Status: Active! :)

Yeah Boy and Doll Face

You've had too much to think;

I woke up late, got dressed and headed downstairs to find my cousins sitting around the TV eating their breakfast and Tony was nowhere in sight. "RJ, Tony went to get you Starbucks." Mike turned around and told me, I looked at him confused but then smiled and walked to the door after saying 'good morning' to them. I opened the door and walked out, closing it quietly behind me, to wait for Tony. Why he took time out of his day just to buy me a coffee was the one question that kept repeating in my mind.

I sat on the front porch in the early morning with the sky nearly a pastel blue and the breeze quite cool just waiting and looking around at my surroundings. I hadn't really taken time to appreciate the environment I was now living in. The neighborhood was quite nice, the houses were lovely and there were plenty of trees on the street. The neighbors house's front lawn was decorated in wonderful, colored flowers of all kinds and it was beautiful. I shut my eyes and breathed in the cool air then exhaled and smiled as I opened my eyes. A few seconds later Tony pulled up in the driveway next to Vic's car and turned off the ignition. He got out of the car, locked the doors then came up to me with a box and two coffee's in hand.

"Mornin'," He smiled as he put the bag and the two coffee's down beside me on the wooden deck.
"Hi," I smiled back.
"Gonna give me a hug?" He asked, "I did buy you Starbucks." He chuckled. I smiled at him and stood up, then draped my arms around his waist and he did the same to my neck. We embraced for a little while until I finally pulled away and sat back down. He sat beside me and I passed him his coffee and placed the bag in-between us.
"You didn't have to, Tony." I motioned at the cup in my hands.
"I was bored," Tony shrugged, "Besides, I wanted too." He smiled.
"Oh, well thanks." I grinned.
"No problem." He chuckled.
"Um, how'd you sleep?" I asked to make small talk.
"Good, you?" He looked at me.
"Same, I didn't even wake up."
"I'm magic!"
"No, i'd just say that the force is strong with you." I smiled.
"Maybe we both have the force and when it's together it's stronger..." Tony trailed off as he looked into my eyes, I laughed and looked away smiling but instantly looked at him when his phone started ringing, "Sorry, I got to take this." He sighed and stood up, he took his phone out of his pocket.

Tony towered over me as he spoke on the phone, a smile crept on his lips but then left quickly and he said, "I'll be there at eight, bye Sky." Tony hung up and stuffed his phone back in his pocket then took a sip of his coffee. "Date?" I cocked my eyebrow at him, he looked at me and smiled a little. "Sort of, yeah. She says she wants to talk about something..." Tony trailed off then looked back up into my eyes and smiled. I wondered what it was she wanted to talk to him about and a little voice inside me, far back in my mind kept saying, "I hope she ends things with him." I felt bad and stupid for thinking that though so I tried to get rid of the thought and smile back. Tony pulled me into his arms for some reason and just held me there then started tickling my sides and when I laughed, I started hitting him playfully so he pulled away and laughed at me as he ate his croissant.

After a while of sitting outside, sipping on the rest of our coffees and eating the cinnamon rolls, croissants and muffins Tony bought we walked back inside and both Vic and Mike looked over at us, "Hey, wanna play some video games?" Mike grinned over at us, I looked at Tony who nodded and walked over to Mike. I followed him and sat in between him and Vic. "Munchkin." Vic laughed at me and messed up my hair. I glared at him and he laughed. "Do not touch the hair, Fuentes." I told him to which he put his hands up in the air as if saying oh-i'm-so-scared. I hit him then turned around and shuffled closer to Tony who looked down at me and smiled as he handed me a control.

The guys and I spent the entire day playing video games up until Tony had to go, only stopping to eat junk food. Tony went upstairs I guess to get ready for his 'date' and then after a few minutes jogged back down the stairs, "Have fun, Tony!" Vic winked at him, Tony shook his head and laughed. "Bye guys," Tony said, "Bye, Riley." He waved with an adorable smile at me then left out the door and in just seconds the sound of his car pulling out of the driveway filled my ears.

