
fight fear for the selfish pain

I breathed in sharply as he leaned forward. One of his hands came up and put a loose curl behind my ear before taking my face into his hand. He was smirking playfully, his eyes focused on mine. I don’t know if it was the alcohol that was surging through my system that made me feel like my body was on fire, or if it was our bodies slowing down as the song changed. One of his hands was wrapped around my waist, the other on my face.

His breath tickled my face when he opened his lips to breathe out before he moved his face to the side of my head where my ear was and whispered loudly. “Would you like to go back to my house and play grown-ups for a while?” He asked huskily. I felt shivers down my spine when his lips touched my ear lobe. I heard him chuckle softly before taking the flap between his teeth and tugged. I gasped out loud as his hand left my face and went to my waist, joining the other one on my hip where he gripped firmly and pulled me closer towards him, out chest together. “Hmm?” He said again just before his lips touched the soft skin behind my ear.

The way he asked me was so odd but yet funny and alluring all in one—god knows what ‘playing grown-ups’ means. I could already feel the hot sensation of need begin to pool around in my lower abdomen, and with amount of alcohol I’ve consumer in the past two hours, I’m pretty sure my frontal lobe was currently paralyzed to making any other decision but the one that left my lips.

I pulled him closer to me, if that was even possible, and pulled away from his damaging lips to whisper in his ear. “Better—take me home and fuck me.”

I heard him clear his throat, but when he pulled back and was smirking. “You have no idea what you got yourself into, sugar.” He said roughly before removing his arms from my waist, using one of his free hands to lace his fingers through mine. His eyes, which I now knew were a mixture of greens and browns, gazed down at me with such intense desire that it sent a shivering need throughout my body.

He grinned and turned so that we were headed off the dance floor, to his table of friends where he grabbed his jacket. The only one that sat there was a man with bright green eyes and arms that were twice the size of my own. He was wearing a black Jack Daniels shirt that was ripped and showed off more of his tattooed arms. It seems all the men, besides one of them, had arms full of ink. I never found that sexy, but at Matt it was a turn on.

He didn’t even question us as we left him staring at his empty glass. When we were out of ear shot, I looked up him and asked him if his friend was alright. He frowned and looked back quickly. “He’s going through a tough time,” He said quickly and glanced back at me. “And once we get home, you’re going to wish you were somewhere else.”

I laughed when we reached the bar. Tina caught my eye and she grinned wickedly, her brown gaze telling me to have all the fun in the world and an ‘I told you so!’ I wanted to turn around and tell her to shove it, but Matt was pulled me away towards the front door. He turned to me and grinned. “Hope you don’t mine Taxi’s.” He said with a wink.

I shrugged—whatever got us to his house faster, I wanted to say but I kept my mouth shut by biting my bottom lip and tightened my grasp on his hand.

Somewhere, deep down, there was a voice telling me to stop this and just take a taxi home alone, but there was another voice—the louder one of the two—that told me to follow this man wherever he went. I got the impression, though, that this was not the road I should take.

But, God, I wanted it and fuck me I needed it.


I woke up with soreness all around my body, my legs like jello and my body like mush. I had a headache and I felt a little hazy, my mind unclear and groggy. I didn’t want to open my eyes yet or even dare to move, but there was a heavenly scent drafting through the room. I buried my face in my pillow and expected the heavenly scent of my fresh clean linens when instead my nose we met with a much, manlier heavenly scent.

I pulled away with a gasp and flung my eyes open. I just realize I was stark naked, the sheets under my body softer and silkier than the ones on my bed—not to mention they were red, whereas mine were a nice beautiful shade of blue. Not to mention the fact that the headboard was leather and the walls a blue-grey. I looked to my right and saw windows, but the shades were down so that the sun was streaming through the cracks. On the bedside table I noticed a lamp and some pictures of random shit.

On the left I saw a telephone jack, a cell phone (mine) and another lamp.

I gasped and rolled across the bed to grab my phone and noticed I had three miss calls and ten text messages—all from Micki. I opened up her conversation and rolled my eyes at it. She knew I was most likely still asleep, but she desperately wanted details on the sex.

Which, according to my lower region, was really good.

I sent her a quick text, and as soon as she got it my phone was buzzing in my hand. I grabbed the sheet and wrapped it around my body, ran to the bedroom down and closed it quietly and quickly before answering it. “First off, Mick, thanks.” Because I knew she was going to make me say it. I heard her laugh on the other end.

“The sex was that good, huh?” She asked. I rolled my eyes again.

“Honestly,” I said as I pulled the sheets tighter around me. I searched the floor for my clothes and noticed my bra hanging off the little chest before his bed. I grabbed it and put it on the bed and went in search for my panties, which I found in the sheets, along with my jeans. “I can’t even begin to describe it.”

“I don’t need all those details,” She said into the phone. I fell to my knees and looked under the bed. I saw my shirt and pulled it out. Dropping the sheets to the floor, I grabbed my panties and was about to pull them on, but there was a knock on the door.

Interrupting Micki mid-sentence, I ended the call and threw it on the bed before reaching for my bra.

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

“Uhm,” I said hesitantly, “Just a second,” There was a chuckle from the door way and I noticed a grey robe hanging on it. I ran to the door, grabbed it, pulled it on and tied it before opening the door. When I did, I was surprised to see him carrying a tray of food and orange juice. Immediately my stomach growled and my cheeks went warm. “Hi,” I said as his eyes traveled my body. One of his eyebrows raised and I felt my cheeks get warmer. Idiot, I thought to myself—should have just stayed naked.

“Hi,” He said back with a smirk. “I was hoping you were still in bed.”

I shrugged and stepped aside. “I can always step back in,” I answered with a smile. He laughed and walked over to the bed. I took in his sight—he was only in a pair of pajama pants and underwear—you could see the tops of them as the pajamas hung dangerously low on his waist. I bit my lip as he motioned with his head to his bed.

“Crawl back in then,” He said with a nod of his head. He was grinning mischievously, his dimples on full blast. God, I couldn’t deny those dimples.

So I walked back over to the bed and crawled back in. I set the pillows up so that they were resting against the headboard. “It’s cheesy, I know,” He began with a laugh as he settled the tray in my lap. I saw he had buttered my toast, made sunny-side egged, some potatoes and bacon with a glass of orange juice. “And I’m hoping you like this food.” He chuckled nervously at the end of the sentence.

I rolled my eyes, grabbed a piece of bacon and bit into it. “It’s delicious.” I said with a wink. “Thank you.”

He crawled into bed beside me and once he was settled, he stole a piece.

“Fuck no, fattie!” I defended, “I thought you made this for me?” He pouted.

“Just wanted a taste.” He said with a frown. I sighed and fought the urge to lean over and kiss the pout away.

“You had enough of it last night,” I said with a wiggle of my brows. His pout soon turned into a smirk and I found myself falling for his dimples all over again.
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Ohhhh. I skipped out on the sexy details. I feel weird when I write those scenes! lol. If there's any volunteers to help me out, let me know and maybe there will be on in the future :O?

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