Status: Its a work in progress, I hope you like it! c:

Balcony Scene

Chapter 11

-1 Week Later-

Not much has happened over the past week. Ian's birthday finally came around, it was fun, but nothing super exciting happened. It's almost September, which means my birthday is coming. Everyone keeps nagging me about what I want when I honestly have no clue. I would be greatful even if I didn't get anything. The only interesting thing that has happened was David and I ending our somewhat relationship. It was on good terms though. We just didn't have the same feelings for eachother anymore. Everyone was glad that we were still friends instead of everything ending horribly. I was too. David and I have still been spending a lot of time together and there isn't anything weird between us as far as I know. I also started talking to an old friend who happens to be in a band, like basically everyone else I know. That old friend is Austin Carlile. We hadn't talked in years but it wasn't over anything bad, we just lost touch. It's like nothing ever happened between us though. Also, I've been eating a little better. I haven't been making myself throw up either which is a plus. Everything seems to be good. I had just gotten home from walking Vader when I heard my cell phone, that I had forgotten to bring, ring from the living room. It was Andrew.


"Alexa, get to Scripps Mercy Hospital, Bella just got in a car accident!" He informed clearly trying to hold back a sob. I felt tears sting my eyes.

"What?" I gasped in shock.

"It was a drunk driver.. It's all over the news." He said, closer to breaking.

"Oh my God.. I'll be right there." I said quietly as we hung up. No. Not Bella. This can't be happening! It's all a joke. A cruel joke. Or maybe I'm dreaming. Yeah, that's it. The closer I got to the hospital and the more I tried to wake myself up, the more I believed that this was all real. When I got there, I saw Casey, Tony, Mike, Sierra, Ian, Maria, Vic, Jaime, Stevie, Alex, Amy, and Josh but no Andrew. I later found out that he was with her in her room. She was in critical condition and there was a small chance of survival. That's when reality really set in. I sat down and put my face in my hands. No Alexa, don't cry. She wouldn't want you to. It was just so hard. Vic came over and put a comforting arm around me. Just then, a doctor came out.

"Is she going to be okay? Can we see her?" Casey immediately asked.

"Only family members are allowed to visit her right now." The doctor said.

"We're the closest to family she has." I stated.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Her parents were killed a few years ago in an accident and she lost her brother when he was in the army." He gave a sympathetic look and allowed Casey, Stevie, and I in first. Andrew was a wreck. He wasn't crying right now but he clearly had been. I sat with him. Bella didn't look like herself. She was badly cut up and swollen. It was horrible. Not long after, Vic and Tony came in. The doctor said that Sierra didn't want to have to see her in pain so she didn't come in and Mike stayed with her. I couldn't believe this was happening.

*Bella's P.O.V.*

Everything was dark. I could hear everyone around me though. The pain that I had been feeling had finally subsided. It was unnervingly peaceful. I had heard a man say that I wasn't going to make it. Make what? I thought I was asleep. That's when I remembered the car crash. Oh my God, I'm going to die. I felt a wave of fear wash over me. Everyone said their last words to me.

"Bella, you've been an absolutely amazing friend and I couldn't ask for anyone better. I wish it didn't have to end this way. It's too soon. It isn't fair at all. You're like my sister and I don't want to lose you but I guess heaven needs you most now." I heard Alexa say. I don't want anyone to cry over me. I want them to know that in this moment I'm in peace. I want them to continiue without me. I don't want to make life hard for them. One by one everyone said their good-byes to me and it broke my heart. Especially Andrew's.

"I don't even know where to begin. You're an absolutely beautiful human being, inside and out and I didn't have enough time to tell you. I don't want to lose you. I hope you can hear me. I love you with all of my heart.." Why do I have to die? Why can't I stay alive forever? It isn't fair. These people have made me the happiest I've ever been. I love them all dearly. I've had a spectacular life and I hope they know that, even if it was cut short. Just then, a light appeared. This is it. I got an extreme calm feeling. I saw three figures emerge from the light. It was my brother, Tom, and my parents. They looked so young and happy.

"We've missed you." Said my mom.

"I missed you too." I answered in awe.

"I wish I could tell you that it wasn't your time." My dad sighed.

"I do too. But at least I can be with you guys again." I said, trying to lighten the situation.

"You never weren't with us. We never left your side." Admitted Tom.

"You don't have to leave Andrew, or any of your friends either." My mom informed. I smiled. I wanted Andrew to move on and find a new girl and be happy. I smiled and without trying to, I walked towards them.

"It's time." My mother sighed as we walked to the light. There was an extreme overwhelming feeling of peace throughout my body and it was so strong that I felt like it was circulating around the room as well. Right before I entered the light and left this world for good, I felt a smile spread across my face.

*Alexa's P.O.V.*

BEEEEP! The heart monitor flat lined. Nobody cried. For some reason there was a peaceful feeling in the room. Bella had a smile on her bruised up face.

"She's with her family. I know it." Andrew stated, breaking the silence. Everyone exchanged agreeing looks. The doctor gave us a slightly sympathetic "sorry" and we left. The peaceful feeling must have billowed to the waiting room because everyone else was calm. We all left in silence and went home. While at home, I got some paper and started writing. I used to be in a band a few years ago so I'm not new at writing lyrics. I have no idea why I got the idea to. It felt like a cheesy post-death part of a movie. I kept scribbling things out and editing. It brought me all the way to the night. I went to bed and had a good sleep.


I woke up in bed and it was 3:30 in the morning. Damn, this usually means I'm being watched by some supernatural being or whatever. It didn't feel like an evil prescence though. I randomly got the urge to turn over and I was glad that I did. Bella was standing at my bedside.

"Hey sleeping beauty." She commented.

"I thought you were.." I trailed off.

"Dead? Yeah, I am. I just wanted to talk to you and everyone else one last time." She answered.

"Wow. I- I don't know what to say." I stuttered, in slight amazement.

"Well, I just want you to know that I don't want you to mourn over me in any way. Just keep in happiness. I want you to know that I went peacefully and I've had a fantastic life thanks to you and everyone else." She said as she smiled.

"I wish you didn't have to leave." I admitted.

"I never will. I'll always be by your and everyone elses sides. I'll try to give you signs every once in a while so you never have to doubt that I'm there."

"Sounds like a plan."

"Alright, Lex Luthor, looks like I gotta go." She sighed.

"Hey, don't throw too many afterlife parties without me, Kristen." I joked.

"We'll see." She said, smiling.

"Well. Good bye.." I sighed, sad that she had to leave.

"Bye, remember to keep happy!" She said as she started to fade away. I looked at the time now and it was 3:35.


I woke up and saw that it was 3:35 A.M. There was no doubt in my mind that Bella had just visited me in a dream. It was too real and she always promised me that she would if she died before me. I went back to sleep, happy, and I didn't feel alone.


The next morning, I woke up and found out that Bella had payed everyone a visit in their sleep. That's when any small doubt that I did have was erased. I was happy that everyone else got to see her. I ended up spending the rest of the day with Vic. We mostly spent our time remembering things and eventually I showed him what I was writing so far, since he insisted that I do. He thought it was pretty amazing so far.
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So many feels in this chapter. I know I forgot to give you guys a heads up in the previous chapter that stuff was going to happen so I'm sorry about that! Thank you everyone for reading, subscribing, recommending, and commenting! You're all amazing!