Status: Hey :) First story (on Mibba)! I thought I'd make it a fanfiction :3


Put Up Or Shut Up

"Someone's in a foul mood!" Sean commented as I stormed into class the next morning. God, I am in a foul mood! I sat down in my new spot next to him and scowled. "Care to share?"

"I woke up early this morning. Nice, bright, sunny day; I thought I'd wear shorts." I gestured to my legs, which are awfully pale. My legs are long and skinny; they look so weird. To make matters worse there’s a bright red scar on my knee. "I cut myself somehow when I tried to shave my legs." I huff. Call me what you want, but like every teenager I want to look good.

"It's not that bad. It's kinda high up on your leg so if anyone asks about it you could ask them in return why they were staring at your legs." He pointed out. That's the thing I like about Sean. He can always look on the brighter side of things.

"Smith! Moon!" Mrs. Anderson screeched across the class. She’s about 150 years old. Her skin is so wrinkled and flat that it hangs from her body like disgusting, peach curtains. Her eyes have sunk into the back of her head and her mouth is nothing more than a moldy old prune. Her voice is a witch-like screech that burst ear drums for miles away. We all hate her. We're all waiting for her retirement, even the teachers! "Concentrate!"

I grin at Sean and pull out my science file. He smiles back and picks up his pen again. I still feel as though I can't trust him. What gives me a reason to? I’ve only known him for a week. He can't know a thing about me. He can't know about my family, my health, my feelings; anything. He can't know a single thing about why I go to hospital because he’ll go and tell someone. That someone could be my worst nightmare of a bully.

"Um, so about Saturday..." Sean started, under his breath. I glanced at him nervously. I don't want to be around too many people. "It'd be really nice to hang out, you're really cool…"

"I don't know...let me ask Dad." I reply quickly. 'Dad' is my nurse. He’s one hell of a weird guy. He seems to have a knack of walking into my room without knocking just as I’m getting out the shower or changing. I think he watches me. It's horribly creepy. I run everything by him, because I trust him. Stupidly, I know. If he is a creepy kiddy-fiddler then I shouldn't but I do. He's very caring. He can cheer me up. He's not a friend, he’s a helper.

I can sort of call Sean a friend now. He makes me smile. He can make me feel odd things. He understands that I don't like being touched and I don't like mushy things. He can cope with my horrible attitude sometimes and my lack of remorse. Sean is different to everybody else.

"Okay." he smiles and winks at me. His brown eyes make my stomach do flips. No, I don’t like him. Love is a stupid, fake little fairytale that we tell our children to give them hope the future. You're born, life sucks, then you die. That's it. I don't like Sean, even if he does make me feel odd.

If anything, I'd like someone like Stu Richardson. He's so cute and muscular; you can imagine falling asleep in the warmth of his arms. His blue eyes can keep me captivated, each shining orb is a story. His bass skills are out of this world too. I love the sound of the bass guitar. I can pick it up amongst the screams and roar of guitars. The low strum is so soothing. Especially when Stu plays it. I love Lostprophets and he's the most amazing bassist in the world. If you disagree, you're wrong.

"Ms Moon?" Mrs. Anderson's awful screech echoes down my ear. I gasp in shock and jump, turning around madly. I’m losing it with her. She always picks on me. She hates me and I hate her. Her black eyes stare down at me like two craters in her head. I glare back in anger.

"The fuck have I done this time?" I growl. I’m in the mood to argue with her. She can put up or shut up.

"Don't talk to me like that, young lady!" Her lips quiver in anger and she stamps her foot like an angry hobbit. She’s as hairy as one too. I stand up and smile smugly. I’m double her height. Her back is so crooked and bent her face is almost in my cleavage. Disgusting.

"Get outta my space, bitch! You're getting germs all over me." I state proudly, grabbing my bag and strutting out of class proudly. I slam the door behind me but I can still hear the hoots and whistles from everyone else. It feels good to be popular amongst class mates. I go out to the school yard and climb the tree of my watching spot. No one will find me here, up in the leaves, up in the sky, free like a bird. The bell to second lesson rang and I can see everyone file out of the classrooms. I can see Sean running up to me. Only he would know I’d come here.

"Well done, Echo! You're gonna be in heap loads of shit!" He laughs from the bottom. I peer down and smile, placing a finger to my lips. He nods and runs off again.

Oh well, you only live once.
♠ ♠ ♠
Echo's not a rebel. She doesn't process her actions and just does what she thinks when she thinks.
