison would definitely be one of the tough guys you did not want to cross. He wasn't one of the biggest guys in schools but, he was bigger than me and that's enough.

"What are you staring at, queer?" He demanded, rather loudly.

I got up and dusted off my jacket, "Just the walls, I like the scenary. Can't gays look at walls when they want to?"

Yep, I said it and I'm sorry I didn't mention this before but, I'm gay. I'm one of the few out gay guys in this school. In the entire district. I'm sure that there are more gay teens in the school then the handful that are out but, that's the problem. The majority are not out. Simply because of the peer pressure and the want and temptation to be someone else. Not that beatdowns from people like Adam Morrison help that any.

Adam hmphed and walked on by, obviously lost the point of what he was doing. Good riddance.

"Seth, are you alright?" I turned around to face the familiar voice of my best friend. Jo gave me a small, comforting smile, her brown eyes understanding.

I nodded. Getting thrown into a locker kind of stung but, not as much as being called a queer. I don't want Jo to know that. She's a good friend, I don't want her to have to deal with all of my problems.

"Morrison is a douche, I know. Someday he'll be homeless with a needle in his arm. Don't worry about it." Jo said.

"Can't believe that the world is filled with ignorant people like him." I stated. As unfortunate as that was, it was so true. There are too many ignorant asses in this world especially in this school.

Jo clutched her books close to her chest, "Balances out the good ones I guess."

"I guess." I shrugged.

Thank goodness for Jo. If I didn't have her, I don't what I'd do. She's like a little sister to me. Funny, before Jo came along, I wanted a little sister. Not a little brother like the one I have. Don't get me wrong, I love my little brother but, he's a pain sometimes.

The bell rang, signaling the beginning of classes. Crap, I'm late for Chem. Again. "I'll see you later, Jo. I've got Chem to go to." I let out a sigh.

"Unlucky you, I've got Art. See ya." With a wide smile, Jo took off towards her class. Art was her
favorite class. It wasn't any wonder why Art was Jo's favorite class. It was the class she was the best at.

Unlike me and Chemistry, which I suck at.

I headed there anyways, textbooks in hand.

Upon entering the classrom, I took notice as the entire class and Mr. Jacobs took notice of me and my lack of punctuality.

"Nice of you to show, Mr. Durant. Please take your seat next to Ms. Blake." Mr. Jacobs gestured to another friend of mine. She wasn't my best friend but, we were close. Veronica Blake raised an eyebrow at me.

Believe it or not, Veronica and I used to date. Obviously, that was before I came out of the closet. After we broke up, it was rocky mostly for her but, we are better now. She's a good friend of mine and I hope she will be for a long time.

"Are you ever going to get to Chemistry class on time?" Veronica asked, playing with her long dark hair.

I shrugged, "Probably not."

"Figures, along with every other class you don't like." She stated. I'm not sure if she was being sarcastic or not. Considering it's Veronica, I think the latter is true.

That's the thing with girls. Most of the time, they say something and mean another. Guys don't, as often. Plus girls don't have the right parts. at least not for me.

"And you don't have classes you don't like?" I asked.

"Of course I do, I just try not to be late." Veronica answers without hesitation.

I rolled my eyes, "What about Math class?"

Veronica smiles, like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland. "Can't be late if you don't go."

I sighed and rolled my eyes again, turning to my Chemistry textbooks and my notes. As much as I dislike this class, I still have to pay attention. Mr. Jacobs can be a real asshole when he wants to be.

Turning to look behind me, I held my breath. Well, I don't have to pay attention 100% of the time.
Not when Daniel O'Conner is around. Crap, he's looking. Don't look. I snapped my view back towards the front. I was too aware of Daniel's gaze lingering behind me.

Even if it wasn't towards me, I felt it. Every bit of it.

"Dude, I'm more subtle than you. Remind me to teach you how to gaze." Veronica whispered in a low voice. Usually, Veronica was about as obvious as a brick flying through a window, most of the time.

I know exactly what she was talking about, I'd rather not let her and the world know that I admire a certain guy who was sitting behind me. "Teach me how to what?" I whispered back.

"Gaze at a guy you like without getting caught." Heat rose to my face. Veronica smiled.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." She patted my shoulder then turned back to her books, still smiling.

I smiled back, "Thanks."

Like a dictator on a path of destruction, Mr. Jacobs walked over, stopping mid-lecture. "Did you hear what I said, Mr. Durant?"

"Um?" I was speechless. I had no clue what Mr. Jacobs was talking about. Not that I cared anyways.

"You were talking about Chemistry?" I answered.

The class burst into laughter. "Chemistry, yes but, be more specific." Mr. Jacobs said, exasperated.

"Sorry, Mr. Jacobs, I don't have a clue." What an asshole. I really don't like Chemistry class.

"Not that you ever did. Class, please turn to page 347." Mr. Jacobs turned back to what he was doing and I was left alone with my thoughts and my textbook.

Now, it's back to work like usual. So much for an eventful day.
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First chapter. Yay! Feel free to comment and tell me what do you think. If you have any tips, advice or criticism, go ahead and include them in the comment section. Otherwise, I hope you enjoyed and it and stick around, there's more to come.