"I bet you Tony's gonna get some tonight." Mike chuckled.
"He always does, that's what their 'dates' consist off." Vic laughed. I just sat there between them and listened in even though I didn't want to. I started feeling uncomfortable and a little sad, I didn't know why though or at least... I didn't want to admit why I was feeling like that.
"Nothing serious at all, just sex, but good for him, Sky's fucking hot!" Mike said.
"Yeah, lucky bastard." Vic chuckled.
"What i'd give to be Tony right now... Right in between her-"
"Okay! Good night!" I exclaimed quickly and practically ran off to my room. I heard them laugh and knew they thought I left because I didn't want to hear the things they were saying but honestly I didn't care, I mean, being a teenager one of the things you do the most is talk dirty and laugh at other people who talk dirty but they were talking about what Tony was going to do with some chick and that made it not okay to me.

I sighed as I slammed the door behind me and staggered over to my bed where I fell limp on it. I didn't want to think about anything and I didn't want to think about Tony or what he was most likely doing to her. It made me feel sick and I hated myself for it. Who was I to even care about what he was doing with the girl he's seeing? He's a man, he's got his needs right? So why did it bother me so much? I didn't even want to know because the answer to that was stupid. I had only met Tony three days ago, this couldn't be happening. But I did have a history of getting attached to someone quickly. Too quickly.

'No. That's not what this is. I just don't like how my own cousins are talking about wanting to do the girl Tony likes. That's disrespectful to Tony. Yeah. That's what it is.' I thought to myself and forced my eyes closed and before I knew it I was asleep.

After a while just like every night I tossed and turned as the images in my head made me feel terrible, I tried opening my eyes to wake up but I couldn't and I started panting when suddenly I felt a hand on my waist and a low murmur in my ear, "Calm down, Riley." My eyes opened wide as I realized that Tony was beside me again and he rubbed my sides soothingly. I turned around on my back and looked up into his brown eyes. They didn't look like they had the past days, he looked like he was also thinking deeply about something. His hand slid over my stomach and he let it stay there, I didn't care. I liked it.

"Tony- why-" I was about to ask why he was back in here but he cut me off.
"Couldn't sleep." He replied. 'The sex must have given him more energy than tiredness' I thought.
"Oh." I replied looking away.
"Are you okay?" He asked me so I looked back up into his big brown eyes and nodded slowly, "What were you dreaming about?" He asked as he rubbed my stomach and sent chills down my spine.
"It was a nightmare... I witnessed a murder and the murderer saw me so he tried to come after me and he did. He was stabbing me but you woke me up before I could really die." I sighed.
"You're safe now, just a dream." He smiled at me.
"Yes but it was gruesome..." I closed my eyes and shook my head then opened my eyes wide again since the images came back really fast. "Ugh." I groaned.
"Don't close your eyes, just keep looking at me." Tony said so I did that and smiled as he traced circles over my stomach with his index finger. "Feel better?" He smiled, I nodded and he stopped. He leaned back on the mattress next to me and I looked over at him as he looked up at the ceiling.
"H-How was your date?" I asked him to try to get my mind off of the nightmare and I was also just curious.
"It was... She said she wants things to get serious..." He trailed off and looked at me.
"Did you agree?" I asked leaning closer to him.
"I- Yeah..." He sighed, "I like her." He told me and my heart sank.
"Well, I guess I should say congratulations?" I smiled a fake smile.
"Thanks." He said but looked away from me, not even smiling.
"You're not happy?" I asked.
"I am." He replied still not making eye contact.
"Tony, you don't look happy." I said.
"Riley, I'm happy. I'm happy right now." He looked at me and smiled. He shuffled closer to me and looked right into my eyes, "I think I just need time to get it through my head that after a year I'm back to being serious with a girl."
"Did you make this choice because you want to or you just want her to be happy or not leave you?"
"I want to." He said but his eyes told a different story.
"Okay." I sighed and looked down.
"Come'ere." Tony said. I looked at him confused as to what he meant so he pulled me into him and rested my head on his chest. I placed my hand on his chest as well and just laid there confused. "Night, Riley. Sleep well." He murmured and started rubbing my back.
"Tony, what-"
"Just relax..." He said.
"T- Good night." I said and snuggled into him. I really liked the moment that I didn't fall asleep until I heard his breathing steady and his heartbeats calm down a bit which said he had fallen asleep.


