I Need You, To Tell Me The Truth

No One Deserves To Endure This Pain.

It was a cold depressing day, the clouds were gloomy and it had that feeling of rain. Adriana didn't care she just sat on her swing in the backyard looking at the fence. What else was she supposed to do, she was 9 years old and she lost her brother to a drive by. He was her hero, and now who would protect her. She sat there rocking back and forth. She heard the chatter in the house, some a bit of a laugh. Who could laugh at a funeral reception? She didn't care to know who it was.

She lifted her head slightly as she heard the back door open. It was her brother's friend, and occasionally her babysitter Gerard Way. She liked him cause of his ability to make her smile by drawing things for her or singing little songs that he had made up. But nothing could make her smile now. He walked over to her and sat in the swing next to her. She didn't say anything, but just stared at the ground.

"Hey sugar, how are you doing?" he questioned her. She didn't answer. "Adriana?" he questioned again getting off the swing and kneeling down in front of her. She felt the tears stinging her eyes again, she turned her head away. "Adriana, look at me," he replied to her softly. But, she still had her head turned away, he cupped her face in his hands forcing her to look at him "Your brother loved you, he never liked seeing you cry. And I'm sure even now he wouldn't want you to cry for his death. Do you hear me?" again she didn't say anything, she never made eye contact with him. He let go, leaning forward and kissing her on her forehead. He stood up looking at her, he sighed walking away.

"Don't leave me!" she cried getting up from the swing and running over to him. He turned around catching her in his arms holding her tightly as she squeezed him "Don't leave me please, don't leave me like he did, I don't want to be alone! I don't want to be alone!" replied to him sobbing and holding on.

"Adriana I promise I'll never leave you, I'll be here for you always I promise sugar, I promise," he replied back holding her as they both sobbed.
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This would kind of be my first story told in 3rd person POV. So sorry if it sounds kind of weird.