Status: A work in progress :D

Southern Constellations

Never Again

"What if I fall? What if make a complete fool of myself? What if-?"

"Katelynn!" I interrupted her nervous babble. "Everything'll be fine. You look beautiful. And you're about to go marry the guy of your dreams. Calm down." I twisted a strand of hair back into place, before touching we shoulder, ordering her to breath.

She nodded, and stood up.

"Ready?" I asked.

She sighed. "Nope." She looked into the mirror one last time. "Let's do this." She added, smiling.

I nodded, as I followed the last bridesmaid through the door. I walked down the isle, recognizing a few people from Warped Tour, a few family members, and a few new faces. I took my place, and smiled at Kellin. I knew he was just as nervous as Katelynn was.

Vic looked flawless standing next to Kellin. Our eyes met, and he winked at me. My heart fluttered, an everyone stood up, staring intently at Katelynn, who was slowly walking down the isle, her bouquet in her hands. She looked absolutely stunning.

The ceremony was a blur. I felt bad for zoning out so many times, but the talking part was just so uninteresting. I often caught myself staring at Vic.

I eagerly listened to the vows, and bit my lip as hard as I could, trying to hold back my tears as they kissed.

I couldn't wait until the reception. I hadn't talked to Vic for four days. I kind of wished that the wedding would have been a day or two after we had gotten the dresses.

We all walked out in an orderly fashion. As we walked past the door in which the bridesmaids, the maid of honor, and the bride had been previously, I grabbed Tinika's wrist, dragging her inside.

"What the fu-?"

"Just help me get this off!" I demanded, moving my hair so she could unzip the dress.

She did as told, and I slipped out of it, wrenching the heels off as well. I made my my to the corner and grabbed my bag, quickly pulling the clothes out and putting them on.

"Cora, are you seriously changing into skinny jeans, an a tee shirt?" She asked, holding back laughter as I hopped around to pull on my skinny jeans.

"That dress makes me feel like I have a stick up my ass." I mumbled, pulling on my Pierce The Veil tee shirt.

She laughed at me, and fixed her makeup quickly.

"I've got clothes for you if you want them. There's no way in hell you're comfortable in those heels." I tossed the bag to her.

She shook her head. "I'm fine. I want pictures with Austin." She smiled, as her cheeks turned a tinge of red.

I laughed and slipped my Toms on, grabbing my bag, and putting it on my back. I folded the dress over my arm, and followed Tinika into the crowd of people.

We both walked over to the table that Kellin and Katelynn sat in the center of. On Kellin's side were a few guys. I recognized Vic, and a few people that Kellin went to school with. On Katelynn's side, were the bridesmaids. I hadn't really talked to any of them. One of them stared at me as Tinika and I walked by. She was obviously disgusted, and she made sure that I wasn't oblivious to this fact.

I sat next to Katelynn, Kellin on her other side. I sat my book bag, and the dress on the floor under the table. Tinika made her way next to me, and sat down. She began conversing with the bridesmaid next to her.

"I'm so so sorry, Katie. I just couldn't wear those heels any longer." I felt the remorse I had expected as she stared at me.

She laughed. "It's fine. Kellin had warned me about that." She grinned, and patted my hand.

I smiled as a response, before noticing the full wine glass in front of me.

"Just so you know, yours is grape juice." Kellin notified me.

I glared at him. "Does this make you feel better?" I asked, taking a small sip.

He nodded. "Very." He stated mater-of-factly.

I rolled my eyes and laughed, throwing a cheese cube at him. "I'd day congratulations, but that's too cheesy." I stuck my tongue out at him.

He laughed. "Good one," he said sarcastically. "There's food you can go and get." He pointed towards a catering table.

I shrugged, and pulled my cell phone out of my pocket. I quickly texted Vic, telling him to meet me outside. I stared at him until he got the message, and nodded once.

I stood up, and silently walked towards the bar. Hoping Kellin didn't see me.

"What would you like, pretty lady?" The bartender asked, leaning on his elbow.

"Erm...I'll have two Jell-O shots." I looked past behind him, staring at the many empty bottles. "Oh! And a wine cooler. Gotta' keep it classy." I added.

He laughed at me. "Got an ID?"

I shook my head. "No, but they're not for me." I lied.

He laughed. "You're a horrible liar. I'll let it pass this time, but only this once." He winked at me. "You're the grooms sister, right?"

I nodded. "That I am. And if this is the only time, why don't you get me a bottle of whiskey, too."

He shook his head. "That's a little intense, don't ya' think?"

I sighed. "Fine." I fished my wallet from my pocket, and payed him for the wine cooler and the shots. I guzzled the shots quickly, before grabbing the wine cooler, and running towards the door. "Thanks!" I called as I stepped into the chilly air.

Vic was already waiting for me by the side of the building. A few people were also outside smoking cigarettes and such.

I made my way over to Vic, and crushed my lips to his, forcefully. He pulled away and stared at me, his hands still around my waist.

"What if someone sees?" He asked, his lips grazing mine.

I shrugged. "Let them see." I smiled, and kissed him again. I missed this too much. The feeling of his skin on mine. His firm grip around my waist. His melodic voice. Everything about him made me weak in the knees.

He pulled away. "Promise me something?" He asked, his voice completely serious.

I nodded. "Anything."

"Never leave for that long again. Ever." He kissed me tenderly.

I pulled away, and nodded. "Never again, promise," I replied, hugging him tightly. I rested my head on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat.

I laced our fingers together, and pulled him back inside. The light was brighter than expected. I was oblivious to this, as I made my way to the bathroom. Once I finally found one, I pulled Vic inside, and pushed him against the door, kissing him roughly.

He smiled in the kiss, and pushed me towards the sink. I quickly jumped on top of it, wrapping my legs around his waist. He pulled my shirt off, and kissed my neck. He left a trail of kisses from my collar bone, to just above my belly button. I grabbed his face, and kissed him again as I began undoing the buttons on his shirt. I pulled it off, and let my hands run over his sculpted body.

"Oh! Sor - Cora?" Kellin stood still, transfixed.

♠ ♠ ♠
AH! :D
Comment, recommend, and subscribe! I should update more tomorrow. I might not have school. :D
And this weekend I'll be going to Detroit, so I'll do a lot of writing on my iPod in the car for you lovely bitches. ;)
Keep reading!

Thanks to the beautiful commentor;
@ amy.lucas.xo

Stay Beautiful xxx