I opened my eyes and felt something under me. I looked down and found Tony laying there with his eyes open slightly and still rubbing my back. I was surprised he hadn't left, the guys were here and I knew Vic would come up with the worst assumptions.

"You stayed..." I smiled down at Tony.
"Yeah... I didn't feel like moving." He told me.
"Oh, well, good morning." I said and got off of him but he pulled me back on top of him.
"Morning'." He grinned and we both went silent for a while before I decided to speak again.
"Don't you think this is a little weird?" I hinted at how we were.
"You're serious with someone now." I shrugged.
"I'm consoling you..." Tony smiled at me.
"I don't even feel bad anymore." I laughed.
"Well, you did last night. And this is the last time I'll stay over from now on." He told me. A voice in my head suddenly popped up and said 'I hate that bitch.'
"Well, yeah." I sighed.
"The guys left early today-" Tony told me.
"And?" I asked confused.
"And i'm going out with Sky again. Are you okay being alone? I can cancel if you want-"
"No no no. Go. I'll go out for a walk or something, I've been meaning to anyways." I said.
"Okay, well, i'm gonna go get ready." Tony said. I got off him and laid on my bed. He left and closed the door behind him.

I looked up at the ceiling and sighed. Minutes later Tony walked in and said 'good bye' I nodded and he left. I stayed in my bed until I heard his car roar to life and disappear in the distance. I got up and got changed into an outfit that was suited for the hot day outside. I kept thinking about Tony and whatever I did I couldn't get him out of my mind. I kept seeing his smile, how he was last night when he woke me up from that nightmare and this morning how he hadn't left me. I sighed angrily at myself for starting to get the feelings I was getting about a twenty-six year old man who was now in a serious relationship with an official 'girlfriend.'

I shrugged, grabbed my phone and headed out my bedroom door then jogged down the stairs and as I passed the kitchen to get to the door I noticed a note on top of the island. I swayed over to it and grabbed it in my hands, reading the script my heart started to race again because of him. Tony wrote that he left his keys for me in the key bowl next to the door so I could lock the place and then open it. I sighed and folded the note up then stuffed it in my pocket along with my phone and walked out the door. I locked it and headed out into the town.

I walked around town and went to a few shops before I got bored and decided to go to the mall. Once I got there I walked in and headed straight to Starbucks since I hadn't had breakfast and forgot to get some in town. I sat down on one of the small tables and sipped my coffee as I looked at all the people walking past me and the ones entering the store to order themselves. I saw a guy with lots of tattoos from neck to toe just like Tony and he came back into my mind, I sighed and looked down at my cup but that only reminded me of Tony and the two times we had Starbucks together.

I decided to leave and go out to look around and possibly buy some clothes. I walked around, entering numerous shops until I came across Hot Topic and practically ran in. My mom had given me a credit card the day her and my dad got divorced so that I had money to buy things until I got a job and earned my own income. I bought two t-shirts and a pair of skinny jeans and new plugs, then left to another shop. After about an hour I had five bags in each hand and I had bought myself a backpack to put some of the things in. I kept walking just minding my own business when directly in front of me I saw Tony cupping the face a girl with long unnatural red curls, wearing a loose blue shirt along with some dark red jeans and a pair of Jeffrey Campbell studded loafers, she also had a half tattoo sleeve. She was on her tip-toes as Tony kissed her and when he pulled away she smiled at him and it looked like she even giggled.

