Status: Ongoing

One More Night

Warm, Fuzzy Feelings Weren't Part Of The Description.

"Can you believe it?" Jo asked, sitting on my bed.

I know what you're thinking and no, that's not what we're doing. She's my best friend, ew. I thought I had a dirty mind at times. We're just getting ready for a party that's going on tonight and we have Veronica to thank for that.

I ran my comb through my short dark brown hair and looked back at Jo, "Considering that Veronica has some friends in high places, not really."

Jo rolled her eyes and styled back her dyed platinum blonde hair. Usually it fell to her shoulders but, tonight it was up in an untidy ponytail. "True. Veronica does have some friends in high places. Some other friends too that helped."

"Jo, Veronica was nice enough to get us an invite. Be nice." I scolded.

My best friend crossed her fingerless gloved arms across her chest, got up off the bed and walked up until she was beside me. "Sleeping with half the football team to get favors isn't right, it's skanky no matter how nice the person is."

"It wasn't half the football team and you know it. She didn't do them to get favors. She did them for other reasons." For reasons I wasn't sure of Veronica slept with a few guys after we broke up. Did she want to feel loved after I dumped her for not loving her? Or did she do it just for the rebounds? I don't know and I'll probably never know.

It's Veronica. She may be obvious most of the time but, sometimes I didn't know what she was thinking or why she did the things she did. I guess I wasn't meant to.

"Reasons that you or I don't even have a clue about. It is Veronica we're talking about." Also for reasons unknown, Jo did and still doesn't like Veronica.

I swear I'll will never understand the mind of a girl. I shouldn't even try.

Looking at the alarm clock next to my bed, I could see the red digits blare at me that the party was going to start soon. "I think we're ready. Besides, we've got to get going."

Jo nodded, looking down at her short black dress, silver jewellery, black boots and black fingerless, elbow-length gloves. As always, Jo knew how to dress to impress. It certainly impressed me.

I smiled along with my best friend as she said, "Let's go then."

With that, we were heading off to the party to have the time of our lives. No doubt that the excitement and adrenaline were kicking in. But, you know, another things besides getting thrown into a locker can kill the mood, like your mother.

"You're heading out?" Mom asked.

"Yeah, we are Mom. We'll be back late. I have a key so don't wait up." I answered.

Mom paused, as if she was pondering what to say though that seemed unlikely with what she says next, "Just be safe and be smart, okay? No drinking and driving. Call me if you have to sleep over or need a ride."

I sighed, "Okay, Mom. See you later."

Like that, we were gone. I loved my mom but, I want to have some fun tonight. Drink, joke and maybe catch a glimpse of a few hot guys. That's my kind of night. What would be better if I could make-out with said hot guys. Unfortunately, we all can't get everything we want. Thankfully, that's what fantasies are for.

Though it was a fifteen minute drive, it felt like two. Maybe it was the fact I was with Jo and we were singing Lady Gaga's Just Dance on the way there. Safe to say, neither of us can sing that well.

Just as the song ended, we were there. It had looked like the party had started without us. Must be some early-comers. Loud music thumped through the night air. I could feel the bas in my bones, it was that loud. It became louder as we drew closer. Girls in skin-tight clothing danced, putting much emphasis on their...assets. The guys were just as subtle.

It was like watching a brick being thrown through a window. Only a blind guy wouldn't be able to see this. Then again, he is blind.

"Hey, Seth." Veronica approached with one of her trademark half-smiles. That changed though when she laid eyes on Jo.

Remember how I said that Jo doesn't like Veronica very much. Guess what? The feeling was mutual. "Hello, Josephine." Veronica shot a pointed look at my best friend.

I swear she did that on purpose. Veronica knows how much Jo doesn't like being called by her full name and she doesn't care.

"Hi, Ronnie. Seen Archie lately? Sorry, I forgot he dumped you for Betty." Jo replied.
Okay, this is not the time to be having a catfight. I dragged Jo away, being about as subtle as those
girls dancing.

It was for her own good but, Jo doesn't see it that way. "What was that for?" Jo demanded.

"We're here to have fun, not pick a fight. If you have a bone to pick, scratch your claws elsewhere." I replied.

Jo crossed her arms over her chest, "You saw how she looked at me."

"She can look at you all night. It doesn't matter. Veronica is just being Veronica. You can't let it get to you." I stated.

Jo let out a loud sigh, "Fine. I want a drink." She walked off to what looked like the kitchen and grabbed a red cup that was probably filled with beer.

I grabbed one too. Beer wasn't my favorite drink but, it'll do in a pinch. With a cheers, we drank.

As the night went by, we drank more and more. It was nearly midnight, I can safely say that I was pretty damn wasted and I really have to go to the bathroom. I walked upstairs and opened the door to what I expected was an empty bathroom.

How wrong was I. Standing in front of bathroom mirror was Daniel O'Conner. I had no idea he was at this party. Not surprising though. A lot of popular kids were here tonight.

"Oh." He said, staring at me with his brillant blue eyes. Heat flooded my cheeks. Even though he was fully clothed, I felt as if I could see every inch of him. Every curve, every trimmed muscle.

I stumbled, being as drunk as I was. "Sorry, I was hoping to use the bathroom but, I'll wait."

"No, no, it's okay I was nearly done anyway. Have to look good for the girls, you know what I mean?"

Not really. "Yeah."
"Sometimes, I feel I have to look perfect for Mia. I thought it was love but, it so tiring at times. You know?" Daniel sighed. Mia was his girlfriend, she is slotted to become Prom Queen. That's how beautiful she is.

"Yeah, I dated this girl and I felt like I was pretending to be someone else." It felt like that near the end of Veronica and I's relationship. That was I before I discovered who I truly was. Before I found out I was gay.

His whole body lit up with realization, "That's exactly it. Thank you." He hugged me. There's no doubt, Daniel is more drunk than I am. "Thank you for understanding."

Slowly but, more like a bullet, he took off, leaving me with a warm feeling I haven't felt in a long time.
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Sorry for taking so long to update. Been a little busy lately.