Status: Let's try a story

Every Time I Look

The call.

Graduation: seven days.

Craig called me in the middle of the night. I had just gotten to be after a long night of studying. I answered. I haven't ward from him all day.
"Tea!" He shouted. I groaned. Hate these calls.
"What,Craig!" I was not happy.
"I need you so bad ,baby." He whined.
"I know. I have three finals and you're coming up for graduation."
I knew his party plans for me. I couldn't wait but what was his deal?
He's voice seemed strange. "I need you. I did some bad stuff." He stuttered.
I sat up;I am fully awake.
I slipped out of my bed and into the bathroom.
"Craig? What are you doing!?" I heard Matt's voice.
Then Craig's sad voice. "Talking to my future wife."
That term made me stop . My heart was beating so fast.
"Craig?" I cried out.
"What did you do?" Matt screamed. I cried.
Matt took the phone from Craig. "I am sorry. He has taken some pills . Probably from the other band. I'm going to take him to the hospital. "
"Fuck," I groaned." It's my fault."
"It's not. Can you fly to Texas tomorrow after the exam? He won't stop saying your name. I'll text you the address and send you money for the ticket. " he was upset too. He spoke quietly to Craig .
"Yeah. Thanks. Don't worry about the money. Go to the hospital! Keep me updated."
He said he would and hung up. I cried,booked my flight and packed.
That night I prayed. I wasn't sure exactly who or if it was right but I prayed like my daddy did.