My heart started beating incredibly fast as I took in the sight of them. He did look happy with her, he was smiling and she was running her hand up and down his arm with a seductive look on her face. I wanted to get out of there before he saw me but instead I dropped the bags on the floor and Tony turned to look right at me. I didn't know what to do so I quickly dropped to my knees and started picking up the bags and putting the things that fell out back in when two tattooed hands with 'Star Wars' tattooed on the knuckles started helping me. I took a deep breath since I knew who those hands belonged to and looked up at Tony who was kneeling with me. I smiled weakly and got to my feet with five bags in hand. The other five Tony had in his.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked. My heart was still beating a thousand beats per minute and his 'girlfriend' who was now next to him didn't help.
"Y-yeah I'm fine, I just lost my footing." I lied and looked away. I heard a cough and looked up to see his girlfriend asking for an introduction.
"Sky, this is Riley she's Vic's and Mike's cousin." Tony said as he handed me my other bags.
"That's why you reminded me of someone!" She smiled widely at me and extended her hand to me, "I'm Sky, it's nice to meet you." She said. I looked down at her hand and slowly extended mine, we shook hands quickly and I pulled away.
"Riley... as you know." I said.
"Yeah," She smiled, "Anyways, Tony we have to get going if we want to catch the movie babe." She pouted at him and stroked his arm, yet again.
"Riley, you can come with us and I'll take you back ho-"
"No. I- ugh, I'll take a taxi, go enjoy yourselves." I smiled tightly.
"It's really no problem-"
"Tony, just go." I sighed, "Bye Skylar. I'll see you later, Tony." And with that I turned around and walked away to the parking lot outside the mall, I got a taxi and headed home. I couldn't keep Tony out of my mind or the picture of Sky all over him like that. 'I'm such an idiot.' I thought to myself.

"Thanks!" I said to the cab driver as I closed the door behind me. He gave me a little wave and drove off out of sight. I looked up at the two story house and took a deep sigh, I slumped my shoulders and walked up to the front door. I took Tony's key out of my pocket and opened the door. Once I was in I closed it and dropped the keys in the glass bowl then headed up the stairs and into my room where I spent four hours in until I heard the front door open and close. Then there were steps heading up the stairs and they stopped right in front of my door. I turned to look at the doorknob and it turned, suddenly the door swung open and Tony walked in and looked at me with a smile.

"Hey." Tony said as he sat next to me on my bed.
"Hi." I said not looking at him.
"Do you like Sky?" He asked. I looked at him and nodded even though I didn't really mean it. "Really? You didn't look like it..." He sighed.
"Why wouldn't I like her?"
"I don't know-"
"See, you shouldn't come to conclusions because most of the time they're false." I smiled tightly.
"Okay, that's good than." He smiled.
"Yep." I nodded.
"I'm tired." Tony yawned and laid down on my bed. I looked down at him, he was so gorgeous and I always thought it when I looked at him. I sighed and laid down next to him.
"Same..." I said which made Tony turn to look at me and he suddenly hovered over me, with his hand pressed flat against the mattress on one side of me and with his forearm he propped himself up on the other. "What are you doing, Tony?" I asked with my heart beating out of control.
"Shhhh..." He murmured and leaned in slowly. His lips nearly touching mine, I gasped and just then the sound of the front door being opened caused him to pull away quickly and I just stared at him in confusion as he sat up on the bed. I did the same.

A few seconds later Vic and Mike walked in so I quickly got to my feet and started pulling out the clothes I had gotten and showing them to Tony so that my cousins wouldn't think of anything else. "What do you think about this one, Tony?-" "Hey hey hey!" Mike chanted and patted Tony on the shoulder. "RJ!" He exclaimed happily and ran to me, squeezing me in a hug. I laughed at Mike and pushed him away from me a little to breathe when suddenly Vic was the the other to attack me and we fell to the ground.

