Status: Active! :)

Yeah Boy and Doll Face

Building a friendship;

"Tony?" I asked when I woke up but once again he wasn't there. I sat up on the bed and sighed as I rubbed my eyes when out of nowhere my door opened and Tony walked in, he met my eyes and smiled warmly at me as he staggered over to my bed and sat beside me. "Where'd you go?" I asked him, he chuckled a bit before answering, "I left early, Vic and Mike wouldn't of really liked me spending the night with you and I knew they'd check up on you like they did." He told me. "Oh, right. You have a point." I said. Tony laughed and started taping on his thighs in a rhythm, I looked at his fingers and paid attention to the rhythm but I couldn't come up with any song that would match it so I looked back up to his eyes.

"Do you want to go get breakfast?" Tony asked, I nodded and got up, making my way to the door but he grabbed my arm and spun me around, "I meant like, to Starbucks." He laughed and I went red of embarrassment.
"Oh- I'll get ready then..." I chuckled awkwardly and made my way to my dresser.
"Oh, and grab a jersey or something, it'll probably get cold later." Tony laughed and walked out to give me privacy. 'Wait- what?' I thought to myself but shrugged and got on to finding an outfit.

I finally found one that I liked and changed into it quickly, then when I was done I grabbed my light blue cardigan and headed out to the bathroom to see how the outfit looked on me. I smiled pleased and brushed my teeth then headed downstairs and when I got to the bottom of the stairs, Tony appeared in front of me smiling. "Ready to go?" He asked, I nodded and showed him my cardigan also, he smiled and we went out to his black BMW.

Tony drove to the Starbucks that was nearby and we got out of the car at the same time. I smiled over at him and started to make my way over to the shop when Tony ran up to me. We both walked in together and Tony ordered for both him and I. The guy behind the counter gave Tony and I our coffee's along with two plates topped off with two cinnamon rolls and we went to sit on a table.

"I haven't said anything yet, but I dig your dermal." Tony pointed at my piercing with a smirk.
"I dig yours." I laughed.
"Twins?" He cocked his eyebrow, I nodded and we both chuckled.
"When did you get yours?" I asked him.
"About four years ago, you?"
"Two and a half." I grinned, "It hurt like a bitch for a week." I laughed.
"Fuck, I know." Tony chuckled, "I remember thinking it had been a bad idea."
"Me too, like it just wasn't worth the pain." We both laughed.
"But in the end it looks good." Tony smiled.
"On you. Mine looks bad." I sighed.
"You suit it, it looks good on you." Tony said making me blush a little.
"If you think so, I'll believe it than."
"Good." He grinned, "Want to go to the movies?"
"What's on?" I asked him.
"I don't know, let's go see?"
"Sure." I smile at him and we get up with our unfinished coffee's in hand.

Tony and I drove off to a cinema and when we walked in we started looking around to see if any movie caught our eye when suddenly I saw it. The perfect movie. "Tony! That!" I exclaimed and pointed at a poster for 'The Baytown Outlaws.' Tony grinned, "Really? That one?" I nodded, "Okay, come on." He smiled and lead the way to buy the tickets, while we were there I looked at all the food and nudged Tony's shoulder, he looked at me and I pouted hinting at the food. He laughed, "Hey dude, can you give us a bag of those chocolate things?" Tony pointed at a random red bag that had a pictures of these circle things covered in chocolate. The guy gave them to him, "And two large frozen fanta's please," He said. I looked at Tony and smiled at him, he asked me if I wanted anything else and I said no, I didn't like popcorn so I was happy with what he had asked for.

We got our drinks and the chocolate and headed inside the movie theater, there were plenty of people inside but I looked to the very back and grinned when I saw two rows of empty seats. I poked Tony's side and headed up the steps to reach the back seats. Tony followed behind and as I walked up I noticed people looking at us... well, more like staring and it made me feel a little self-conscious. I hurried up the steps then and went to the row right at the back, I made my way to the seats that were in the middle and Tony and I both sat down at the same time. I turned to him and closed my eyes.

"Is there something on my face or did I drop the frozen fanta on my shirt?" I asked. Tony chuckled and I opened my eyes to look at him angrily since I thought he was laughing at me.
"No there isn't, why?" He asked. I sighed thankfully.
"Everyone was staring at me." I whispered. Tony laughed a little and shook his head.
"Have you thought that maybe they were staring at me?" He asked.
"Why?" I asked.
"I'm a tall guy, I'm practically covered in tattoos and i'm wearing all black, wouldn't you be staring at me worried?" He asked looking into my eyes.
"No, I would be staring but not because I was worried..." I trailed off and he smiled.
"Why would you be staring then?" He smirked and I realized I shouldn't of said that.
"I- ugh, find people with tattoos quite cool." I said and it was true but I wasn't going to tell him it was because I thought he was hot and extremely good looking, that would be weird to him.
"The truth?" He said.
"That is the truth." I said and quickly looked away to the screen. He laughed and sat back on his seat looking at the screen like me.

