In Need

this banner was made by my lovely twin

disclaimer: i don't know/own anyone famous. i own my OC and katie owns herself.

need (noun): a lack of something requisite, desirable, or useful.

"You don't need anybody," My mother said, her dying words to me, "You don't need anybody to make you feel like somebody. You understand?"

I nodded my nine year old head, "Yes, momma."

"You're special, Evelyn Jean. Not because of her. You're gonna be somethin' special when you grow up."

I grew up to be something, alright. Special? No. Successful? Mildly, but not on my own. I was living someone else's life, making money riding someone's coat tails. She was the first playmate, Hollywood's sex kitten and America's sweetheart, all in one. Even now, 51 years after her death, she's one of the most recognized actresses.

She was Marilyn Monroe.

And me?

I'm her great grandniece and the "#1 Marilyn Monroe impersonator" according to various media outlets.

evelyn as marilyn ||| evelyn as herself