"Vic get off me you freak!" I joked. Vic laughed and once again, knowing it really bugged me, messed up my hair more than he's ever done. I sighed and got to my feet after he got off me and stood up. "Where were you two?" I asked looking at him and Mike.
"We went to get my girlfriend from the airport and decided to hang out for a while." Vic said.
"You have a girlfriend aye?" I winked.
"Yeah, you should meet her someday, she's amazing!" Vic grinned making his eyes twinkle.
"Yeah, someday, sure thing." I smiled.
"Hmm, what have you two been up to?" Mike asked me and Tony.
"I went on a date with Sky." Tony said as he looked down.
"I went to the mall. Tony just got here a few minutes ago." I told them.
"Buy anything for me?" Mike winked over at me.
"Nope, sorry." I laughed. Mike pouted and folded his arms tightly against his chest.
"Well, i'm gonna go make dinner, Mike come help me." Vic said and dragged Mike away who started laughing at himself.

Tony stood up and walked out without saying a word to me. I heard his bedroom door open and shut so I walked out of my room and swung open his door that was nearly right next to mine. I walked in and closed the door behind me, I even locked it before I stepped in front of Tony and started asking what all that was about in my room before the guys came. Tony just looked away from me so I put my finger under his chin and lifted his head up to look at me.

"What was that, Tony? Were you going to-"
"Don't say it." He sighed looking into my eyes.
"Why not?" I asked a little bit angrily.
"Because- I don't know what came over me, I'm sorry."
"So you were going to kiss me?" I asked curious now.
"Yeah." He said.
"What? Why would you even- You have a girlfriend, Tony!"
"Forget about it, Riley. Let's just move on from this-"
"No, I don't want to move on from th-" I froze as Tony's lips collided with mine. He kissed me hard, it didn't feel like I expected it to. It didn't feel wrong or right it just felt... strange. Tony pulled away and cupped my face in his hands, he looked deep into my eyes and rested his forehead against mine before pushing me away and groaning.
"Riley, i'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I don't know what I was thinking-"
"Tony, it's okay, don't worry about it." And really, it was okay. I didn't mind one bit.
"I promised Vic I wouldn't do anything stupid." He said and that's when I realized what him and Vic were really talking about over the phone on the cliff.
"Tony, man, Vic wants you to come downstairs so you can help him out with shit since I'm useless!" Mike knocked on the door. Tony looked down at me and took a deep breath. He closed his eyes.
"Go downstairs and tell him I'll be a minute!" Tony said.
"Okay bro." Mike said and left.

Tony opened his eyes once Mike had left and pushed past me before taking off his black t-shirt and putting on a grey one that looked a little old. Tony turned around to look at me but didn't say anything and before I knew it I was standing in his room all alone just staring at the door where he had gone out off just a few minutes ago. Somehow, I made it downstairs and sat on the couch next to Mike who was watching TV. Vic soon came out with two plates of spinach raviolis, he handed a plate to Mike and then one to me. I took it from him and sighed as I looked down. I pinched one ravioli with my fork and brought it up to my mouth. As soon as it was in and I was chewing I started feeling Tony's lips all over again. I slowly turned my head away from the TV and made eye contact with him but he quickly looked down and started eating quickly.

That night was terrible. I didn't get any sleep at all because I couldn't stop thinking about Tony. A part of me wanted to walk in his room and kiss him or just lay with him but another knew it wasn't right and that Tony probably just made a mistake like people usually make. That was all it was. He got carried away like most guys... and girls do. He was probably horny after leaving Sky so he just couldn't control what he was doing. I wouldn't blame him, Skylar was gorgeous. She was literally perfection on legs. I'd probably have done the same if I was him.

'Yeah, that's all it was.'
♠ ♠ ♠
Once again I must say thank you to all the subscribers and the people who have commented and recommended. It makes me update quicker and I just want to say I adore you all for showing support and telling me your thoughts etc.

Please don't be a silent reader, comments are what keeps me updating and they make me incredibly happy no matter what. Tell me what you think of the situation with Tony and her? Should he have kissed her this early or not? And what do you think will happen in the next chapter, I'm curious. :) Also, just tell me anything else because I'd like to know what you thought of the whole chapter haha. I'm annoying, I'll go! Thanks for reading! :D