The movie started and I sipped on my frozen fanta. Tony opened the bag of chocolate balls and handed it to me. I put my bag inside the bag and took three out, then popped one in my mouth, chewed it, then came the other and the other. Tony laughed at me and we slowly finished the bag as the middle of the movie approached. "Those things were good." Tony commented, I looked at him and nodded smiling in agreement then we both turned back to the screen and watched in silence with only a few of the following being yelled by mostly everyone in the theater: "Holy shit!" "Ow!" "Fuck!" and that one where one African-American guy said, "That bitch be trippin' ow snap!" and "You better run son, you better run!" Tony and I laughed at that the most out of everyone and I almost started crying over it. It was too funny. Tony patted my back to make me stop but I just laughed even louder but then stopped a bit when I felt Tony's breath against my neck and I froze. "People are staring at you now." He chuckled and I turned my head to face him. Our lips were inches away from each other and I looked down at his, I giggled and turned my head quickly, widening my eyes when he couldn't see. My heart was thumping hard and I tried stopping it but it didn't and I hoped he couldn't hear it.

"Riley, the movie ended." Tony whispered in my ear again sending goosebumps all the way down my spine. I turned around to look at him and once again we were unbearably close but I closed my eyes and sighed as if I was disappointed the movie ended but in reality I sighed because of the feeling I was starting to get.
"Oh, so are we going home now?" I asked him. He smiled and shook his head.
"No, there's this cool place I want to show you." He said and stood up. I looked at him for a second before standing up beside him and we both walked down the steps and out of the theater.

Tony started walking off to his car while I was throwing our rubbish in the bin and so I ran up to him and jumped on his back. We both laughed and I finally jumped off of him. "Next time you better wait up for me." I poked his chest which made him chuckle a bit. Tony grabbed my hand that I was poking him with and looked into my eyes then said, "Well next time don't be so slow." He raised his eyebrows. I smiled and tilted my head to the side, "I promise." I smiled, he let go of my hand and instead wrapped his arms around me which caught me by surprise. "You better." He chuckled as he pulled away and we walked off to his car but he left his arm around my shoulders and I couldn't help but smile even though I tried hard not too.


"Where are we going Tony?" I looked over at him as he turned the steering wheel. We were past the suburban areas and into a long freeway heading nowhere it seemed. Both sides of us there was only grass and a few tall lampposts but apart from that there was nothing else.
"Sunset Cliffs." He grinned over at me.
"Cliffs? What?" I asked confused.
"It's a natural park and you're gonna love it at sunset." He said.
"Oh, are we there yet than?" I smiled.
"Nearly, look," He grinned and pointed in front of us, there was water, "That's the water, just five more minutes and we're there." He said.
"Okay." I grinned.

After five minutes just like Tony had said we were out of the car and headed up a trail, Tony told me to take my cardigan so I put it on. I followed behind Tony. The path was just that, a simple dirt path but the only thing that wasn't exactly normal was the precipice that was right next to it and it was steep. "Tony, wait!" I called out to him, he turned around and looked at me, nearly pressed against the tall dirt wall. "Here, take my hand." He extended his hand out to me and I grabbed a hold of it tightly, then he pulled me to him and guided me carefully until we were on a trail that was outstretched and I could see the cliffs up ahead. Tony was about to let go of my hand but I squeezed his hand and he left it there, I smiled up at him and he down at me. I liked the feeling but most of all I was just scared of falling and it made me feel safe.

Tony and I walked up to a cliff and then he started climbing it to get to the other side. "This doesn't look safe, Tony." I said, he looked at me and laughed. "Trust me, it's perfectly stable." He smiled. I took a deep breath and with his help, he pulled me up so I was on the rock. We carefully stood up and started walking carefully over it to get to the flat side but suddenly from under my feet a rock moved and twisted my foot, I fell gracefully onto the rock and thank god that I put my hand out to stop from hitting my head because there was a pointy rock where my head would of landed and Tony still held my hand tightly. He knelt down beside me and I began to speak, "I- I'm scared of heights, Tony..." I told him, he looked at me sympathetically and helped me to my feet. "I wont let you fall, I promise." He told me and smiled. I trusted him. "Okay, let's keep going than." Tony grinned and lead me carefully to the flat, outstretched surface of the cliff. "Sit." He said and we sat in the middle of the large flat rock.

Tony and I sat facing each other and I played with my sleeves. Tony got out his phone and was texting someone, "Girlfriend?" I asked him, he laughed at me. "No, actually it's Vic and I told you it's nothing serious." I looked down and continued to mess with my sleeves. "What does Vic want?" I asked still looking down. "He wants to know what we're doing and he's about to- Well, here, he wants to talk to you." He laughed and handed me his phone after he tapped the green button to accept the call. I took his phone from him and put it to my ear.

"Vic, hey," I said.
"Whatcha doing?" He asked.
"Hanging out with Tony." I smiled at Tony.
"Oh, okay. I just wanted to make sure you were alright, I felt bad just leaving you the second day you moved in." Vic told me.
"Aw, well I'm fine, thanks and don't worry about it." I said.
"Okay, well pass me with Tony. See you tomorrow, RJ."
"See ya." I said and handed the phone to Tony.

