Status: Okay, every single chapter of this story is a complete oneshot. Spur of the moment thing, don't know where it's going! Enjoy, leave comments if you like :) Flames are for toasting marshmallows.


Loki meets Livia when she arrives in Asgard unannounced, having activated the Bifrost from Midgard through powers none understand save her. As Thor begins to have feelings for her, Loki realises he cannot cope if his brother takes one more thing he desires...

If you read, PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE comment. There's nothing more annoying than having 30 readers and 1 comment!
  1. Bifrost Opens.....
  2. Livia
    The arrival of a very striking individual....
  3. Just a short chapter....
    Very very short, sorry I'm really busy at the mo!
  4. Mystery
    Yes, I know they're all short, but I'm a busy little bee!!