I watched Tony as he talked to my cousin but then realized it was kind of creepy so I shrugged and looked around at the environment we were in. It was gorgeous. The sky was beginning to get a little darker every second as the sun got lower in the sky. The birds sang and the cool breeze started to pick up.

"Vic I wont. -pause- Why would you even think that? -pause- I promise, Vic. -pause- Yes, exactly, because of Sky I wont. -pause- Bye, Vic. -pause- Dammit, Vic. I promised you, I keep my promises, now shut up and get back to the party, fuck." I was listening in to Tony's conversation with Vic and when Tony hung up I looked over at him curious. Tony didn't look up though, he just looked down at his phone and turned it off then angrily stuffed it back in his pocket. I cocked my eyebrow at him and he sighed. "Why are you angry?" I asked. "Vic's worried about-" Tony shook his head and looked away from me, "Huh?" I asked wanting to know. "He's worried I'll do something stupid." He told me. I was even more curious than before but it seemed like Tony didn't want to talk about it so I dropped the subject not wanting him to get angry at me or feel bad, whatever.

As I looked away I noticed Tony shuffled closer to me to the point where there was barely any space between our bodies. I stiffened a little at that but then relaxed as he leaned in and pointed out at the horizon, he smiled wide and I did too at the sudden change of colors in the sky, red's, pinks and orange's. "It's beautiful, Tony." I smiled at him. "See, it was worth climbing all that, huh?" He chuckled and pointed at the dangerous rocks we climbed to get to this spot. "Yes." I grinned.

Tony and I talked a little about small things as we watched the sun set and then when the sky was finally completely dark I started to get up but Tony grabbed a hold of my hand again and told me not to get up. I obeyed him and sat back down. "Lay down with me." He said and I watched him lay down with his hands behind his head as a form of support. I did as I was told again and mirrored his movements and when I looked up a giant smile spread across my face at the thousands of twinkling stars that were overhead us. "Wow." I breathed out happily, I heard Tony smile and then he turned on his side to look at me, "Yeah, it's beautiful, right?" He asked. I turned my head and smiled at him in agreement then he turned around and we both laid there for a while just looking up at the stars without a care in the world. It was nice, to not have to even think about what was happening out there in the world, it was just us in this place and it was peaceful.


Tony and I were back in his car and on our way home after we nearly fell off the cliff but ended up laughing and making it safely to the other side. I was incredibly hungry so I told Tony if we could go get something to eat, "Pizza hut?" He asked, I nodded and we went there. I got out of his car before him and jogged inside since it was a little cold. Tony finally walked in and walked up to the counter where he ordered two pepperoni pizza's, garlic bread and coke for drinks. After he ordered he turned around and walked to an empty table, I followed him and sat in front of him then our food came and we started eating in silence until I bit into the garlic bread and yelped a bit because it was too hot. Tony laughed and handed me my glass of coke, I nodded at him and sipped from the straw.

We ate and talked about our families for a little while, I found out that his dad had died when he was young and I felt bad for him having not grown up with a father figure in his life. But I knew I'd most definitely live the rest of my life without one because I couldn't bring myself to choose between my parents, and not only that, if I didn't have one than I didn't want the other and I was still angry at them for what they had done. Tony told me I should forgive them because it was their doing and that they had their reasons but they also still loved me and I knew he was right but I couldn't get the anger away for some reason. After we finished eating and talking in depth about our parents we headed home and I walked up to my room since it was already around eleven. I got changed into my pajamas and then when I was about to turn off the lights, Tony opened the door and walked in. He closed the door behind him and looked at me.

"Mind if I stay over again?" Tony cocked his eyebrow up at me.
"No, not at all." I smiled and turned off the lights then walked to the bed and laid down. Tony made his way over to the bed as well and laid down beside me, he looked at me and smiled.
"Today was fun, we should do that again sometime." Tony murmured but loud enough for me to hear.
"Yeah and hopefully I wont be so scared to climb the cliff." I laughed.
"Even if you are, i'll be there taking care of you." Tony chuckled.
"Yeah, thanks for that."
"No problem." He smiled and closed his eyes. He looked even more attractive when he was sleeping, I just wanted to cuddle up to him and lay my head on his chest or kiss his soft looking cheek but I pushed those thoughts and feelings away quickly before he opened his eyes again. "Well, good night." He said.
"Night, Tony." I smiled and closed my eyes. Tony shuffled closer to me and put his arm around me and I opened my eyes wide, he looked into them and smiled a little.
"Your shirt was riding up, sorry." He said and pulled the hem of my shirt down then put his arm under the pillow. I didn't say anything instead I turned around and faced the wall so I didn't have to look at him. I could feel his eyes burning my back but I didn't turn around nor did I try to think of why.
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The amount of subscribers that i've gotten in less than a day is amazing. Thank you all so much for that! And I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please dont be a silent reader and tell me what you think! Thank you! :)